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Alexis is was really depressed from being in hell for months but happy to see her family again. Alexis has to mentally heal from being in hell-again. As for her eyes they never changed back to normal green they're still the I between fallen blue and human green. Damon and the other angels checked to see if there was anything wrong, but turns out I guess it's just a side effect from dieing. Damon and Alexis got married and had a little boy named Jake.

Jake was a hybrid between archangel/Fallen Alexis and Damon still hunt when ever Dean and Cas can watch Jake. Alexis and Damon got a home it was small but it was perfect for her family. Jake grew up and became a hunter. As for The Fallen They went into hiding from Fear of what Alexis might do to them. Our lives have been pretty good sense Killian died-well as good as our lives can get...


A/N It then end of the story, it's pretty long I didn't really notice till I looked at my first story. Thank you guys for all the love and support!! I hope you liked this book! I might write a prequel to this book if you guys want in not sure yet (it's going to be pretty short) it'll depend on you guys if I write one. I'm not going to write one of no ones ganna read it so, yeah. Anyway I love you guys and thanks again!!! :3

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