Chapter 10 ~Midnight chat~

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~Midnight chat~

I turned to my bed-stand and stared at the time, 2:00 am, late. I couldn’t bring myself to sleep, yet I’m feeling exhausted. Thoughts keep roaming my mind. I can’t stop it. From Lora to Molly, from Molly to Lora. The new alien thought of Molly scattered in scrambled files with multiple unanswered questions in my mind.

It was more merciful only thinking about Lora. Now that Molly is added to the equation, it seemed utterly impossible to bother thinking straight. Maybe milk would help with my new insomniac habit. I haven’t had insomnia in two months and for it to come back worries me. I’m on rest, I should be attempting to rest, not stay awake even more.

I forced myself out of bed and out of my room. Walking the dark hallway I passed Molly and my mother’s room. As I walked down the stairs, newly made sounds could be heard. I sneaked into the living room to only find the TV switched on. A small body was covered in a blanket in a ball watching TV.

Slowly walking over to the couch I peeked my head at the mysterious person. Startled Molly jumped and clutched her chest frightened.

“Jesus Harry” she sat straight and closed her eyes lowering the volume of the TV, “What do you think you’re doing frightening me like that?” she moved the hair falling on her forehead to the side and behind her ears.

“Couldn’t sleep, what got you up late?” I questioned still standing behind the couch.

“Same” she said and turned back to the movie not paying attention to me anymore.

“Would you like milk?” I offered before walking to the kitchen for my midnight snack.

“Yes please, thank you” she said still not removing her gaze from the TV. I left the room and walked to the dark kitchen. Switching on the light I looked around the kitchen. It wasn’t very big, but it wasn’t small either. It was perfect for a family with four members, nothing fancy needed.

I opened the fridge and took out the cold milk, and grabbed two glasses from beside the sink. Pouring the milk fully into both glasses I searched the cupboard for my favorite half coconut half chocolate cookies. I hope Molly likes them.

I placed the cookies and both glasses on a plate and walked back to the living room. Positioning the plate on the coffee table in front of us I sat beside Molly.

“Hope you like the cookies” I took a sip from the cold milk savoring the taste.

“Are you kidding? I love them” she took a bite off the cookie and drank milk while chewing and swallowed it down. The same habit she used back at Starbucks.

I looked at the TV; she was watching Iron Man, a movie I didn’t think girls would actually admire. Instead Molly was different from other girls; she seemed to forget I was sitting beside her while she devoured her snack and intently watched the action movie.

Eventually I was caught up with the movie too. Not noticing, we were already done with our snack by the time the credits were rolling. Molly rubbed her hands together and smiled in satisfaction, “Well that was fun” I nodded in reply. I did enjoy the movie and in a way I was glad Molly gave me my space but shockingly I was also disappointed.

Here goes my brain again trailing thoughts about Molly. Do I want to get close to her, or keep her further away from me? Can I even trust her? But what about Lora? I can’t just move on from her suddenly.

“Mum’s wedding is in a month” I blurted out not able to stop myself just in time. I just ignored all the questions going on and said that unconsciously. Why? “Mum wants me to bring someone” I carried on, “Um, would you like to come?” I stuttered.

What are you doing Harry?

I pushed the questions even further at the back of my mind. I looked at Molly now waiting for her to reply. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and stayed silent. I started doubting myself for blurting out such an undecided subject. Why would she want to go with me? She already has a boyfriend and I am not looking for anything. I was just considering mum’s proposal about bringing someone, that’s all.

“W-What? Me?” she finally spoke.

“I-I understand if you-“ I stood up to take our glasses to the kitchen embarrassed.

“No, I would like to go” she caught my forearm and stopped me from walking away. I looked at her hand then at her face. She was smiling sincerely, the smile I stopped having for a whole year, since Lora was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

“Thanks” I said and pulled away my arms gently from her grasp. I took the plate with the glasses and walked to the kitchen. I placed my plate on the table and stood shocked at my actions in the kitchen. I tugged on my hair and chuckled, “Stupid” I said to myself, “What are you trying to do?”


It's not a long chapter, but I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks for reading, please vote and comment :)  

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