Chapter 1

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Emma's P.O.V

My name is Emma Rodgers my parents are Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov AKA Captain America and Black Widow. When I was 5 my parents went missing on a mission and were pronounced dead after a 6 month search. After these events i was taken in by the other Avengers and trained to carry on my parents legacy.

I was trained for 10 years before i took on the identity Miss America at the age of 15. I had to juggle school life with my training. I had to do it all on my own until Director Fury engaged the Young Hero Programme on that Day i met my team, Ava Ayala, Luke Cage, Peter Parker, Danny Rand and Sam Alexander. We've been a team for 3 years now. The more missions we went on skills grew and grew and now I hold just about all the records in the training simulations. When i finally managed to beat my parents records i wanted nothing more than for my parent to be there and see my achievements.


It's currently 7pm on a thursday evening and i'm spending the week at the young heroes Wing at the triskelion because the Avengers are on a mission. Ava, Danny, Luke and Sam are here in their rooms as well; Peter is at home with his Aunt May. i'm in just about every AP class my school has to offer so i have a lot of homework. I've just finished all my homework for school when i decided to go have a shower.

I was in the shower for 30 minutes before coming out wearing a pair of black jogging bottoms, a blue t-shirt, a grey zip up hoodie and a pair of black ankle ugg boots. I tied my towel dried hair up into a messy bun before deciding to head down to the memorial room. As i walked past the living area i heard Avas voice
"Hey Em, we're playing cards. Do you want to join?" i looked over and saw the four of them sat around the small table. I smiled and said
"I was just heading down to the memorial room, i'll join you after" she nodded and then they went back to their game.

The Memorial room is dedicated to everyone who once worked for SHIELD but has now passed. My parents memorial was at the far end of the room. I come and sit here quite a lot, it helps me to unwind. I'm not sure how long i was sat there for before i heard someone heading towards me. They came and stood next to me before saying

"They'd be proud of you , Emma. you know that, right?" It was director Fury. i then replied
"Yeah i know" he then handed me a file. I took it and asked
"Whats this?"
"Possible candidates to expand your team"
"Do i get the final say?"
"It's your team, your choice"
"ANy news from the Avengers?"
"They'll be back in a few days. Now go join you tem and relax for a change" and with that the pair of us left the room and i went to join the others.

As i sat down next to Sam, Danny pointed at the file and said
"What's that?"
"New Candidates for the team. I look at them later. So what are we playing" Luke answered me
"Deal me in then" and so they did...


Robins P.O.V

It was a normal day at the cave and everyone was there due to schools being closed thanks to the holidays. Wally was eating, as usual, Megan was baking cookies, Artemis was practicing her archery, Connor was just watching Megan make cookies, Kaldur was reading a book on Atlantis mythology and I was just Reading through files I downloaded form the batcave. After a while the computer system announced "Recognised Batman 02" At the point of Batman's arrival everyone stopped what they were doing and headed towards the briefing room hoping that Batman had a assignment for us.

As we entered the room I said
"Hey Bats" I said that because I know hates being called bats for some reason. He turned around and said
"Robin, I told you not to call me that" he replied in his deep batman voice.
"Sorry, anyway have you got a mission for us." " in a matter of fact I do" after saying that he pulled up the holographic computer and brought up files regarding scarecrow and his latest victims...

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