Chapter 11

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Emma's P.O.V




I forced my heavy eyes open only to be blinded by white lights, for a second i thought i was in my room at the Mansion but then pain surged through my entire body. I pushed through the pain but when i went to sit up I couldn't move my feet or hands. There was also something pushing down around my stomach holding me down.

My breathing got faster and the heart monitor increased as my memory started coming back. Elijah stabbed me, Drugged me and then had his men beat me up. A hand then gently touched my shoulder, I turned my head and saw a woman with Brown hair, Brown eyes and couldn't be older than 30. She pushed me back down but the shooting, crippling pain in my stomach got worse. She then said

"Miss Rogers just relax, you were badly beaten up" I then replied quietly

"Where am I?" i then started feeling seriously weak and when i felt a prick in my arm i looked down and saw the nurse attaching an empty blood bag to my arm. I then said

"What are you doing" my blood then started to flow into the bag as she said

"Your blood is very important for Mr Giles research"

"Wait you're taking my blood"

"I'm just doing what i'm told" I looked at the tray next to her and saw 7 more full blood bags.

Before I could ask why she was doing this, Elijah's voice came from behind the bed I was on.

"I know what you're thinking, Emma. You're wondering why you're blood is being taken and why you're still alive. Well I'll happily answer your questions?" he slowly came into my eye line but kept one hand resting on top of the beds headrest. He smiled and brushed some hair off my face before saying

"You are very special, Emma. More than you think you are. Your precious blood has high traces of Super Soldier Serum, passed from your father. So my plan is to take your blood, extract the serum and make an Army, I'll be the most powerful man in the world" I then said

"You won't get much if you kill me"

"That's why you're still alive. I'm going to take your blood until you almost die, let you recover and do it again and again, until I get bored"

"You're a Psychopath" Elijah picked something up before saying

"You aren't even using the power at your disposal. I'm doing this for your own good. My Emma"

"I'm not yours" he then looked over my body and said

"You look so much like your mother, it's such a shame you are going to share the same fate"

"Go to hell" he then stuck a needle into my other arm and my eyes became really heavy. He then said

"Don't fight it. Just go to sleep" i was too tired and weak to fight so i just the darkness consume me again.

12 hours later

Elijah pressed the knife harder into my throat. And then said to my family

"Come any closer and I'll rip out her throat" Sam then said

"Elijah, she's just a kid, let her go man"

"NO! " when he yelled he pulled me closer, causing me to take a sharp breath. I then whispered

"Clint" he looked at me and replied

"Just focus on me, Kid. You're going to be fine...... Elijah please, I'm begging you" Elijah looked at me briefly before folding the blade of his knife away, i let out a sigh of relief but he then said

"SHIELDs golden girl. Daughter of black Widow and Captain america. The last viable source if Super Soldier serum in the world. You honestly think I'm going to hand her over" before anyone could do anything he pulled the knife back out and dragged it across my throat....


Location: Wayne Manor

Time: 4:35AM

1 year later

I jolted up in bed with a gasp, breathing heavily and sweating. My heart feels like it's going to burst out from my chest. Almost immediately I started to slow my breathing down and pushed my hair off my face.
"Hey, you okay?" i looked over my shoulder towards Dick, who was starting to wake up. I smiled and said

"Just a bad dream, go back to sleep" he propped himself up on his elbows and said

"I thought the nightmares had stopped"

"So did i but apparently not"

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Even if I say no, you'll make me talk about it so..." he lied back down, smiled and said

"It's like you really know me" I lied down with my head on his chest and my arms wrapped around him. He held me close and started stroking my hair, I took a breath and started explaining my nightmare...


Spider-man's P. O. V.

After a long day of patrolling the city, i ended up on The Chrysler Building. I'm sat on one of the big metal eagles with my legs hanging over the edge. It's hard to believe that it's been slightly over a year since Emma went missing. Her status has been changed to 'MIA' Missing In Action. It's not dead but not Alive either, it just means we don't know where she is or if she's okay.

Graduation is just around the corner for High School and SHIELD Academy. Emma was well on her way to graduating High School with top marks before she went missing. She's been ready to graduate SHIELD for the entire time i've known her but she had to wait until she was 18. It's going to be weird doing this without her.

Now the team, it took us some time but we got back into the swing of things without Emma. They were a bit apprehensive at first having me as team leader but soon saw it was the best option for us. We'd all rather have had someone on the team as new leader, than some SHIELD drill sergeant. It doesn't go unnoticed that we still miss Emma; of course we do she was like a sister to all of us, but it's time to move on. The avengers are still looking but whenever they get a new lead it turns out to be either fake or a dead end.

What happened to you Em, Where are you......

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