Chapter 25 ~Dinner on Louis~

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Chapter 25 ~ Dinner on Louis

She has taken over my mind.

Molly Wilson, the short girl with the shoulder length stupidly coloured hair, and the odd fashion sense has bombarded every last piece of my mind. Wherever I tried to hide, she peaks into another corner in my brain. I wish she could be imprisoned by the guards in my brain, but no! She’s a runaway that reveals herself every second of my daily life nowadays.

God did I try taking my mind off of her. I drank and drank, smoked and slept, yet even in my dreams she haunted me. What scared me the most was the fact that Lora was no longer a fragment of my dreams or daily thoughts. I had really given up on her – which was the scariest thought that I ever had.

I wanted to stop thinking about Lora and move on, but now that I did, I am feeling guilty and the guilt is eating me inside out.

Molly didn’t only reside in my thoughts; she was physically everywhere I go. She was our fashion stylists after all. Every corner I take she’s there, eating, talking, laughing, concentrating, you name it. And in every second of these moments I creepily stand and stare at her from the corner of my eyes because she’s just beautiful. Mesmerizing really. Simply, I couldn’t find any flaw in her.

If I could paint, I would definitely have. Leonardo da Vinci would have painted her instead of Mona Lisa if she existed at their time, I could swear it. She is that beautiful!

We were reaching our last days of the tour. Everyone was so excited. We were going back to our families and normal lives and most importantly, no more schedules and just sleep. One more week and we’re all free. One more week and I’ll no longer see Molly. Just one, more, week!

Am I glad? Am I really glad that I will not see Molly for a couple of months? Will she come back to work for us in the next tour?

Being stuck in my thoughts has to be a new way of torturing people in prison, because really, there’s no escape and it is torture.

Seated in our tour bus living room, everyone, as always was there. Chatting away their spare time, laughing, making jokes, playing games and eating. I was on the other hand just staring unnoticeably at Molly. She caught me staring a couple of times and I didn’t even dare look away. I just wanted to look at her. I really tried looking subtle, but it wasn’t helping.

“Dinner on me, let’s go!” Louis called out suddenly, getting up on his feet. I haven’t noticed the bus go to a sudden halt. We must have stopped somewhere for dinner – as Louis says. Everyone hooted and stumbled out of the bus hastily leaving me alone. I wasn’t acknowledged anymore, everyone was keeping their space because I’m back to my lonely self.


As I placed my feet on the coffee table seated in front of me, someone barged into the door – nearly falling down. I glanced up at the one and only, Molly Wilson. A blush crept on her face from embarrassment as she walked over to the couch she was seated on before, “I forgot my phone” she mumbled and grabbed it from the coffee table that was  beside the couch and started to the door.

“Wait!” I called out without thinking. I don’t even know why I asked her to wait? Wasn’t I on the mission of avoiding her?

“Yeah?” she turned around, millimetres away from the door.


“I kind of have-“


She nodded and seated herself furthest away from me, on the loveseat couch that she was already sitting on a while ago – with Josh might I add. I gave her a weak smile and she gave one back to me.

The awkward silence was building up in the room. It was sharper than Zayn’s jaw line. Molly played with her fingers as she sat straight on the couch looking very uncomfortable. I didn’t move my legs from the table and tried looking as comfortable as possible, but really I was dead nervous.

“What did you want?” Molly interrupted the silence.

“Nothing, I just wanted you to stay”

“That’s very convincing” she breathed out a sigh and relaxed herself on the couch, “That’s it?”

“What’s your favourite colour?”

“What?” she asked confused, furrowing her eyebrows together – which I found so attractive.

“Favourite colour” I repeated.

“Um, yellow”

I chuckled in response, who the hell likes yellow? “Why yellow?”

“It’s a happy colour I guess” she replied, “Like the sun, or daisies and daffodils”

“You like daffodils?”

“Yeah they’re pretty”

“Mhmm” I nodded. I was curious about Josh, I really was, and so my unconscious stupid mind had to ask, “How’s you and Josh?”

“Excuse me? Me and Josh?” she asked sitting straighter on the couch studying me carefully.

“Yeah, aren’t you two like together- or something” I tried looking as relaxed as possible as I said that, but I might have given it away when I clenched my jaw.

“What- no!” she exclaimed surprised, “We broke up in like the first month” she explained, “You thought we were together?”

“Yes for the last fucking six months!” I stated, throwing my hands in the air. My legs were no longer on the coffee table, they were back on the floor in case I want to stand up and run away from this embarrassment.

“Jesus Harry, you’re such an idiot” Molly stood up, “We’re just really good friends, it didn’t work out for us that’s why we broke up- I want to go eat” she walked to the door hastily.

“Will you go out with me?” my flowing mouth spilled. Molly stopped in her tracks and didn’t even turn away to look at me. I think I scared her off. We have been trying to avoid each other since we slept together. Plus, it’s not manners to sleep with someone then ask them out on a date. I’m going in the wrong path. But god am I feeling embarrassed right now as I stand there dumbfounded waiting for a response from Molly – or even for her to turn around and slap me.

“W-what?” she said barely audibly and turned around slowly looking at me straight in the eyes. With that look, I felt weak in the knees. She was beautiful, her eyes were captivating, and I was just so lost!

“Will you…” I breathed out slowly, “Go on a date with me Molly?” as I patiently waited for any response to come from her, she giggled. She fucking giggled and nodded her head frantically.

“Of course” I thought I was going to faint right then and there when I heard her answer. I lunged forwards at her, but she stopped me immediately, “Lets- let’s take it slow this time yeah?” I smiled and nodded at her as I escorted her out of the bus.

Waiting outside of the bus was of course, the nosey Louis Tomlinson! He turned around and pretended to be talking on the phone. I smacked him straight in the head, “Where you eavesdropping? Didn’t we say we quit doing that Louis?”

“SORRY” he shrieked, “She got late and I was so curious” I laughed and hugged his short posture under my shoulder as the three of us walked to dinner – which was on Louis by the way.


(This may seem like it's moving so fast, but I Really want to get it over with, sorry :( just a few more chapters, epilogue and my second completed story wooh!! hope you all enjoyed this :)) H x 

ps. happy harry at the side gaah beby <3 

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