Chapter 24 ~Good for you~

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Chapter 24 ~ Good for you.

“Kill ‘em Monica, you’re beautiful the way you are” I screamed at the TV. That wasn’t only the pathetic thing I was doing – seating myself on my bed watching reruns of Friends – but I was also eating a box of chocolate ice cream, even though I hate chocolate. They didn’t have any fruit flavored ice cream in the mini freezer and I needed something cold to cool down my fury, and chocolate was the only thing left.

Three days. Three full three days I have been keeping my distance from Molly and anyone for all that matters. It’s like I am back to square one. I don’t approach anyone, and no one approaches me. Even Louis had the last of me. Whenever he sees me he shakes his head and walks the farthest distance away from me.

Maybe this time I really did fuck up.

The fact that I’m no longer concentrating on Monica as she tries to seduce Chandler depresses me, because I am back to my haunting thoughts. Placing the ice cream on the bed stand to melt, I walked to the table that was occupied with different drinks and nuts. Grabbing the bottle of wine – without a glass that is – I seated myself on the floor.

It’s become a habit, whenever I want to be drunk, I will seat myself on the floor. I think the hard floor keeps me grounded. I bring the opening close to my mouth and take a long sip. Coughing afterwards from the heat it sent through my throat I took another sip. And another, and carried on drinking until I was halfway through the bottle.

How pathetic.

Running away from my problems like always. Drinking seems to be the only solution for everything I do nowadays. I lost count from the times I ended up drunk because of Molly or Lora. Females are a harmful species – it has been proven scientifically by me.

The noise from the TV had taken off to commercials. I grabbed the remote from the corner of the bed and switched off the TV hating the background sound it was giving. I wanted peace and quiet.

Nevertheless, I found myself stumbling towards the TV as I tried plugging my phone to the TV speakers and opened up my playlist. Scrolling through, I pressed at the first song that my thumb decided to choose and laid myself on my bed.

Fifteen minutes I’m lying on the bed listening to whatever songs came on shuffle, here I was literally shouting at the top of my lungs, “AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOOUUUU” like a fucking retard because I have nothing else to do and I’m drunk on red wine.

A song unexpectedly comes – of which I forgot its name – and halfway through I find myself on my feet and mindlessly throwing the cups of nut on the floor breaking them. I threw the remote against the wall beside the TV while singing loudly, “THIS CITY LOOKS SO SWEET, WILL YOU BURN IT WITH ME?” and threw glasses of wine that were seated calmly on the nightstand on the floor breaking them into pieces – reminds me of my fucking heart.

I might have taken it a little too far when I pulled the TV and threw it straight on the floor crashing it. Adrenaline swam through my veins as I was breaking shit, I could not see straight, I was only capable of one thing. That is; breaking everything fragile in this room – not that the TV was a fragile object.

I didn’t even notice the knocking and shouting that was growing loudly behind the door because of the loud music. In my process of throwing the bottle of wine in my hand the door busted open revealing about two guarded men, Louis and Paul. I could barely see straight. I stumbled at the broken TV and fell on my knees on the floor scratching my palms with the broken glass.

“Watch it” Louis said as he approached me helping me up, “What the fuck is going on?”

The music abruptly stopped. My palms were burning as the glass dug through them, Louis still holding me by my waist so I wouldn’t fall again. I looked between the males and didn’t answer, as I didn’t really have any answer.

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