Chapter 19 ~Worried~

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“Um, hello?” I chocked out at the sleeping bodies on the floor outside my bed. I of course received no reply. I looked at my phone again and realized I had about fifteen miscalls, all from four different boys.

I am officially screwed.

Dialing Louis’s number, after the first ring a frantic voice replied, “Harry? Thank god. Mate where are you?” I could already picture him tugging at his untamed hair.

“I…” I looked around the van, I don’t fucking know where I am, that’s for sure. “I don’t know Lou. I fucked up this time” I rubbed at my face; “I need you” I was close to crying out loud.

“Did anyone hurt you Harry?” Niall asked from the other end. The boys all must be still awake for me.

“N-no I don’t think so. I’m in a van, with a bunch of passed out people” I explained, “And weed” I added at the end.

“Again Harry?” Liam screamed clearly pissed off. If I was there, he would have buried me alive already.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened” I apologized.

“Well fix it Harry” Liam scolded.

“Hey, let it be Liam” I heard Zayn say to Liam, calming him down. I didn’t mean to upset anyone; I really don’t remember what happened. How can this possibly happen two days in a row? What conspiracy is being planned against me now?

“Where are you?” I asked.

“LA international airport”

“Alright, wait for me at the airport. I’ll tell them to take me there”

“You’re in a stranger’s bus, how can you trust them?” Liam asked, his voice filled with concern this time.

“It’s alright, I’ll handle it”

Before anyone can start arguing with me, I hung up the phone hoping they won’t try calling me again. I shook one of the men sprawled on the floor trying to wake him up. He stirred and let out a loud snore but did not wake up or acknowledge me. Shaking him again, I hoped he won’t kill me for bothering him.

“What?” he asked sleepily not looking up at me.

“Sir, um…” what am I even supposed to say? I was speechless I ended up in this mess really. He turned around and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, “I-“

“Who the fuck are you?” he asked now squinting his eyes studying me carefully.


“What are you doing here?” he inquired.

“I don’t even know, I really need your help. Can you please take me to __?” I thought it would be that easy. But oh no, of course I was wrong like most of the other things I’m always wrong about. He ignored me and woke up the other two bodies that were half dead I’m assuming. They looked dead.

Now I had three tattooed men staring at me not speaking. I will shit my pants.

“What the fuck?” the one with the flaming red hair said now rubbing his nose, “Who the fuck?” I was going to chuckle at his confusion, but I didn’t need more trouble now. They might beat my arse for laughing.

“I- I don’t know w-what I’m doing here, but I really need to get to __” I explained hastily stuttering.

Dear God help me.

“How did you even get here?” the bleached blonde one said.

“I don’t fucking know” I rubbed my face frustrated. They’re not bothered to listen to me and all they do is ask questions, I’m going to personally get up now and kick their arses if they don’t stop being so damn difficult to handle.

“Alright mate, whatever” the first guy I awoke said finally, “We’ll get you there”

“You better not say shit to anyone” the red haired guy threatened, I assumed referring to the weed obviously, “I’m Luke”

“Rod” the bleached blonde guy introduced.

“Greg” the black haired guy finally said.

Right, Luke, Rod and Greg. Not very intimidating names, but they looked like they were going to kick arse.

“Harry” I said, even though I already introduced myself to Greg.

I stared at the weed that was still placed under my pillow. What was I possibly thinking getting myself in weed business? The fact that I can’t remember what happened irritated me, but at the same time I just wanted to pull it out and smoke it. I felt like it would take away all the pressure that was building in on my shoulders. So much pressure.

Be happy.

Lora, Molly, the lads, the fans, everything was irritating and won’t go away.

Fuck being happy, I just don’t want to be stressed.

“Be happy” I whispered to myself. Maybe that’s what’s going to make me happy? I will be out of this world, I will relax, I will be… away and free. I grabbed the bag from under my pillow and examined it feeling the three men in front of me staring at me. What if…?

“Mind if I take this?” I asked shocking myself even.

“Pay up!” Rod said and extended his hand. I took my wallet from my back jeans pocket and dug outside a sum of money – all the money I had in my wallet to be exact – and hoped it would be enough for them. Rod took the money and nodded. I searched the bed and found my carry-on bag and placed the bag of weed inside it without even hesitating.

Maybe this is what I needed to be satisfied with myself.


“Thank you” I thanked the three tattooed men finally, getting out of the bus happy that I didn’t have to spend another minute of awkward silence in that bus. I clutched on my carry-on and walked into the street searching for our bus. I heard a honk and I turned around and ran over to the bus before any fans realize I’m here – I already spotted a few. I’m not in the mood for pictures and what-not.

Walking into the bus, I was suddenly thrown back against a wall and a small familiar person punched me on the chest repeatedly.

“How could you do this? Where were you? What in the world were you thinking Harry?” Molly let out her anger at me. She finally stopped punching me and hugged me tight to her, “You got me so worried”

“You were worried about me?” I managed to choke out, still confused by her actions.

“W-we were worried about you” she pulled away and hit my shoulder one last time, “Stupid”

I never recall seeing a frown on Molly’s face, and here she’s angry punching the living hell out of me. I wasn’t sure if I should be feeling miserable I’m the reason for such a dark emotion from her or happy that I finally got to see her angry.

She looks cute when she’s angry.

“Harry you’re a retard okay?” Louis appeared from the kitchen and walked over to me hugging me, “Fucking retard” he said in my ear and chuckled pulling away.

I got lectures from here and there – especially Liam. He might be turning into some kind of bad boy charisma, but he still takes care of all of us.

I hid my carry-on bag under my bunk bed, and as I drifted off to sleep all I could think of is the fact that Molly was legitimately worried about me…


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