Chapter 14 ~The Wedding~

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~The wedding~

June 1st, the beginning of the beautiful summer month. The birds chirped happily, the sun shone around Cheshire lighting the place with gladness of summer, and the kids roamed around running behind ice cream shops for their treat.

I on the other hand, was stressed as hell.

My morning had to begin with me tripping out of bed, falling straight on the wooden floor and gaining an amazing red blotch on my forehead. Then the toothpaste decides to fall on my plain black shirt making an ugly mess – in which I did not bother to change.

Next comes: The stress.

Oh yes, it was the great special day, my mother’s wedding. And just like the bride, I had to be awake early since I was the best man. But was I in a good mood like my mother? Of course not, I was more stressed than she was.

I wanted this wedding to be perfect. From the types of lilies she ordered, to the damn type of wine. A single mistake and I will rip my hair off.

Receiving a kiss on my forehead, my mother ran into the car with Gemma and Molly as they left to start getting ready for the big wedding. I was left with Robin awaiting Cal’s arrival so we can head to get ready as well.

Five minutes into my untouched breakfast, Cal honked the car, and eventually the three of us were on our way into the hotel that was close by to the pub where the wedding will be taking place.

Both men were close to getting ready by the time I was tying my tie. Observing myself in the mirror, I decided that I did not look bad. I slipped on my black boots and gave myself a reassuring smile and fixed my curls into an upward shift, I was finally was ready.

I had to be there at the pub to make sure everything was set, so I left Cal and Robin on getting ready by themselves for the time being. The hotel wasn’t far apart from the pub; it was a two minute walk, which I gladly took. Thanking god the sun wasn’t scorching and resulting in me already sweating.

Arriving at the pub, I noticed the females and males dressed in their uniform rushing around trying to get everything perfect as I hoped. It was two in the evening and the guests will be arriving in the next two hours.

I hope everything will be ready by that time.


Guests were clustered everywhere in the pub. It was a small family event, yet the Styles family had loads of cousins and friends.

Sweat dripped off my forehead as I kept whipping it with my napkin with nervousness. I ran around everywhere, trying to keep the guests in their places, and hoping everyone was having a good time until my mother and Robin arrived.

This had to be perfect, I yearned for perfection.

Robin and Cal made their way towards me finally. Robin had a huge grin on his face, and I was damn glad he’s the man marrying my precious mother. Squeezing his shoulder with reassurance I gave the man a meaningful smile, “You ready?” I asked.

“Hell yeah” he simply said causing me and Cal to chuckle.

I walked away from both me and walked up the stairs where there was a room especially ready for my mother, and the girls to get ready. Knocking on the white door, I was greeted by Gemma dressed in a beautiful peach dress that reached her knees with a flower strapped on the shoulder area.

“Hey” I said walking in, “Is mum ready?” turning around I noticed my mother walking out the bathroom. I held my breath and smiled happily at the beautiful woman in front of me, “Mum you look so beautiful” I walked towards her and gave her a warm kiss on the cheek.

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