Chapter 15

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We all looked towards M'gann. She was on the ground in front of the long haired blonde man with a glowing hand. As he raised it we all tried to get to her but couldn't get past our opponents. I couldn't tell you what happened next, one second we were fighting and the next we were all knocked off our feet.

When I sat up, I felt nothing but relief when I saw Emma stood in front of M'Gann. She looked between everyone here and said
"That's enough, all of you" the guy next to Wally sat up and muttered
"Emma" Emma helped M'Gann up before replying
"Hey Sammy" it then clicked. I stood up and said
"It's her team"

After i said that Emma said
"Okay 2 statements and 1 question . Statement 1- Split up" no one questioned her, we could tell she was pissed off. Wally, Kaldur, Connor, M'gann, Arty and myself gathered around some rocks to the left of Emma. Her team was gathered to her right. When we gathered i noticed that Em wasn't wearing her suit, she was wearing normal clothes. She dug her shield into the sand before rubbing the bridge of her nose and saying
"Statement 2- Right now, I am under a lot of pressure trying to stop two worlds going to war. I can't deal with you guys fighting right now... Which funnily enough brings me to my question" She turned to her team and said
"Since when do you 5 attack first and ask questions later?!"

The 5 teens looked between each other before the girl said
"After you disappeared things changed. The avengers were so focused on finding you they started to neglect everything else. The criminal world started putting the pieces together and soon realised that you were gone. They became more active, more people were getting hurt. We had to adjust, adapt to keep people safe" The guy in blue and red then continued
"Emma, we thought you were dead. Fury made me leader. We tried to do it your way but we couldn't. Emma i'm sorry" Emma sighed before saying
"We'll continue this later, right now we need to get back to the Helicarrier...." she turned to us and said
"You guys too. I need your help to keep the JL in check for this meeting" I then said
"What meeting?"


Emma's P.O.V.

After talking on the beach we all got into the Quinjet. I was sat in the pilot seat and could feel the amount of tension coming from behind me. I put the jet on autopilot and turned around in my chair. I then said
"OKay, this isn't really how i wanted you guys to meet but now you have. KId Flash, Aqualad, Artemis, Miss Martian, Superboy, Robin; this is Spiderman, Nova, White Tiger, Powerman and Iron First. And Vice versa" they gently all waved at each other.

I sat back in the chair as Peter said
"So, you've been with them for the past year"
"Yeah" he sat forward and said
"Emma what happened?"
"Still not 100% sure. One second i was in our world, in New york after fighting the sinister six. And the next i was falling. Two weeks later i woke up here with a broken arm and really, really confused. But i soon adjusted, made friends, found a home, a family, Love" as i said that last part i looked over at Dick who smiled at me. I returned the smiled and then said
"I tried for months to a find a way back, but i couldn't. I thought of you guys everyday, i missed you all like crazy but..." Sam cut me off by saying
"But you had to keep going. You couldn't shut down, that's not how you work... so, urm you two, you know" he gestured between DIck and I. I rolled my eyes at him whilst Dick let out a slight chuckle. Sam then said
"I'm guessing that the avengers don't know, Huh"
"I haven't seen them yet" Pete looked out of the window and said
"Well hope you're ready. We're here" I turned the my chair back around and took the ship in for it's landing.

As we exited the ship i started explaining what the meeting is all about.
"Okay i managed to convince Director Fury and the security council to sit down with the Justice League to get to know each other a bit. Learn about each others agenders, resources that kind of stuff" before we entered the triskelion, i turned to the teams and said
"Webs, you and others are going to be stood with the director, try and keep him calm" i then turned to Dick and the others and said
"I need you to stay with your mentors" Dick then asked
"What are you going to do?"
"I need to contact my family, and find out where they are. I got a bad feeling about something, i can't put my finger on it.... Lets go"


2 hours later

Emma's P.O.V.

I made a brief appearance at the meeting before heading to my old office. When i entered the room i expected things to have changed now that Pete is team leader but no. Everything is exactly and i mean exactly how i left it. Same pictures on my desk and work files spread out in an organised mess. When i sat down at my desk i felt normal again, it's hard to explain.

Anyway when i sat down i logged into my computer. i tried to see if there were any recent mission logs for the Avengers but was surprised at what i found. Multiple files above my security clearance, not a lot of things are above my clearance do what are they hiding. I contemplated whether or not to hack into the file but then decided against it, if it's important they'll tell my eventually.

I kept digging through the files for a while until my coms unit went off
"Em, where are you?" It was Peter
"I'm in my office, why?"
"Just wondering you've been gone a while"
"Trying to track down the avengers. Any idea where they could be?"
"Pete, what aren't you telling me?"
"Look up Sokovia then you'll know what's been going on". And that's what i did, I typed Sokovia into the search bar and this is what came up

'The Battle of Sokovia was a major battle between the Avengers and Ultron in Novi Grad, Sokovia. Convinced that humanity was the greatest threat to peace on Earth, Ultron planned to commit global genocide by creating a device that would lift the city of Novi Grad skyward and cause it to recreate a meteoric impact when it crashed into the Earth. The Avengers' actions, however, resulted in the threat being neutralized and the Ultron Offensive being brought an end'

"I know where they are...


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