Dresses of Disaster.

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"Have you got it on yet Elena?" I had been standing out the front of her change room for five minutes now. 

"Uuum, well yeah." 

"Then give me a look." She opened the change room door and stepped out. "Wow!" was all I could say. She had an elegant white dress on. It had a corset top and the bottom was filled out with layers and layers of fabric. "You look fantastic!"  

"You really think so?"  

"Hell yeah Elena!" She smiled and turned to face the mirror. The back of the dress was even prettier. Somehow they had made what looked like a corset at the front become backless at the back, it was amazing. 

"I suppose I do look kinda nice." She said doing little twirling motions in the mirror."And you think Stefan will like it?" She asked. 

"Yes Elena, he loves these kinds of dresses." A young lady came over to us. 

"Would you like any help madam?" She asked me. 

"Yes, I would like to buy this dress please?" She turned to look a Elena. 

"Well Madam you look fabulous." She said with a smile. Elena blushed a little.

Five minutes later we walked out of the shop. Elena was carrying her dress in a huge white bag draped over her arm. "So what are you going to wear Lani?" She asked.We started walking down one of the many side streets.  

"I dont really know." I said. "But there is this shop down here somewhere that sells these beautiful black dresses." 

"I think black is beautiful on you Lani." Elena burst out. I smiled. 

"And white looks absolutely amazing on you Elena." I found the shop I was looking for, Beauty In Black, well thats what it translated to in English, in French it was very hard to pronounce. "Come on Elena, now you have to help me pick a dress." I pulled her into the shop. There were black dresses everywhere, and they were all gourgeous. I heard Elena mutter "wow" under her breath. "So where do we start?" I asked her. 

"Well how about we both go through the aisles and pick two dresses each and at the end you can try them all on. Hows that?"  

"That sounds perfect. I'll take these two aisles and you take them two." I headed off down my first aisle when I saw it. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It was a deep black, almost as if it were a moonless sky and it was like Elenas. It had a corset top and a wide bottom. "Elena?" I called out to her. 

"What is it Lani?"  

"Come here for a second?"  

"What is it?" She asked coming up behind me. All I could do was point. She gasped. "Oh Lani it's beautiful. And it would suit you so well." 

"Do you think?" I asked. 

"Well there's only one way to find out, and that's trying it on." She said grabbing the dress and pulling me towards the change rooms.

"Come on Lani we haven't got all day!" Elena was getting impatient. In truth I had, had the dress on for a few minutes but I couldnt get over what it looked like on me. I actually looked quite beautiful in it. "Lani if you dont get that dress on I'm coming in there and forcing you into it." I openned the door and stepped out. Her mouth dropped open. 

"So, what do you think?"  

"Lani, you... look..." She was scrambling for words. I started laughing. 

"It doesnt look that nice." I said still laughing. 

"Oh yes it does!" She pushed me around to look in the mirror. "There is no doubt we are getting this dress for you." She pushed me into the changeroom. "Now hurry up and take it off so we can go home. Im tired." She did seem a bit tired.  

"Ok Elena."

We walked into the boarding house door to find Stefan and Damon at each others throats. I calmly handed Elena my dress and got in between them. Elena looked horrified, but I had seen this way to many times for it to phase me. "So is someone going to tell me what this is about?" I had them pushed apart, one hand on each of there chests. 

"Let him." Stefan snarled. I pushed Stefan back and he didn't come forward again. 

"Damon?" I turned to look up at him. He turned his face away. "Damon?" I shook him a little. Still no answer. I threw him over the couch. "Damon, what did you do?" I was starting to get angry he always told me what had happened. He got up and was back in front of me in a flash. He stroked the side of my face. "Oh Lani." He murmered. He was drunk. This was not looking good. I grabbed his hand.  

"You have to tell me what happened Damon." I looked at him with pleading eyes.  

"I..." He pulled his hand out of mine and walked over to the alcohol cabinet. He started to pour himself another drink. I was over there in a flash and I grabbed the bottle out of his hand. 

"You what Damon?" he looked at me and almost fell on me. His head resting on my shoulder he was pullling me so close it hurt. 

"I was bitten." He whispered into my shoulder. Elena wouldnt of been able to hear him.  

"By what?" I repeated just as quietly. 

"A werewolf..."  

"A what...?" I pushed him away and grabbed his hand and in a flash we were up in his room. "Where?" I asked. It was barely a whisper, I dont think I could control my voice any louder. He pulled his top off to reveal a bite on top half of his arm. I walked over to him. "How?" I could feel the tears start to sting in my eyes and before I knew it they were over flowing. He reached up and wiped them away. "After you left yesterday, I was bored so I drove out into the forest hoping to come across some campers. I drove for a long time and soon it was dark. I hadn't realised it was suppose to be a full moon. I saw a campfire and thought it would be a perfect place to grab a feed and go. But they weren't really campers, it was a pack of werewolves. I could smell them as soon as I got out the car but unfortunately so could they. One of the older ones had already turned and started to chase me. I ran from him but soon there were three or four who had turned. One of them bit me and I ran back here as fast as I could." He pulled me close again. "Oh Lani I'm so sorry." He was sorry, thats all he could think to say. No "we'll find a way through this" or "there has to be a cure" just I'm sorry. Well that was it. I collapsed into his arms sobbing that loudly that Elena could pobably hear me and all the time Damon just kept saying "I'm sorry Lani!" I pushed away from him. Hearing I'm sorry just wasnt gonna cut it.I wiped the tears out of my eyes. 

"We will find a way to cure this!" I said. 

"Lani, you know there is no cure for a werewolf bite."  

"I dont care what I know, there has to be a way through this!" I was getting angry. I had to believe there was something I could do or I was going to have a mental breakdown and I couldn't face that. I stared straight into his eyes. They were filled with regret and sorrow. "Haven't I lost enough?" I asked him.  

"Lani I." I cut him off there. 

"If you say I'm sorry one more time I'm going to have a fit!"  

"I was going to say I love you..." 

"Oh, well I love you too Damon." He pulled me close, this time so it was just a hug. 

"Stay with me tonight Lani?" He was getting tired. The werewolf bite really took alot out of him, not to mention he had only just been fighting with Stefan.  

"Of course." I pulled him over to the bed not bothering to go and change my clothes, he needed me now and that was all that mattered. I projected images to him, of things like running in the field we lived in during the 1890's, or when we had tricked Stefan into thinking we were dead with the fake stakes, or when we had gone to Miami playing outside in the pool. I finished with a projection of me and Damon walking down the street it was the early 1900's and I had my armed looped through his, he had been joking about god knows what but we were both laughing and he had a smile on his face that I hadn't seen in a while. I didn't sleep that night, instead I lay there and listened to Damon's breathing. It was slow and peaceful despite his bite. I couldn't get my brain to shut down. I kept picturing Damon dead. I silently prayed that I wouldn't fall asleep, knowing that nightmares were certain to be waiting for me. There has to be a way to save him, I thought furiously. He will not die! But as hard as I tried I couldn't think of any way to help him.

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