Chapter 10

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After i got showered and dressed, i plaited my hair and grabbed my jacket. I wanted to get some air and think. So i headed out of the cave, to the beach aera at the back. I walked along the beach until I came across some rock. As i got closer i saw Robin sat on the rock looking out over the sea. I walked over to him and said
"Hey" He looked up at me and replied
"Hey" i sat down next to him and asked
"What you doing out here?"
"I could as you the same thing"
"I asked first" He smiled and answered
"I find it relaxing out here. It's quiet and peaceful. Your turn"

I looked out into the ocean watching the sun fade down over the horizon
"I was just thinking about home"
"so do you want to talk about it, seeing as you told everyone else about your life back there last week when i wasn't here."
"Hey not my fault you still have to go to school" that made us both laugh a little. We then got up and started walking along the beach.

We were walking were our hands in our pockets. I then started speaking
"I don't know anything different. Doing what we do is my life i've known nothing else. Yeah i've got friends outside of shield but i don't really see them because i'm always training the others or on a mission."
"What about your team?"
"They're more like family and they are a lot like you guys. i was the team leader and i'm surprised Kaldur isn't more stressed. Thinking about it a team leader at Shield is a lot more stressful than you might think."
"So who was apart of this team and what did they do?"
"There was Nova, White tiger, Powerman, Spider-Man, Iron Fist. Nova is a member of the Nova corps and has a helmet which gave his the ability to travel through space and he can shoot energy from his hands.
White Tiger is the guardian of the mystical tiger amulet formerly worn by her brother, when wearing the it her physical strength, speed, stamina, agility, dexterity, reflexes and reactions, coordination, calance and endurance are enhanced to slightly superhuman levels. she also has razor sharp claws and superhuman martial arts skills.
Powerman has the same abilities as Con.
Spider-Man was bitten by a radioactive spider and was given superhuman abilities.
Iron fist is basically a king back where he's from. He has mystical powers that gives him superhuman strength. And then there's me a normal human whos been in shield since i was a little kid."

At this point we found ourselves stood at the edge of a cliff face watching the sunset.
"Ok so that's your team but what about the people that raised you. The avengers right?" i smiled slightly before tell him
"Yeah they are members of the team that my parents were apart of before... well you know. Anyway, Tony taught me all i needed to know about science, computers he also taught me how to hack. Sam taught me how to fix cars and trained me like my dad trained him. Thor was well Thor he learned stuff at the same time i did because he is from Asgard and doesn't know that much about earth. Bruce also taught me science and taught me how to de-stress because he has some serious anger issues. Then there's Clint, he was the one I lived with when we weren't at shield. Him and his wife treated me like i was their daughter and i loved them like they were my parents. i helped them cope when they found out they were going to have a baby, and when i left they already had 2 kids and a 3rd on the way, she was about 4 months gone when i left so she would be coming up to 6 months now"

As the moon started to rise, i sat down with my legs over the edge. When Robin sat next to me he said
"So now you've told me about that are you going to tell me what you were really doing out here." i sighed and looked at him and then said
"Can't hide anything from the boy blunder."
"Hey its boy wonder and no can't hide much." i laughed at what he said then spoke again
"i like Boy Blunder and i'm sticking with it." this made both of us laugh a little more and then he spoke
"Seriously why where you out here? I have a feeling it's about what Bats and Canary spoke to about after training" i didn't even look at him when he spoke i just continued to look at the moon the spoke to try and change the subject.
"I would never of thought that the moon could look so different, It's beautiful isn't it." Out of the corner of my eye i saw him look out and say
"Yeah it's beautiful and your changing the subject" he said that with a smirk on his face.

I sighed knowing i would have to answer his question so i took a breath and answered.
"Bats doesn't know what the device that brought me here is, he was hoping it was from my world but i've never seen anything that advanced back home. He also said that he hasn't seen something that advanced here either so it a mystery on where it came from."
"Ok so there's that mystery but thats not whats upset you."
"He said he needs to study the device more and hopefully he can recreate the incident that brought me here"

I looked at him and said
"The league are meeting in a couple of days to make a decision about what to do with me. When they have decided, Canary is going to come tell me in person" He then said
"Do you want to leave?" I thought about what he said and then i realised that as much as i love everyone back home my heart wasn't there anymore, i took another breath and said
"I don't know anymore."
"It might be hard now but it will get easier and you will make a choice on where home is." all i could say to that was a sarcastic

"Helpful". this made him laugh a bit, before he said
"Hey it's your heart not mine i can't make the decision for you." i sighed at what he said then asked
"If you were in my shoes what would you do?"h e thought about his answered for a couple of minutes then answered
"To be honest i have no idea. if i were you i would wait to see if i could get home and if not i would start to adjust myself into the new world and accept the fact that i might never be able to see my family again."
" I know you're trying to help and i appreciate it but so far everything your saying is not helping me at all"
"Not my fault you just can't really choose until we know if you can get home or if your going to stay here."

After that little chat we stayed where we were for about a hour and it was actually nice. He then stood up and said
"I'm Hungry, wanna go get some food?"
"Sure why not" he then held out his hand which i gracefully took. He pulled me to my feet and then we walked into town still holding hands. As we walked i asked
"How's your neck?"
"It's okay, a little bruised but okay. You're going to have to teach me that move"
"I think we could teach each other a lot of new beneficial things"

2 days later

So tomorrow's Christmas Day but today is the day that the Justice League meet to discuss my situation. Currently the whole team is at the cave because M'Gann insisted on cooking Christmas dinner for us. Tomorrow it's just going to be me, Connor and her; the others have family commitments they can't get out of.

It's just gone 5pm and I still haven't heard from Canary. I can't decide if that a good thing or a bad think. "Recognised- Black Canary 13" Looks like I'm about to get my answer. I stayed in my place next to Robin on the couch as we all heard approaching footsteps. When the footsteps stopped I said "I'm staying, aren't I?" I heard Canary sigh before saying"It looks that way. We're still trying to identify the box and where it came from but until then you'll be enrolled at Happy Harbor High School with M'Gann and Connor. Emma this doesn't make this permanent it just means that for now..." I finished her sentence "It's okay Canary. I understand that I can't go home. It's just gonna take some time to fully sink in...   

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