Chapter 5

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Batman then asked the question that was now going through everyone's mind.
"How Long have you been doing this?" i then chuckled and replied
"how much time you got.". And with that i explained just about everything about my life since i was 5 and about everything about my world.

"My parents were two of the best heros in my world. My father was actually born in the 1918. In the 1930s he attempted to enlist in the army but was rejected due to his frail body. His constant attempts were noticed by a U.S. Army General Chester Phillips and 'Project Rebirth'. My dad was used as a test subject for the Super-Soldier project, receiving a special serum made by Dr. Josef Reinstein. The serum transformed him into a nearly perfect human being with peak strength, agility, stamina and intelligence. Seeing how successful this serum was people tried to replicate it but it had horrible consequences. Unable to create new super-soldiers and willing to hide the project rebirth fiasco, the American government made my dad a patriotic superhero, able to counter the menace of the Red Skull as a counterintelligence agent. He was supplied with a patriotic uniform of his own design, like mine but i made some modification when i took up his mantle. He was also supplied with a bullet proof shield made out of the strongest and lightest metal on the planet 'Vibranium' he also carried around a side arm and was given the codename Captain America.
In 1945 during the end of the second world war, he was trying to stop Red skull from destroying the world but in doing so had to crash land a huge Bomber into the freezing waters of the north atlantic. He was presumed dead until he was found in end of the 20th century. He was frozen in time and saved by SHIELD." 

Before i could finish Kid flash asked me something
"What is SHIELD?"
"It's an acronym that stands for Strategic, Homeland, Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. They are like the protectors of the world, they protect them against alien threats and threats a little closer to home. But in my opinion i think someone really wanted the initials to spell SHIELD." that last comment earned me a few smirks around from the young teenagers. then Kid flash spoke up again.
"So they are just like the Justice League and Young Justice."
"Yeah i guess. anyway my dad then went on to join the earth's mightiest heroes known as the Avengers and that where he met my Mum AKA Black Widow.
My mum was brought up to be a assassin. She was assigned to Take out someone that would soon become her boss, He was Nick fury the director of shield. He saw potential in her and offered to give her a better life a wipe out the red from her ledger. After some rehabilitation she also joined the avengers with her newly best friend Clint Barton and she fell in love with my Dad and then i came along."

After i explained that basics about my parents to them, Robin spoke up
"So what actually happened to your parents?" just thinking about my parents brings back memories about all the sleepless nights i had due to nightmares of their disappearances. This must have been noticed because Miss Martian put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, i sighed then answer.
"I don't actually know, nobody would tell me what actually happened on their last mission all i know is that they got separated from the team and they couldn't be found. Despite everyone's best efforts after 6 or so months they were presumed dead and i was taken in by the avengers and shield to be trained to take my dad's place and well that was 11 years ago."

After a couple of minutes Batman spoke up
"Team would you mind giving us a couple of minutes to talk to Emma." Reluctantly they all left apart from a few leaguers and Robin, then batman glared at him and said "That means you too Robin." Robin was about to protest but noticed that Batman's Glare got stronger. He turned to me and then walked off to join the rest of the team.

So left in the room was Me, Batman, Black Canary and a couple other leaguers that look similar to the young teenagesr that were just in the room so i presume that they are their mentors. I turned to face them when Batman cleared his voice and spoke
"Emma i would like you to stay here at the mountain so that your arm can heal and so that we can attempt to get you home. But that could take some time, so once your arm is healed i would like to see if you have what it takes to join the team. Whilst your staying at the mountain i would also like you to attend weekly session with Black Canary to see how you are adjusting to your new life." a couple minutes of silence went passed until i spoke up
" i'll stay at the mountain but can i have time to think about joining the team."
" Of course you can. now go join the others they just went to the kitchen area at the end of the hall." he said pointing towards the end of the hall. I turned to him and nodded before leaving the briefing room.

Robins P.O.V.

i didn't like the idea about leaving her with Bats. i mean i knew that she would be safe but i sympathize with her when she told us about her parents because i watched my parents die when i was 7. So yeah we all left her in the briefing room with them. in the kitchen/ living room everyone once again went off doing their own thing. Wally was eating and hovering around Artemis, Artemis was talking to Megan, ignoring Wally and cleaning her bow, She and Megan were talking about how cool it would be to have another girl on the team. Conner was watching static as usual , Kaldur was continuing reading the book he was reading earlier. i on the other hand was just daydreaming about my days in the circus and what it would be like for Emma to join the team. i was brought out of my day dream by the sound of footsteps behind me. everyone in the room heard them and turned to face Emma.

After standing in the doorway for a minute she walked over to the sofa i was sitting on and sat next to me , everyone was still staring at her until Megan spoke up
" So what did they say?" Emma replied almost immediately
"They said that i can stay here whilst my arm heals and while we try to find a way to get me home but that might take some time. He also said that once my arms healed i can start working with you guys if i talk to Black Canary on a weekly bases but i need time to think about that last part." i coughed to clear my throat before speaking
"What do you think you'll do?"
" i really don't know, i mean i think it would be great to work with you guys but i don't know how long im going to be here for, it could be a couple of days or months." taking in her answer i then spoke again
"Honestly i think you should take the offer. Like you said you don't know how long you going to be here and you have to wait for your arm to heal properly anyway so you might as well keep yourself busy." she smiled and nodded at me then said
" i guess you're right. Anyway seeing as i'm going to be here sometime what are all your names, like your real names." I looked around at my teammates and nodded as if to give them the go ahead on telling her their true identities. Megan went first
" I'm Megan it's so nice to have another girl around here. we should go shopping later to get you some more clothes and essentials like that seeing as your going to be staying here."
" i'm Conner" Blunt but thats Connor for you.
" Hello im Kalduram but you can call me Kaldur im the team leader."
" HI i'm Wally and this is Artemis and the boy wonder sat next to you can't reveal his identity by orders of the Batman".

That comment earn Wally on of my glares and he coward behind Artemis . Over the next few hours we all Told emma about ourselves and we all got to know each other a little better. The Megan dragged Artemis and Emma shopping by the looks on their faces they hated shopping. Whilst the girls were out the rest of us decided to train, it was very amusing because Wally kept getting his ass kicked.

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