Chapter 8

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1 ½ Month ago

Peters P.O.V.

When the clean up crew arrived Emma went to get checked out by medical. So whilst we were waiting for her we started talking about random stuff. Emma was gone for about 10 minutes until i finally saw her walking towards us. However, she slowed down and came to a stop near a large pile of untouched rubble. Sam then nudged me and said
"Whats up?" i just pointed towards Emma.

When the team turned around Emma was now stood by the rubble. As she crouched down i called out
"Miss A?" i got no response. She stood back up, with something in her hand. Then out of nowhere, the wind picked up a lot. It became really strong really quickly, Dust and papers were being blown around. The wind was even knocking us off balance. I managed to look back over to emm and saw that she wasn't even flinching by the wind. I went to say something but was blinded by a bright silver light. We all flinched away but when it faded the first thing i noticed was that Emma was gone.

Present day

We were all in a state of shock when Emma vanished and the situation was immediately handed over to the avengers. It's been three weeks since that day and there is still no sign of Emma or what happened to her .

I'm currently stood watching the team doing some school work, when someone came and stood next to me. I was snapped out of my thought when Director Fury spoke
"You're in charge, at least until we find a more permanent replacement or until Emma returns"
without even looking at him I said
"And what if she doesn't" I heard him sigh but didn't say anything else. After a couple of minutes I spoke again
"You're driving them to hard" we've all been training really hard with extra sessions since the disappearance. Fury then said
"Works the best thing for us. Oh and don't expect a pay rise, I could probably swing you a parking spot. Keep things calm and if you can manage it slightly dull" he began walking away but then he turned around and said
"And as for Emma, we'll just have to hope she's found soon". When he was gone I looked back at the team once more and muttered to myself
"We need you to be alright"

Emma's P.O.V.

22nd December

'So i've been awake for nearly 2 months now and it's coming up to Christmas so the Megan has convinced me to help her decorate the Cave. Over the past few weeks i've become really good friends with the whole team. Wally is still determined to scare me but it always backfires and it me that ends up scaring him, i guess having 11 years of SHIELD training heightens your senses and comes in real handy when being on a team with a speedster. Anyway today Canarys going to look at my arm to see if i can get the cast off today, i really hope it's healed because i surprisingly miss training.'

I was then interrupted writing in my journal by a knock at my bedroom door.
"Who is it?"
"Its Megan i just wanted to let you know that Canarys waiting for you in the med bay" After Megan spoke i got and walked over to my door and pressed the button on the wall to open it. When the door opened i said
"Hey" We then walked down to the living room.

When we enter the living room she asked
"Why is Canary waiting for you in the Med Bay?" I looked at her then answered
"She wants to see if my arm has healed so i can get this stupid cast of and begin training with you guys." i was obviously excited to get the cast of my arm because my whole life has pretty much been about training and not being able to do that for about 2 months is torture. After that I left Megan and walked down to the Medbay.

When i got to the Medbay i was greeted by Canary and Batman.
"Morning Emma, please sit on the bed." i walked over to the bed and replied
"Morning". Canary started examining my arm. She took the cast off and took a X-Ray just to make sure that the bones were set together properly. I was then asked to do various exercises with my arm. I had to lift a weights and had to use a Finger and Hand exerciser which is designed to strengthen all the important muscles that open the hand, it counteracts the effects of continuous gripping and squeezing required by everyday hand operations. We continued this process for about 10 minutes then Canary spoke
"Ok im very pleased with your arm and i would say that you are cleared to begin training."

I was ecstatic when she said that as i was getting bored just watching the others train. Batman coughed then spoke
"I guess you're going to be needing these then" I looked over at him and he was holding my uniform and shield. I took my stuff off him and went to get changed. It felt good to be in my uniform again. I walked with Batman and Canary to the training room. when we got to the training room Batman called over the intercom
"Team report to the training room for a training session.".

A few minutes later the rest of the team came in and when Megan saw me in my uniform she flew over and hugged me with excitement. She then said
"I take it your arms better." I smiled and replied
"Yeah and i can finally start training with you guys" Batman broke up the moment by saying
"Ok Emma time to show us what you can do." I tied my hair back into a ponytail whilst saying
"Where do you want to start."
"Let's start by seeing how you cope against an appointment with super strength. Superboy if you wouldn't mind being the first one to test Emma's skills."

I looked over at Connor and smiled. we then walked on to the training floor and took are stances. A couple minutes went by and neither of us moved until Connor finally gave in and charged at me. I could tell straight away they he thinks that his strength is an advantage but i've been trained to use peoples strength against them. When he got close to me i flipped over him and then swiped me leg under his and he fell to the ground.

"Superboy Fail"

Wally was next. He swapped places with Connor and began circling me using his super speed. I couldn't see him because he was moving too fast. I took a deep breath and slowed my heartbeat down. Things around me started to slow down and I began to anticipate where Wally would be next. I took out something from my belt a swung it to where i thought wally would be next, it wrapped around one of his ankles and knocked him of balance. He stumbled over and ended up rolling on the floor.

"Kid Flash Fail.".

I then walked over to Wally and gave him my hand. His facial expression said it all, I just answered simply
"You're not my first speedster, Wally. And don't just rely upon your powers because you never know what your opponent is capable of." He took my hand and i pulled him up.

Next was Aqualad and he decided that he would use his water sticks so I used my Shield. I was fighting Aqualad for about 5 minutes. Those 5 minutes consisted of me dodging his water attacks and his attacks hitting my shield. I was eventually getting bored so I'm a break between his attacks I flipped over his on coming water blasts and knocked his water sticks out of his hands, then I swiped his feet him under him and he fell on his butt

"Aqualad fail".

Next up was Artemis and of course Canary remember that I said one of my foster dad's was a archer so he trained me, so she gave me a bow and swapped Artemis's arrows for stun ones and gave me some as well. All I could think was 'this is going to be fun'.

"Ok Arty let's see how good an archer you actually are" After I said that she fired an arrow at me but it missed my head and almost hit the rest of the team. We were each given 10 arrows so I decided to let Artemis use all hers before I used mine. So I was flipping, dodging all over the place until Artemis ran out of arrows then I shot one at her lower leg and she fell to the ground

"Artemis fail".

I walked over to her and helped her over to Wally. Then it was Miss Martians turn and it turns out that the Vibranium in my shield reflects off Martian powers. We found that out when Megan went to throw me again the wall using her powers but as an instinct I got my shield off my back and put it in front of my. I could the force when her blast hit my shield and I braced myself to be thrown into the wall but then he computer said

"Miss Martian Fail".

I looked up from my shield and Megan was on the floor and she then said
"So that what that feels like." That made the team laugh and I walked over to Megan and asked her if she was ok. She said that she was fine then asked pointing to my shield
"What is that made of" I held my shield in my hands and said
"it's a Vibranium- steel alloy. Vibranium is one of the rarest metals on my world. This is actually all that's left"
"Well I now know not to use my powers against you if you have that." I gave her a smile and then looked over to Robin, it's his turn.

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