Chapter 3

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Robins P.O.V- 2 days ago

It was a normal day at the cave and everyone was there due to schools being closed thanks to the holidays. Wally was eating, as usual, Megan was baking cookies, Artemis was practicing her archery, Connor was just watching Megan make cookies, Kaldur was reading a book on Atlantis mythology and I was just Reading through files I downloaded form the batcave. After a while the computer system announced "Recognised Batman 02" At the point of Batman's arrival everyone stopped what they were doing and headed towards the briefing room hoping that Batman had a assignment for us.

As we entered the room I said
"Hey Bats" I said that because I know hates being called bats for some reason. He turned around and said
"Robin, I told you not to call me that" he replied in his deep batman voice.
"Sorry, anyway have you got a mission for us." " in a matter of fact I do" after saying that he pulled up the holographic computer and brought up files regarding scarecrow and his latest victims. He then continued
"Over the past few weeks scarecrow has developed a new version of his fear serum, so far he has infected 5 people with this new serum and it appears to have permanent effects. I have successfully interrogated one of scarecrows men and found out the scarecrow will be selling his new serum to the light in Gotham park in 2 days time." Kaldur then asked
"If you don't me asking, if this deal is happening in Gotham the why aren't you handling it" Batman looked at him for a few moments as if he was thinking of a answer, he then replied
"I want you to handle it so I can see just how far this team has come over the years. If you need help I will come and assist you but only if needed...."

Present day-

On the bio ship Kaldur, now suited up as Aqualad was telling us were everyone would be during the deal between scarecrow and the light. Artemis would be in the trees so she can get a good look at the deal and who's going to be there. Miss Martian would be in camouflage mode as a precaution if Psimon shows up. Superboy, Kid Flash, Aqualad would be hiding ready to stop the deal whilst I would be hacking the security cameras to see the deal from multiple angles to determine the best plan of attack. After that Aqualad Asked
"Miss Martian can you set up the mind link please."
" MInd Link set, Everyone online" one by one we replied
"yeah, Beautiful" Kid Flash obviously
"Thank you Megan, now everyone knows what they are meant to be doing. As soon as we get to the location everyone break off and get in position. We don't know how long we are going to be there, we don't know exactly when the deal in taking place all we know is that the deal is happening tonight so prepare yourselves for a long night"

Another 10 minutes went by until we reached Gotham park and as soon as we did Megan camouflaged and flew into the sky, Artemis found a tree that had plenty of leaves on it so she could be hidden but not too many that she couldn't actually see the deal taking place. Aqualad, Superboy and Kid flash found suitable hiding spots so that they also got a good look at the deal but not too close so that they could be spotted. whilst I headed straight to one of the CCTV cameras and began hacking into the system so I could have complete control over the cameras in the surrounding area. Once I hacked the system I went to join Aqualad so I could relay what I was seeing through the cameras to him so he could devise the best and most suitable plan of attack.

We waited there for hours but there was absolutely no sign of scarecrow or the light and Kid Flash was getting bored and when Wally gets bored he get annoying and I mean super annoying. Without even realising it he started to hum through the mind link the tune to "I know a song that will get on your nerves" and my god did it get on everyone's nerves. Just before Aqualad was about to call Batman I saw something on the cameras.
" Aqualad we have movement on the east side of the park and whoever they are the are coming this way." I said through the mind link and at that exact moment Kid Flash stopped humming and started to pay attention.
" OK Robin can you get a good look at who it is" Aqualad asked In his leaders voice ( in other words his deep almost batman voice but not as creepy). I replied
"already done and it looks like Scarecrow and he's carrying a briefcase. most likely that is were we will find his fear serum."
" Thanks Robin , OK everyone ge..." AquaLad was cut off by Megan saying
"Aqualad we have more incoming from the north side of the park and it looks like Lex Luthor and Sportsmaster accompanied by a whole lot of guards including Luther's robot bodyguard Mercy"
"thanks for the heads up Megan. Ok team we will wait until Scarecrow makes contact then we make our move. Megan you take out as many of the guards as you can whilst staying in camouflage mode. Artemis are you ok with taking on Sportsmaster."

When Artemis replied she sounded determined and a little pissed at the fact she had to face Sportsmaster but that was understandable
"ok good, Superboy your job is to take out Mercy, she will put up a good fight and will do anything to protect Lex so you need to take her out ASAP. Kid flash you and Robin will help Megan take out the guards there's a lot of them so it may be a little difficult, if any of you need back up just ask and whoever can assist go and assist. Just remember if we are spread too thin we can always call Batman in for backup.".

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