Chapter 17 ~High for this~

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~High for this~

“Lads” I yelled as soon as I entered our tour bus. It smelled exactly the same; teenage men who threw their clothes around unwashed. You would think someone would bother cleaning the bus.

It doesn’t bother us though. It’s the manly smell of men. We are indeed proud.

Four heads turned towards the door looking at me confused. Zayn’s lip twitched in confusion. It was quite funny how they were shocked by my abrupt behavior actually.

Pulling my bag inside, I jumped on the couch – on Louis and Zayn’s lap to be exact.

“Missed you guys. Had fun?” I glanced from left to right at the gaping boys. They’re making this be happy business rather entertaining.

“G-good” Louis chocked out as I let out a loud laugh, “Are you high? Sick? Oh God you’re on drugs aren’t you?” Louis frantically rambled under me, “He did it! Our young Harry is on drugs”

Rolling my eyes, I flipped him the middle finger and got up stretching, “I’m sober Lou, I’m feeling great actually”

“You sure?” Liam asked concerned, I nodded in response. I don’t blame them. For one year I have been nothing but horrible to my best mates, barely smiled, and had the least possible of communication. I really want to make it up for them.

“So a concert tomorrow yeah?”

“Yeah, you excited?” Niall asked carefully ruffling his hair.

“Of course mate!” I picked up my luggage from beside the door, “I’ll go rest! Long flight” I smiled at them with every vein connected to my heart and walked to my bunk bed.

I know they’ll ask questions soon, and I will gladly answer them. I trusted my four brothers. But for now I want to enjoy this brief time of confusion.


I have been nothing but nice to everyone. Smiles, rainbows and sunshine. I was starting to feel quite geeky actually. I have glanced at Molly from time to time as she stayed close to Josh. She never leaves his side, as if he was there to protect her. Protect her from what?

I have sent her a couple of smiles, but not ever one gesture of communication. I’m not sure if she’s avoiding me or I’m avoiding her anymore. Last time, all I remember is my outburst at her during the wedding, and I never bothered to apologize and I am sure she saw my melt down to Gemma as well.

So, who’s avoiding who?

I glanced at myself in the hotel mirror, donned in a plain white t-shirt and ripped off skinny jeans with black boots, I looked quite punk. Molly has packed this outfit in my side. We might not be talking but she takes her job very seriously, as serious as I take mine.

I suggested going clubbing tonight. We have a two day holiday until the next concert and I wanted to have some fun. I want to be happy.

The drive to the club didn’t take long. Louis sitting in the passenger seat in my Range Rover, while Niall hogged the back seat for himself. By the time we reached none of us has spoken. But I rather think it as a comfortable silence between brothers. There was no need for words. I think they were still surprised I suggested going clubbing.

I want to be happy.


I have no idea where I am. Somehow I was left alone in my drunken state as I strolled outside the backdoor of the club. I have spent the whole night dancing with random girls and taking drink after drink filling on my liver’s ability of breaking down this shitty substance.

All I can say is my tank is full and I am absolutely awfully drunk out of my mind.

Leaning against the dumpster outside, I dig out my phone and scrolled through twitter. The words were hazy and I laughed at absolutely nothing before my phone dropped on the floor.

Noooo” I dramatically shouted as I dropped on my knees and picked up my phone gently caressing it against my cheek.

In my defense, I am drunk.

I heard snickering and loud laughter. Looking up I noticed a black van with three men sitting in the trunk smoking away their worries just like I was drinking away mine.

The black haired one with the nose, lip, and eyebrow piercings motioned for me to come over. I stood up balancing myself poorly and stood right in front of three punk looking men. They looked older than me, maybe Louis’s age. The three of them shared a huge amount of scary looking tattoos – if I had some sense I would have ran – and piercing covered their face. One had black hair, the other bleached blonde and the last flaming red hair.

Instead of sensibly running away, I grabbed the blonde man’s hand and traced the colorful tattoos, “oooh, pretty” I childishly commented.

He laughed obnoxiously and shoved the material he was smoking to my face, “Have a drag man” he said in a clear American accent. I absentmindedly took the material and smoked it off. Coughing out the smoke – since I wasn’t a smoker really – and handed it back to the blonde.

I sat on the ground and crossed my legs together supporting my back by the tires of the car. Beautiful colors started coming out of nowhere travelling around me as I tried to grab them. Is this what they call heaven?

My happiness was short lived when a blurry figure came out the back door shouting my name.

“Oh my god” the familiar voice said, pulling me by my arm to stand straight, “What the fuck are you doing? What did you give him?”

“Just some weed man, to light up the mood”

“Fuck” I was pulled away from my possibly new friends – who’s name I didn’t catch – and into the packed loud club. I started dancing as my blurry friend kept on pulling me through the crowd.

Stumbling a few times we finally ended up in front of a big pretty car.

“Hand me the keys Harry!” the blurry man insisted.

“What keys?” I stuttered.

Feeling his hand in my tight jeans pockets, I started giggling, “I’m not gay mister. Keep your hands to yourself”

I received a grunt in response from him as he unlocked the car door and pushed me in the back seat and helping himself in the front driver’s seat.

“Fuckin’ hell. I can’t leave you lads to a party alone without drinking the whole club. And this douche over here even got high” I listened to the lecture as I looked out the window at the passing objects fascinated by them.

“Hey. I’m not a douche” I argued turning around. I saw a blurry blonde sitting beside me – no, half conscious to be exact and that’s when I took notice of someone else in the passenger seat. I wasn’t alone in the car with these blurry people.

“Hey, I wasn’t that drunk. But I couldn’t risk driving Liam” the passenger seat lad said. Oh so the blurry driver is called Liam. Hey that’s the same name as my friend’s name.

“I have a friend called Liam” I hiccupped enthusiastically.

“Jesus” blurry one face palmed himself as blurry two turned around to look at me.

“Shit, he’s really high. What the fuck Harry?” is the last thing I remembered before passing the fuck out.


Thanks for reading, please vote and comment :) This is just a filler.. so sorry if it's a bit boring! x

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