Chapter 13 ~Smooth~

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“Where the fuck were you?” Liam questioned as soon as I stepped a foot inside the empty arena, “You were supposed to be here an hour and a half ago” he furrowed his eyebrows like he usually did when he was really, really angry.

“I know I’m sorry, I overslept, then the hotel was mobbed with fans, and there was traffic and-“

“Save it” Liam interrupted me by raising his hand to my face to shut me up. I rolled my eyes in response and followed him to the stage where I received the same questions, and lectures from the boys.

Eventually after ten minutes of, ‘Where were you?’s and, ‘We’re so late’s  and, ‘Paul is going to murder you’s  I was given a break from them.

Why were they making it such a big deal? They know I’m never late, quite frankly I’m punctual – Niall is the one who’s always late. But I don’t blame them; they had to distract fans for the time being I wasn’t there. And they had to do it in FRENCH. Yes, they’re pissed.


“I think she’s ignoring me” I whispered to Louis. We were in Germany now, and we’re taking the bus to our next concert in Denmark, “We had such a good time back home, and since we came here, not a single word” I continued my rant about Molly.

We’ve been through half Europe – okay I might have exaggerated – but she has literally not said a word to me since we came back. And it’s quite irritating me. I thought we put our differences aside and we were going to be friends now. Apparently not on her side of the story.

We were bored in the middle of the night, so we stopped at the gas station and asked the rest of the band to come on our bus since we were all jet lagged and weren’t going to get any sleep any time soon. Josh has come, but has brought Molly with him.

I swear I could sense the awkward tension between us; it was so sharp I could use it as a knife to cut vegetables with it.

“Well, talk to her about it?” Was Louis’s smart reply, of course I wasn’t just going to bring it up. Plus, she should be the one to speak to me, why should I?

“Why me?” I scoffed and crossed my arms on my chest and rolled back on the bed, “Why won’t she speak to me?”

“What did you do Harry?” Louis asked me as he kept on texting on his phone half paying attention to me – which was quite annoying.

“I didn’t do anything” I said insulted. Why would he think I would have done something wrong to jeopardize our friendship?

I peeked into the living room where everyone was laughing away their spare time and saw Molly cuddled into Josh’s arms, the crinkles by her eyes visible and her nose scrunched upwards as I could hear her loud laugh from here. The same laughs we shared when we were in Cheshire, the laugh she won’t bother to share with me anymore.

“You think she thinks it’s awkward if we become friends while she’s in a relationship with Josh?” I asked biting on my lips still focusing and studying her from afar – that’s really creepy.

“She’s friends with the rest of us” Louis commented absentmindedly still tapping away on his phone lying on the bed. I hope the phone falls on his face right now.

“OW” Louis shrieked – the phone did fall on him. I laughed out loudly holding my stomach, damn I’m psychic.

“I kind of invited her to the wedding mate; do you think she’ll still come? What if she makes a fool out of me and not show up?” I asked nervously now, sitting straight in my bed crossing my legs together moving my gaze towards Louis trying to get some logical answers from him.

“You asked her to the wedding as your date?” Louis asked gaping at me shocked.

“Friends” I corrected him rolling my eyes. Of course he would think I would ask her as a date, people always think that. Now why would I move on from LORA? Why won’t people get it already, I’m not going to replace Lora, “Mum thought it was a good idea”

“Aha” Louis said, but I could sense he did not believe a single word I said. Which I ignored, most of what Louis said I always ignored, it was tough having a serious conversation with him.

“I repeat, talk to her” Louis said once again. His phone interrupted our conversation as it started ringing, “Stop being a wuss, talk to her, now shoo, Eleanor is calling… Hey babe” Louis replied his phone now breaking our conversation.

Talk to her? What am I supposed to say? ‘Oh hey, we used to be friends, and I asked you to the wedding, are we gonna be friends and coming or not?’ how awkward does that sound? I’m such an awkward punk and I over think things damn.


Running from stage adrenaline rushing all over the place and sweat dripping from my forehead with my shirt sticking to my body, I fell on the couch backstage and closed my eyes relaxing. That was our last show of the European leg in Lisbon, and it was one hell of an exciting show.

After every show, I feel this happiness strain upon me. Most of the time, I’m upset and feel closed up because of how Lora roams my mind all the time. But when I’m on stage I seem to forget it all. As if a huge weight lifts itself off my shoulders while I’m performing, happiness overfills me.

But then, I leave stage, and after an hour or even less, I’m back to thinking about how Lora would have enjoyed touring with us and how I missed her so fucking much – and that leads then to glancing at Molly from time to time wondering what would I have done to have made her want to avoid me all this time?

Opening my eyes I peeked slowly once again at Molly, she was hugging the boys and chatting with them telling them what a great show that was – as usual. The boys; not me.

I huffed slowly and silently had a tug of war inside my brain, and guess who won? The stupid side; I’m going to approach Molly right now and see what the hell is going on?

After ten minutes of her talking to the boys, Molly slipped away from the crowd and went to the table that was filled with mouth watering snacks. I lazily got off the couch and strolled over to her.

“Hey” I said standing behind her as she slipped a grape into her mouth. She was so short compared to me; I towered over her – which I thought was kind of cute.

“Hey” she slowly said turning around munching on the grape now facing me.

“How are you?” I said awkwardly. I was used to now speaking to her so openly, and suddenly, all this good time was slipped away from us why?

“I’m well, you?” she shifted on her feet. I noticed how close we were that I could smell her perfume. I suddenly felt conscious of the distance we shared and stumbled backwards nearly falling on my feet – as usual.

“I’m well too” I said. An awkward silence shifted its way through as we both tried to avoid looking into each other, “Um” I stuttered, “Mum’s wedding is in a few days, you coming?” I went straight to the point.

“Depends, am I still invited?” she asked a smirk playing on her face.

“Yes of course” I replied offhandedly.

“Then yes I’m still coming” she smiled at me her dimples becoming clearly visible on her small round face.


“Molly” Josh interrupted jogging over to us and standing beside us, “We’re going out for dinner, you coming?” he asked his girlfriend.

“Yeah sure” she jumped at the opportunity taking Josh’s hand smiling at me as they both walked away from me leaving me staring at the damn grapes on the snack table.

Oh well, that went smooth. 


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