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Epilogue ~

Friends will never get old. Sometimes I really do wish they reunite to make new episodes – not that I don’t like the reruns. They will always be as special as watching them for the first time.

Molly is snuggled beside me on my bed as we watch another episode of Friends. She keeps ruining it by saying what happens next, as if to try to prove a point. I know what happens, but I still like being surprised.

“You really need to wash your hair” I say as her hair sticks into my mouth and nose. She pulls away from our comfortable snuggle and crosses her arms against her chest while pouting, “What?” I throw my hands in air in defence, “It’s getting oily. I can fry our dinner on your hair” I tease.

The pout on her face is cleared off as she bursts out into laughter. I knew she could never be mad at me.

“I don’t mind joining you and washing it” I wink at her. She throws on of the pillows that laid behind our back at me and walked away into the bathroom leaving me laughing at her.

As the episode ends, I switch off the TV and searched inside the closet for my journal. I knew I left it somewhere around here. My hand frantically moved around on the cupboard laid above. I felt a book of leather and grabbed it. The journal was covered with dust as I opened it. I stared shocked at the journal and a smile overtook its place on my face. I can’t believe I still have it. The last time I touched this journal was about a year and a half ago, in one of my psychiatric visits. Lea had asked me to keep it hidden somewhere, and this was my genius place. My goddamn cupboard.

I seated myself on the floor, my back against the bed as I skimmed the pages. Lora will always have a special place in my heart. As much as I love Molly, Lora was special. She was my first love and I will never forget her.

I laughed loudly at one of the pages where Lora’s handwriting crookedly covered the page. That day I left my journal on the bed opened as I left to the kitchen to cook for the both of us dinner. When I did come back, the journal was laid there in the same position – except the page that I left blank was filled with blue coverings.

What she frantically wrote in that page was the most non-cheesiest thing I’ve ever read. Reading it again take me back to memory lane.

Hi! I think I should have started with dear Harry? Oops! Dear idiot, (that’s much better) you’re downstairs cooking for us because I can’t cook for shit. I’m sorry; I guess you’re the housewife around here. Does that mean I’m like the man of the house? It sure feels like it. I chose the bed, the wall paint and the type of TV we should buy. The goddamn TV Harry! That’s a man’s job.

This was supposed to be a love letter, I ended up calling you a woman and we’re not even halfway through. Speaking about women, you should get a haircut. I phoned Lou by the way; expect her sometime soon for I will not walk the streets with you while you wear more ponytails than I do.

Here I go again drifting off the subject. I should say something sweet before I’m caught red handed.

Harry, I love you! I might have skimmed through your journal and the things you write about me are too sweet to be expressed verbally. I’m not very good with words but I can tell you that what we have is better than words and I love you so much.

That was as cheesy as I can get, love you!

I finished reading the letter and felt tears swell my eyes at the lipstick mark she left at the end of the paper by her signature which read in a cursive writing, Loralovesidiot.

“What are you doing?” Molly came out the shower with a towel covering her body as she dried her now-back-to-blonde hair with the other towel.

“I found my journal” I explained gesturing to the leather book in my hand. Molly walked over to me and sat opposite me – much like the night when I was drunk in mum’s house. Her fingers pressed against my cheeks gently as she wiped away the tears that sneakily fell from my eyes without notice.

“I’m sorry” I said. I didn’t want to cry about Lora anymore, especially in front of Molly. I don’t want to hurt her.

“Oh baby, don’t apologize” she smiled genuinely at me, “Lora is special. She will always be a part in your soul and I don’t mind one bit. I hope I would have known her though” she sighed.

I smiled and handed her my journal, “Read it if you want” I saw Molly’s eyes shine. She closed the journal and stood up placing it back in the cupboard. I furrowed my eyebrows at her in confusion.

“This is something between you and Lora. It’s not my place to read your intimate feelings”

I felt my heart swell at Molly’s words. Any other woman would have jumped at the idea of reading someone’s feelings away. I stood up and engulfed small Molly into a tight hug not caring if my clothes were getting wet.

“I love you so much” I whispered in her wet hair. She smelled like lavender. My favourite.

“I love you too Harry boy” she said back. Pulling away from her I sat her on my lap.

“So what do you say about us showering together?” I teased.

“Shut up” she blushed and hit my arms as she stood up and changed into her attire in front of me.

I know I love Molly. I am so glad she gave me another chance. I am thankful that I allowed myself to love again for otherwise I would have ended up alone. Lora and I were for each other, and it was a perfect relationship and I will cherish it dearly. But now with Molly, it’s different. For starters, I shared her to the public. I never told the public about Lora. She was well hidden by me. But Molly endured every hate she gets. She’s not like other people. She likes being different – especially with her off sense of fashion – and she does not care about other’s opinion about her. I would know – she taught me a lesson the first time we met.

She healed me slowly. I thought my scars were to remain engraved in my heart, but Molly came and healed me in process. She loves me. She loves my soul the way it is – with a piece of Lora. Even though she’s seen me cry countless times, even though the nightmares stopped I would still have insomnia and not sleep because I missed Lora dearly and cry myself to sleep. But Molly was there for me through it all, and all she said was, “You’re so strong, you’re my soldier”

I may not be the best man out there, I don’t touch softly, I’ll never be enough for Molly for someone will be better than me, but I will love her more than any other human on this earth. I know I’m hers, and she’s mine. That’s all that matter. We have each other for the end of time.


((and badumtiss! that would be it. you can see the last two paragraphs are taken from the lyrics of i'm yours by the script, which by the way was what inspired this story aye! ;) i really hope you enjoyed the end. i loved writing this story so so so much! although i lost ineterest in the end and tired hurrying it up, but it IS my first story, and i just ENDED IT OH MY GOD! i'm so happy! thank you so so so much for reading and voting. special thanks to my babe @famtaq for encouraging me to post this and continue writing, and thank you so much to @mysteriousdancer86 for reading and voting and her LOVELY comments, do check out her lovely stories pleaaaase! x 

thank you so so mcuh once again, love you all! 

i will be starting lost, a zayn malik au, it's different ;) please check it out? 

and await the track list for this story which i'm making soooon!

lots of love, 

H x)) 

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