Chapter 4

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The picture above is what I think the young justice team look like in the story.
Wally/KF: 18
Superboy/Connor:Biologically 4, looks 19
Miss Martian/Megan:19
Aqualad/ Kaldur:21

Robins P.O.V.- 2 weeks later

Today was a really slow day at the mountain even though it was a Saturday. Everyone was at the cave because there were absolutely no mission to  be assigned and no one from the team had any homework so we were all moping around the Med bay waiting for the girl to wake up so we could get some answers about who she is and where she's actually from.

I'm sat next to her bed on my holo-computer, Aqualad is reading a book on history or something like that, Wally is annoying Artemis as usual, Connor and Megan are acting all lovey dovey in the corner of the room it was slightly amusing because out of the corner of my eye I could see Batman glaring at them.

After a while Black Canary spoke up
"Look she's waking up" We all stopped what we were doing to turn to look at the girl who didn't actually look as confused as we thought she would be.

Emma's P.O.V.




Why do I feel like I've been thrown through a brick wall?




Wait, what happened? One second I with my team nd the next...




Uh, What is that annoying beeping?

"Look she's waking up"

Hang on,Whos that?

My eyes feel so heavy but I have to open them, I need to open them. I forced my eyes open but my vision was blurred by the blinding white light above me. i squeezed them closed so that they could adjust to the bright light. I heard voices around me so I decided to sit up but when i went to put my right arm down i was in extreme pain. The pain was so extreme it made me gasp and i never gasp at pain despite everything i've been through over the past 10 or so years.

I looked down at my arm to see it in a plaster cast; i was confused at first but then started to remember what happened i then remembered that i wasn't alone in the room. I looked around at the young teenagers who were surrounding me until i decided to say something
"where am I? and who are you?". It was few minutes until the teenagers looked at the tall, dark skinned boy with blonde hair in the corner of the room; as if they were signaly him to answer my question. A few more seconds passed before my question finally got answered.
"Miss don't panic your in a safe place. I'm Aqualad, Thats kid flash and Artemis" he said gesturing the the red haired boy and the blonde haired girl on the left hand side of the room.
" Hiya." Said the red haired boy,
" Hey." said the blonde girl. Then Aqualad continued to introduce the people in the room
"over there is Superboy and Miss Martian". they both sat up and waved, then he continued,
" and to you right are Batman and Robin." when i turned to my right to look at them i first saw a tall man  who was wearing a mask the covered most of his face including his eyes accompanied by a black cape and a black bat symbol on his chest, i could only assume that he was Batman. i then made eye contact with the young boy with raven black hair dropped over his face, like Batman his eyes wear covered but not to the extent as Batman. the young boy then said something
" You're inside Mount Justice" his voice was soft and calm. Batman then said something
"Now that you know who we are, who are you exactly?." his voice was deep and rough.

Before answering i looked around at the teenagers then for some reason look down at my right arm as if i was thinking about what to say, then i decided to tell them.
"My name is Emma, Emma Rogers."
" If you don't mind me asking where exactly are you from?"
"I'm from New York City ,USA" I looked back up at Batman and he looked as if he had never heard of New York, he then spoke again
"There isn't a City called New York in this world..." before he could finish i interrupted
"wow back up a second, another world?" Before Batman could answer Robin spoke up
"Yeah, two weeks ago you fell through a portal and in doing so you saved my life. Thanks by the way." 
"no problem but how exactly is it possible to travel between worlds or dimensions or whatever." Batman then spoke up
" Emma i think you should get changed we have a lot to talk about. there are some clothes over there that should fit and when your done someone will be outside this room waiting to bring you down to the briefing room," and with that he gestured for everyone to leave the room so i could get changed. 

Once everyone was out of the room i got up from the gurney and placed my feet firmly on the ground. I then realised that i had bandages all over my body covering wounds that i had gained in my last fight. I walked over to the clothes that were left behind. i put them on and they fit perfectly. I walked out medbay wearing blue denim jeans with a black long sleeve top and black boots.

Waiting outside of the Med bay was Robin. When he realized i was standing there he looked up from his little computer thing in his glove and gave me a small smile. He then said
" The clothes fit well. We should get going" i responded
"Yeah i guess." and with that we both walked over to the briefing room where everyone was waiting. I looked around at the huge space i had just walked into and the look on my face earned me a chuckle from the raven haired boy behind me. I turned around to face Batman and the other heros who all seemed to have the same look on their faces.

I then coughed to clear my throat and then asked
"So what do you want to talk about."  Batman then replied
"I would like to talk to you about your world and what your role in that world is because by the looks of what you were wearing when we found you, you seem to be in the same line of work that we do". i then placed my hand on my neck searching for a necklace that me parents gave me just before i lost them. i then looked up at Batman wide eyed and asked
"wheres my gear and is there a Bracelet with it". Someone else then answered me, she had blonde hair and was wearing what looked like a leotard
"your belongings are being examined but i've got your Bracelet right here" After saying that she handed me the bracelet and a sign of relief must have passed over my face because Batman then asked
"does that have sentimental value to you?" I put it on and replied
"Yeah it has extreme sentimental value to me, My parents gave it to me before.... before"

Confusion swept across everyone's faces when i said my parents gave it to me before...  Robin then spoke up
" Before?" his once calm voice was now filled with compassion just as if he new what i meant. I took a breath before saying
"My parents went missing when i was 5 and was presumed dead a few months after. i don't actually know what happened to them." Batman then asked the question that was now going through everyone's mind.
"How Long have you been doing this?" i then chuckled and replied
"How much time you got?.". And with that i explained just about everything about my life since i was 5 and about everything about my world.

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