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He was sitting there his head in his hands, which were covered in blood. He didn't seem to hear me because he was mumbling something. I tried using my mental voice. "Damon?" This worked. His icy blue eyes shot straight up at me. He looked so worried and there were bloody hand prints on his face from where he had been leaning.  

"Oh my god Lani!" He rushed over to me and I could see he was covered in blood.  

"Are you ok?" I said sitting up. It wasn't usual for Damon to be covered in blood.  

"I'm fine Lan. It's your blood." He gestured to my stomach and arm, so I looked down and sure enough I was too covered in blood. "What happened Lan?" He almost pleaded of me. I got up and walked towards the bathroom. We were back in the boarding house which for some reason I thought was strange.  

"Uuumm well I remember playing in the water with you and telling you that I was hungry and tir... AAAAHHHHHHH!" Damon was next to me in a flash. I could see it all replaying in my head, everything the staking, the scratching, all of it. "Make it stop! Please make it stop Damon!" I was clutching him so tightly that for a human it would have been uncomfortable. The images finished and I collapsed into him. Thankfully I didn't faint, I don't think I could have survived seeing that man again. I loosened my grip and looked up into his face.  

"Lani I..." he saw the whole thing. I must have projected it all to him as I sawe it. "Lani I swear to god I'll kill him!" He said it so coldly that I believed he would.  

"Can I sleep?" My mental voice asked drowsily. Damon swung me up into his arms.  

"Of course Lan. I'll protect you!" He replied in my head as he layed me down on the bed. I grabbed him so he fell down beside me.  

"Damon?" I said out loud, too tired to use my mind.  


"I love you."  

"I love you too Lan."  

"Mmmkay." And soon after I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and happy. I didn't remember dreaming which was a good thing. I smiled and looked over to see what the time was, shit it was already 8:00am. I listened to down stairs and could hear Stefan getting ready to go. "Damon?" I nudged him, but from the looks he was already awake. He opened one eye and smiled  

"You sound better Lan!"  

"Thank-you, but I need to get dressed so it's time for you to leave." I said getting off the bed.  

"Aaaww, can't I just stay here? It's fun watching you get dressed."  

"No, now get out!"  

"Make me!" I spun around and showed him my fangs. I growled and ran at him. I landed on top of him and bit down in to his neck I had just started to draw some blood when suddenly I was pulled off and rolled onto the bed. He was now leaning over me. "My turn!" I heard in my head. He bit down just below my collar bone and started to suck. I had always loved having my blood drawn but there was something new about today, something better. A feeling between me and him that never used to be there, or maybe it was and we just didn't realize until now.  

"It's love!" He spoke to my mind. Hmm love that's weird. I mean I had always loved Damon but I had never felt this before I decided to ask him. So I replied mentally  

"Why love?" But as expected I didn't get an answer. After a while I started to feel drowsy, so he stopped. "Don't I get some?" We rolled so I was back on top. I showed my fangs and growled.  

"Lan you don't scare me!" He said it as a joke but it hurt. I sat back and looked at him. I mean I'm a vampire if I'm not scary then what am I? "I didn't mean you aren't scary, I just mean you don't scare me." He was trying to make me feel better but it didn't work. I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I started brushing my hair through when I heard him get up. Before I could move he was behind me. He wound his arms around my stomach. "I'm sorry Lan." He said, kissing my neck. 

"Its ok!" I shrugged.  

"Look why don't you skip school and we can go feed? You can scare whoever you want then." That did sound appealing, I hadn't feed since I fed off him and I could start to feel the hunger ripping at my stomach.  

"Ok. Just let me get dressed." He lent down and kissed my neck once more and then he was gone.  

"Oh and Lan where something nice, I'm going to take you clubbing after we've fed." Clubbing aye? We hadn't been clubbing for nearly a year. What with all the trouble in Mystic Falls, and especially seen as both Damon and Stefan had been running around after Elena like lost puppies. Elena, I couldn't think of a bad thing about her. We had become so close lately that I was happy to say she was like a sister to me. Stefan had been so scared to show me to her in the beginning, what with us both living in the same house and me being like totally unknown to the whole of Mystic Falls, she might get the wrong idea, but it had never been that way between me and Stefan. I had always considered him as an older brother and nothing more. Whereas with Damon, well Damon was something entirely different.  

I decided I would wear a white dress with black fishnet tights and white ballet slippers. I went into the bathroom to mess around with my hair and chose to quickly curl it. There was no use in using make-up so I went down stairs to find Damon. He was standing in the kitchen with a bourbon in his hand. "You look beautiful Lani." He said smiling I gave his outfit a quick look over. It was the usual black pants, black top, leather jacket and black boots, all to match his black hair and icy blue eyes.  

"And you look dangerous." He laughed.  

"So where to?" He asked. I hadn't really thought of this.  

"Uuumm Miami maybe?"  

"Sure, but I don't want to take the car." What did he mean not take there car? It would take us like 3 or 4 hours to run to Miamim whereas in a car it would take just under 2. "I want you to transport us there." He said looking down at me.  

"Uuumm well I guess I can try!" I was very uncertain but he believed in me and that's all that mattered. We walked to the curb and I grabbed his hand. I thought really hard of Miami and ran in a straight line. After a few second he tugged at my hand.  

"Open your eyes Lan." So I did, and sure enough we were standing in front of a night club in Miami. Too bad it was only like 10:00 in the morning.  

"What are we going to do to kill a few hours?" I asked as I pulled him along and we started walking. People were staring at us becuase we were just standing there, staring at a night club.  

"Well I have a house here if ya wanna go there?" He replied, and added mentally. "And you can have your turn."  

"Yeah sure let's go there." I said casually. I was really dying to get some blood an he had just offered it.

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