Chapter 2

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Emma's P.O.V.- 2 days later

"Spider-man, Powerman, Maneuver 19" as you guessed we're in the middle of a training session against the latests versions of the LMDs (Life, Model, Decoys). I programmed the LMDs to imitate the movements of some high ranking Hydra Agents. We were all wearing our uniforms as we trained.

Peters suit is red and blue with black web lines all over it. The lenses in the mask are white one way mirror type lenses rimmed with black. Ava wears a Vibranium-weave bulletproof costume, The boots have special Vibranium soles that absorb sound and impact, enabling her to leap off buildings up to 8 stories tall and land without injury. The suit's claws are retractable, and contain a new composite of the experimental "anti-metal" Vibranium, that can break down other metal alloys. Sam Alexander wears a helmet that gives him access to the Nova Force, which grants him superhuman strength and durability, flight, energy projection, telekinesis, universal translation and the ability to breathe underwater and survive in space. His Helmet also automatically covers his body in a navy, gold and red suit. Luke wears a yellow t-shirt, black trouser and boots, because of his invulnerability he doesn't need the protection like the rest of us. Danny wears a green and yellow suit based of ancient designs from his home, Kun-lung. My suir is based off my dads original suit just with the necessary adjustments to protect me from modern weaponry.

Anyway, when the last LMD went down i clipped my shield onto my back and took off my helmet before saying
"Great job guys..." i was cut off my the Alarmas sounded. Without a second thought we all ran to the main hall. When we entered i said
"What we got?" I got a reply from Agent Hill
"The Sinister Six are attacking downtown" Fury then said
"Get down there ASAP" i the said to the team
"Lets rock and roll" we then left the room and ran to the quinjet.

As we approached downtown New-york we could see dust and smoke coming from the carnage below. I then spoke
"You know the drill with these guys. Luke, you deal with Rhino, Pete you got Otto, Ava, Kraven, Danny, Scorpion. Sam Electro and i've got Lizard. We've done this loads of times before. Let's do this quickly"

I landed the ship nearby an within second we all ran out to join the fight. Before i joined in on the fight i cleared the area of civilians and ordered the police to set up a exclusion zone. When that was set up I finally joined the fight. I looked around but couldn't see the Lizard, i was just about to ask the tea where he was when i was suddenly knocked off my feet. I was thrown into a wall and hit my head hard, but not hard enough to knock me out. I stumbled back to my feet and saw Lizard standing not to far from me. I took my shield off my back and ran towards him. Before i reached him i through my Shield onto the pavement before flipping over him and landing on his tail. My Shield hit him in the head and as i returned to me his tail dropped off. I kicked away whilst saying
"That's disgusting"

The lizard regained himself and charged me again. It took a couple of minutes using my shield and a couple of sidekicks accompanied by some punches, eventually i knocked him out. When I had dealt with the lizard I made my way over to the team who had finished with their opponents. Shortly after this the Clean up crew arrived and the Sinister six were taken off to jail. I got my head checked out by medical and it also turns out that i've got a couple broken ribs, but other that that I was perfectly fine.

On my way back to the team I heard what sounded like whispers calling my name. I passed it off as the concussion and carried on walking but the voices got louder. I stopped when i noticed a dull light under some rubble. I went over to it and kicked some of the rubble away revealing a small box with a red pattern on it.

As i reached down to pick it up the voices got louder and louder until may hand touched the box. I picked it up and the voices stopped. Then out of nowhere the wind picked up and everything around me seemed to slow down. I then felt as if I was being dragged backwards, as if my soul was being ripped away from my body.

Everything around me then began to disappear. The last thing I saw was the extremely worried looks on my teams faces and the they were gone. I look around frantically in search of anything that looked familiar but all I could see was white and silver light. I felt as if I was falling.

After what felt like forever I got my first look at a normal night sky. But I could tell it wasn't the new normal night sky, something was different about it. I only got a few moments to look at it before I started to fall again. I hit the ground hard. Before I fell unconscious I got a quick look at my surroundings, I seemed to be in the middle of some sort of fight. Then darkness filled my eyes and I was out.

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