Chapter 19

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Once upon a time there were two different dimensions with two parallel worlds. And in those worlds were two similar teams and two similar organisations; SHIELD and the Justice League. In each organisation, a small team of young heroes was put in place to... Well to sum it up I'll tell you something a wise man once told me

"There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people. To see if we could become something more. So when they needed us, we could fight the battles. That they never could."

I was told this when a little girl right before my world was turned upside down. My father told me stories of great heroes and adventures, but he told me something else as well. He told that...

"Every hero is unique, it's not always about psychical power, it's about what you do with what you have. Before the super soldier programme, I was a weak, skinny kid who just wanted to be a soldier. But the scientists saw something inside of me that I saw in you the moment you were born. I saw kindness, courage, a heart to big for the world to deal with. Despite what you believe Emma you are a born leader, to make others follow, believe in yourself, believe in your inner power. Because you are and always have been our Hope for a new breed of heroes. You are destined to lead the next Avengers, hold onto that and believe"

For so many years I didn't truly understand what he meant but now I do and it's time I stopped running. I thought I was running to things before faded into nothingness but the truth is, I was a running away from who I'm meant to be.

Just over a year ago my life changed when I was pulled from my world into another. I met a group of amazing people I consider family now, I even fell in love with the most extraordinary person. I started to believe I wasn't going to see my home again but something happened. My world and theirs became one after a huge earthquake struck both world at the same time, caused by an unknown force


'I, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, Human and Alien, God, Enhanced and Monsters,; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God'.

This is the vow I made when I was 13 years old. That was the age I was officially allowed to make the oath but I've been living with this since I was a little girl. I always promised and fought to keep my family safe; but when I started this journey all those years ago I never imagined it could end like this.

Two bullets still imbedded in my lower abdomen. A seriously strong sedative coursing through my veins. Three cracked ribs, bruised chest. Dirty bandages wrapped around my abdomen and right now I don't know where I am...

My name is Emma Rogers, And I was Miss America. I messed up and now I'm in a lot of trouble. People from my past have come back to enact their revenge. This isn't the end of my story, I just don't know what's coming next all I know is that it's gonna be bad. 

To Be Continued.... 

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