Chapter 16

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I kept digging through the files for a while until my coms unit went off
"Em, where are you?" It was Peter
"I'm in my office, why?"
"Just wondering you've been gone a while"
"Trying to track down the avengers. Any idea where they could be?"
"Pete, what aren't you telling me?"
"Look up Sokovia then you'll know what's been going on". And that's what i did, I typed Sokovia into the search bar and this is what came up

'The Battle of Sokovia was a major battle between the and in , . Convinced that was the greatest threat to peace on , Ultron planned to commit global genocide by creating a device that would lift the city of Novi Grad skyward and cause it to recreate a meteoric impact when it crashed into the Earth. The Avengers' actions, however, resulted in the threat being neutralized and the being brought an end'

"I know where they are...


My office shook and windows shattered. As a reflex I dived from my chair and took cover by my desk. My ears started ringing as smoke started coming into the room.
"Emma!...! Do you..!" I couldn't completely make out what Peter was saying. It took a second for my ears to stop ringing but I didn't hear Peter anymore, instead I heard M'ganns voice in my head
"Emma, can you hear me!?... Emma Respond!" I shook off the horrible feeling in my head and replied
"Yeah M'gann I hear you" I pushed myself up and stumbled out of my office saying
"What the hell just happened!?" This time instead of M'gann responding it was Dick
"We don't know but whatever it was just shook the entire building. Are you Okay?". I touched the side of my head and felt a warm gooey patch, i then looked down at my right arm and saw a rather large piece of glass embedded in it.
"I'm fine just a couple scrapes..." I was cut off by flashing red lights and a siren.

"Lockdown-Lockdown-Lockdown-lockdown----Lockdown Complete"

"Urm what's lockdown" I went towards the weapons lockup and replied
"It's a security protocol for when the building is under attack. But it also means that the building is locked down in sections; The intelligence sector, the scientific sector, Operations sector and the YHD sector" Wally replied
"YHD Sector?" I unlocked the weapons lock up and replied
"Young Heroes Devison. The sector that I'm in and from the looks of it the sight of the first attack"
"What section are we in?"
"Operations- the opposite side of the building" I pushed the lock up open expecting to see all our back ups but it was completely empty
"Fuck" the lights in the room then began to flicker on and off. I couldn't feel the mind link anymore so as I slowly backed up from the weapons lock, I pressed my comes and said
"Can anyone hear me?.... Webs...Director Fury... Anyone!?" as the lights continued to flicker I started to get a really, really bad case of deja-vu. I pressed my coms once more and said
"I repeat this is Miss America, Does anyone copy?!"

I groaned in frustration before turning to the door. I took one step before an all too familiar voice echoed through the room
"They can't hear you Little one" my blood ran cold upon hearing his voice, my heart sped up and so did my breathing. There's only one person in the universe that scares me but he's dead. I didn't want to turn around. I turned my head slightly before saying
"You're dead, Hawkeye killed you. You can't be here". I heard a loud thud behind me and the ground shook slightly. I then heard his voice again but this time he was closer
"Yes, Hawkeye did try to kill me but before that little stand off, I transfused some of your blood with mine"
"That's not possible, the Serum was never in my blood"
"No it wasn't in your father's blood but remember what I told you all those years ago, you're special Emma... and I'm not done with you yet" the second be finished talking i took off running. I ran straight out of the room only to hear him yell

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