You Again.

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"Well what Damon?" God damn it! Why does Damon always know something about my life that I don't? Nothing is ever a surprise for him! 

"Well you remember I told you about your parents right? And how you were the first vampires offspring, but I also mentioned to you about the extra powers you would have. You know the life and death stuff?" 

"Yeah I remember and if I saved you I would only be left with death." 

"Yeah but it doesn't technically mean you would die." 

"What do you mean, if your left with only death the only option is to die isn't it?" He shifted uncomfortably and Stefan started retreating with Elena. The only reason he ever did this was if I was going to have an outburst, which didn't happen often but I would let off signs if one was coming and it obviously was coming now. Klaus had a huge smirk on his face and was watching with pure glee at my familys turmoil. "Damon?"  

"Well taking away the power off life would leave you with just death but not the kind of death you're thinking of, sort of like a living dead. Kind of like how you are now?" He shifted uneasily again. I was beyond angry. 

"So you mean to tell me I could have saved you ages ago and nothing would have happened? I watched you die and all along I could have saved you with no side affects? How dare you?" In two seconds I had him pinned against the wall. "How dare you Damon?" I heard a low chuckle coming from Klaus."What?" I snarled viciously. 

"Still playing the hero Damon?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean he would rather have you be angry at him then tell you the full story." 

"What else is there to know?"  

"Well, what he says is true you would be left in a living dead state but not like you are now." 

"Leave it Klaus." Damon snarled from under me. 

"No! Tell me!" 

"You would be eternally bound to me." He smiled at me. 


"Like you would do anything I said, kill anyone I want you too that sort of stuff." I turned to Damon. 

"So you would rather die than see me bound to Klaus?" 

"Of course Lani." I let him go and hugged him. 

"That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard and if you do it again I will kill you myself." He laughed at me and I smiled. I let him go and turned back to face Klaus. 

"So what exactly did you hope to gain from this?" 

"Well I hoped that you would of got a little more angry at him, but I guess his charm really does work in mysterious ways." 

"Well it does help if you love him." Klaus pretended to throw up. "Very funny now can we return to the prom or are you gonna hold us captive out here?" 

"Of course you can go." He moved from the doorway and was gone within a blink of the eye. I looped my arm through Damons.  

"Ready to go back inside?" 

"Well I dont know about you but I could use a drink. Something a little stronger than punch."  

"Wanna go to the Grill?" Elena asked, speaking for the first time in a long time. 

"Yeah sure!" I said. "As long as we can take the horse and carriage."  

"Why not. I booked it for the whole night." So it was settled we were all going to the Grill. We had to walk through the dance to get outside and as soon as I opened the door the smell of blood hit me powerfully. All you could see was red, it was covering the walls, yet noone was screaming and we had never heard any of it from outside. What was going on? Thats when I saw him. Klaus! What had he done? 

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