Chapter 18

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3 hours ago- Emma's P.O.V.

He kept punching but wasn't making a dent. I then started saying
"Superboy... Superboy stop" He wasn't listening
"CONNOR!" when I called his name the punching stopped and then he said
"We can't just leave you"
"And you can't through. It's Adamantium the strongest metal in the universe next to Vibranium- Webs back door?" Back door is a program Ideveloped a couple years ago to help get into any computer system. I've used it to gain access to stark industries database but we've never used it on SHIELD before. Peter then replied
"I'll give it a go" i waited a minute before saying
"I'm here" i took a breath and said
"I'm scared" I pressed my head against the wall as he replied
"Whatever happens, I'm going to find you, I'll always find you" I heard footsteps getting louder and louder
"He's coming... "I had tears spring to my eyes as I started saying
"If this is the last chance I'm...." he cut me off by saying
"Hey, don't say that"
"Just shut up for a second"

I didn't get a chance to respond because a cloth was placed over my nose and mouth. My hands shot to my mouth trying to pri the other hand away. As Elijah started pinching my nose an excruciating pain rippled through my body. As everything started going fuzzy, I was gently lowered to the ground.
"" my ankles were lifted off the floor and seconds later Elijah began dragging me through the halls......


Everything feels numb, cold and yet my hands are all clammy. My head is pounding and I can hear my rapid heartbeat thumping in my ears; It's almost like an out of body experience.
"Emma, Wakey wakey" that voice echoed in my ears and sounded so calm and surrell. It felt like a dream....


The sudden sound of crashing metal brought me back into reality. My eyes snapped open and I gasped at the sudden jerk of my head. My eyes soon adjusted my the harsh light and my senses soon normalised. That's when I realised that I was on my knees on a hard, cold, concrete floor; my arms were either side of me with chains cutting into my wrists. I looked up only to see blood trickling down my left arm; as I looked over to my right arm I was almost sick at the sight. My right arm not only had blood coming from my wrists but blood was pouring out of a long, jagged cut up my lower arm. I went to pull on the chains but a sudden surge of pain originating from my lower abdomen. Gasping in pain, i took a rapid breath and looked down at my abdomen. My once white T-shirt, was now covered in blood. There were two really dark patches on blood and from the way my top was sticking to my back i can only assume it's the same on the other side.

Movement from inside the room due my mind back.
"Looks like you're awake" Elijah was leant up against a stone pillar with a metal pipe in his hand. He threw the pipe across the room as I pulled on the chains and said
"Looks like you're still scared on me. 'Cause that's why you're doing all of this, ain't ya? You've always been afraid of what i can do. You're just a scared little bitch"

Okay hold, yeah i know it's probably not a good idea to antagonise Elijah like this but I can't let him see just how scared I actually am. Because I am, i am so so scared

I was snapped back into reality when i fist collided with my already throbbing head. Blood rushed to my mouth as my head jerked to the right. I spat out the blood from my mouth but didn't get chance to turn to face him as he took a fist full of my hair, yanke my head up and said into my ear
"Oh Little one, when I'm finished with you you are going to wish i killed you all those years ago....

Dicks P.O.V.

It's been 3 hours since Emma was taken and I wish I could say I was out there looking for her but I'm too emotionally involved according to the JL and Director Fury, both my and her have been ordered to stay behind. Not wanting to hang around the SHIELD base, M'gann called the Bio-ship and we all went back to Mount Justice. Emma's team were interested to see where she had been staying that past yeah, and they were impressed.

Right now they are somewhere with the others whilst I'm in the room Emma and I share. Yes, Share, i will keep using the present tense to refer to her because we will get her back, she is not gone.

Anyway i'm currently lying back on the bed just thinking, when my phone started ringing. Without sitting up, I grabbed my phone from beside me and looked at the caller ID- It was Bruce. I answered it by saying
"I wanted you to hear this from me, no one else"
"Hear what"
"Emma's family returned shortly after you left"
"Yeah and?"
"After discussion amongst all of us and knowing the facts"
"Bruce don't say it"
"We didn't understand what Elijah giles was capable of until now. I'm sorry Dick"
"We can't keep looking for her, can we?"
"No, anyone that pursues Elijah or Emma will be suspended for active duty and action will be taken" i sat up and said
"We can't just abandon her, I won't"
"Dick, last time Elijah took emma he promised he'd kill her. Knowing what we know now, and going by the amount of blood on the scene... Dick, she's probably already gone"

3 days later- no ones P.O.V.

Over the next few days a cover story was made to explain the sudden disappearance of Emma Rogers, that was also the day that Batman and Robins identities were revealed to the team. Within a couple of days two team put aside their differences and joined together. The people of the new world are still adjusting to somethings but soon everyone will adjust.

Today is the day that they announce their merger to the world. Dick Grayson leant against a wall at the back of the hall, watching the Justice League announce their merger with the Avengers and SHIELD. His fellow teammates are stood at the front of the crowd supporting their mentors and fellow heroes. His one wish is that his lost girlfriend, Emma, was there to enjoy this moment with him. Taking a deep breath he zoned out of the speeches and pulled out his phone. He didn't have to unlock his phone to see his face, because his screen saver is a photo of the young couple taken 2 weeks ago on date night. Upon seeing this image he couldn't stop his mind from drifting into the memory....

2 weeks ago-

It was a somewhat clear night in Gotham. Being allowed to take the night off from being Robin and Miss America; The young couple decided to go out for Date night. They had both heard about meteor shower that night that will be visible on a secluded cliff face on the outskirts of Gotham at 1AM. After driving up there on Dicks motorcycle, it started to rain.

Determined to see the stars Emma stopped Dick from getting back on the bike and going somewhere else. However, after 30 minutes nothing happened and the rain got heavier. Holding onto Emma hand Dick said
"Come on. It's time to abandon ship" He went to turn around but emma pulled him back and with a smile on her face said
"No, no, no, wait. Just give it a second. It'll clear up" Dick smiled at her enthusiasm and just admired her as she looked up to the sky with her hair sticking to her face slightly. He then placed his free hand on her neck causing her to look back at him. The pair shared a smile before sharing a sweet, intimate kiss. Upon breaking the kiss Emma said
"Promise me this is forever" He stroked her cheek with his thumb, before smiling and replying
"I promise." They smiled at each other once more before going in for another kiss, they held the kiss not caring that they were getting soaked in the rain. 

Miss America ( young justice and marvel fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora