Chapter 14

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"..... Hey, are you okay, you seem a little off?"

After i said that she froze momentarily. She then turned around and said
"I'M fine, just been thinking of home recently. I'd be graduating in a month" i walked over to her and said
"You still will graduate"
"I know but back in my world i wasn't just graduating High School. I'd be graduating the SHIELD academy, everything i've been working towards since i was a kid" i then remembered something she told me months ago
"Hang on i thought you couldn't graduate until you turned 18. So your birthday is some time over the next month" she sighed and said
"I told you i don't celebrate my birthday, why is it important that you know when it is?" I gently held onto her hand and said
"I want to know when your birthday is so we can celebrate together. You're my girlfriend and i love you, I just want to make you happy" I then realized what i said. That's the first time i told her that i love her. As i said it her i felt her tense up. She then said
"Uh, you what now"
"Urm..." However i was cut off when the ground started shaking. We then said at the same time

I grabbed Emma and pulled her away from the nearby self just as it fell.
"Are you okay?" she looked at me and said
"Yeah i'm fine. Since when does Happy Harbour have earthquakes?"
"Natural earthquakes, never. Come on" we ran through the cave trying to avoid anything falling off the walls. When we entered the main hall the earthquake stopped.

Within seconds of it stopping i pulled up a holoscreen to assess the magnitude of the earthquake. When the scan appeared Emma said
"Oh my god!" the scan revealed that the earthquake didn't just happen in Happy Harbour, it happened across the entire world. Moments later calls started coming in from the rest of the team. First was Wally and Artemis.
"Wally, Arty you guys okay?" Wally replied
"Yeah, just had a huge earthquake" Emma then said
"Same here. It happened across the world" I then said
"Zeta tubes are down. Do you have you..."I was cut off when Emma's watch started beeping.

She looked down at it as Artemis said
"Since when does your watch beep?"
"It's how I communicated with my team back home. It hasn't had a single since I got here" Wally then said
"Well answer it" she glanced up at me and I just gave her a slight nod. She then pressed a button and spoke
"Verification and badge number required"
"Agent Emma Rogers, Badge number; 586-229-380-656, Level 9 clearance" "......Confirmed. Connecting......"

Emma's P.O.V

I waited for a moment before I heard a voice I thought I'd never hear again
"So you're not dead then?" It was Director Fury
"Nah, you should know by now Sir it takes a lot to take me down"
"Good. Where are you?" I looked over at Dick and then said
"It's complicated"
"According to your tracker, you're in an unknown town called Happy Harbour"
"Tracker? What trac... Backup you know where Happy Harbour is?"
"It's just appeared on our scans as did a lot more cities. Not just in the states across the entire planet"
"By any chance did you just have a huge earthquake span across the world"
"Yes, how did you know?"
"Fury can I call you back"
"Rogers, what do you kno..." I ended the call before he could finish.

I turned back to Dick and said
"I'll probably get yelled at for that but we have a major problem. I think our two worlds just became one. Urm I have to go back" before Dick could say anything Arty said
"Urm will give you two some privacy" she then ended the call. Before Dick could say anything i said
"I'll come back, i promise but I need to..." he cut me off by saying
"I know. it's been a year, you gotta see um"
"It's not just that. They'll be confused, scared. See the JL as a threat, i'm probably the only one that can stop them from ripping each other apart"
"I'll keep the JL off your back for as long as i can. You better go, be safe"
"You're the best" I placed a hand on the side of his face and gave him a kiss before turning around and walking to the exit. However before i completely left the room, i turned and said
"Dick,when you said you love me"
"I do too, you know that right"
"I know. Now go" and with that i turned and ran out of the room

Before heading to the exit, i went to my room and grabbed all the tech i had when i first came here, including my badge, coms, and computer contacts. When i had all that i left the cave and went to the nearest cliff face away from the cave and put my coms in.
"This is Agent Rogers, need pickup for my current location"

-----------2 Hours Later------------------

Dicks P. O. V

I haven't heard anything from Emma in hours and she's not answering her phone.i managed to keep the JL at bay for a bit but i didn't count on the cave being attacked. When we were attack, Wally, Arty, Connor and M'gann were here. We kept the attackers out of the cave and are currently fighting them on the beach. There are 5 attackers and 5 of us, one on one.

Connor is fighting the strong guy in yellow. Arty is fighting the girl dressed in a white cat suit. Wally is fighting the guy who could fly. M'gann is fighting the guy with glowing hands and i'm fighting the guy in red and blue. Whoever these guys are they're really skilled.

When i managed to get my bo-staff hooked around the neck of my opponent i said
"Who are you guys?" he head butted me knocking me off balance and said

"I could ask you the same question!". I went to attack again but stopped when Connor yelled
"M'Gann!" we all looked towards M'gann. She was on the ground in front of the long haired blonde man with a glowing hand. As he raised it we all tried to get to her but couldn't get past our opponents. I couldn't tell you what happened next, one second we were fighting and the next we were all knocked off our feet.

When I sat, I felt nothing but relief when I saw Emma stood in front of M'Gann. She looked between everyone here and said
"That's enough, all of you" the guy next to Wally sat up and muttered
"Emma" Emma helped M'Gann up before replying

"Hey Sammy" it then clicked. I stood up and said 
"It's her team"

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