Chapter 3 ~First show~

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~First show~

I was the last to go inside the tour bus as I was struggling with mine and Louis’s bags. Why did I even bother taking his bag? Why do I have to be the nice one? Oh yeah, because I was a dick before, so this is revenge. I dropped the bags and let out a loud sigh as the four boys positioned themselves on the couches in the bus. The tour bus looked very comfortable. There was a huge bed in the middle, and those big couches that are inviting me to just lie down on, and I did so.

“This is amazing” Zayn said as he laid his hand over the black leather, “I’m excited to start our adventurous tour again” he grinned. We were all excited, but we’re going to miss peace as well halfway in the middle. As much as we enjoy singing on stage, it’s still work, no one likes work. Niall grabbed a bag of chips from the cupboard and sat beside me annoyingly munching loudly. I sighed and closed my eyes, I’m so tired. It’s so early, and I didn’t even get enough sleep to start this. Zayn and Liam disappeared to another room in the tour bus and I heard the sound of equipment, I guessed they will probably start playing play station. That’s what we usually do anyway. Fans think we bring girls into the tour bus when we’re free and start having sex, when in real life we’re not very interesting people. We just like chilling; a good old beer, play station or a movie is all we need.

“Heellooo” I heard the familiar female voice as the door opened. My eyes widened at the voice, what’s she doing here? She came inside the couch area and set herself at the end of the big couch, “Damn you guys have a better bus than us” she pouted, “not fair” she looked at Niall munching on the chips, “Is there more?” she got up and walked to the cupboard and grabbed a similar bag of chips to Niall’s and went back to her seat, “I’m starving”

“Don’t you have food in your bus?” I asked, I didn’t mean for it to sound rude but I assume it did. She looked at me smiling with a glint of sparkle in her green eyes, her blonde hair covered in blue stripes messily around covering her forehead; she was as usual dressed in something silly looking. Today was baby blue and black matching day to her, her baby blue and black striped tank top was tucked in black knee shorts with baby blue boots with as usual, her baby blue and striped knee socks. I guess stripes are her signature, just like how Louis used to be.

“Do you mind me eating from your bus Harry boy?” she asked amusement in her eyes as she munched as loudly as Niall. These two are going to give me a headache, and I was not in the mood. I didn’t reply and just closed my eyes as I tried ignoring the loud munching.

“Niall, I have the perfect shirt for you to wear by the way, the ladies won’t even know what hit ‘em” I heard Molly start a chat with Niall. Great, start talking while I try to sleep.

“Oh yeah?” the Irish blonde said, “I’m excited for this tour. Thanks to you, girls are going to be surprised” well yeah, we all changed our fashion just for this tour. I guess 2013 is as different from 2012 and 2011. But the worst fashion year was 2010, what in the world were we thinking dressing up like that?

“When are you taking off your braces by the way?” Molly asked. None of your business, and get out the tour bus please, I mentally commented to myself. Not that I didn’t like Molly, she was in fact nice, but that’s the point. Her being nice and fit is annoying me. She is so different from Lora; yet I miss her even more when Molly is around. I don’t even know what resemblance they have, but I feel that if Molly is around, I’m being unfaithful for some reason. I want her to be away from me.

“April” I could feel the grin spreading on Niall’s face, “Finally, perfect set of teeth. Harry here got the perfect teeth without any damn braces” I rolled my eyes as I kept them closed, they’re not that perfect. They’re normal teeth, and I did have braces when I was younger, but they didn’t need to know that.

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