Part 4

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"It's late you two." Alex says. "And I think she can walk alone." Luke lets go of me and we walk to the door but I keep messing up my footing. "So either she's drunk or you two fucked."

"She doesn't drink." Luke says.

"So you two fucked."

"Don't tell mom please."

"Okay, as long as you two are quite at home."

"Don't worry Alex. We won't do anything. At least to loud." We walk back to our rooms. I lay down on my bed and all I can think about is Luke. I honestly don't think we could be anything. I know it sounds really slutty but sex is how I find out if I am in love with a guy. If I don't feel like saying I love you during sex then I don't love him. If I do I wait a few weeks after to make sure I do love him and then tell him. I don't know why but that's how it's been for me ever since I lost my virginity. I don't even remember how I found out if I loved anyone before that. I'm happy that we did it but I wish I could've waited longer. If Angel ever finds out anything she'll kill me and go into depression again. I hope she doesn't. I know she's done horrible things to me like taking every boyfriend I've ever had and having sex with them while I'm still dating them but I don't want to be like that to her. I don't want to be anything like her. I feel really bad for even liking Luke when she was in love with him but I couldn't help it. He is everything I've ever wanted in a guy. He surprises me even though I don't like surprises, he's cheesy, he's smart, and he's kind and caring and actually means all of it. I'm really falling for him. I slowly fall asleep. I wake up to my bed shifting a bit. I turn around and see Alex. "Alex! Get out now!"

"Why? You seem to be doing things with my brother why can't you do them to me?"

"Alex I like Luke not you now get out of here!" I hear footsteps running down the hall and the door bursts open.

"Lili!" Luke says. "Why the hell is Alex in your bed?"

"Yeah Alex why don't you answer that because I don't even know!"

"Luke why else would I be naked?"

"You're naked?" I quickly get out of the bed. "Alex get it in your head I don't like you at all!"

"Lili what the hell is going on?" Luke starts tearing up. I move closer to Luke but he steps back.

"Luke I was asleep but I woke up to my bed shifting. When I turned around I saw Alex there and I started yelling at him to get out then you walked in."

"Lili I don't believe you." I start crying.

"Luke I like you. I'd never do anything like that. You know I wouldn't." I walk up to him and hold his hands.

"I don't know if you would."

"Luke look at me. I have clothes on. The same clothes I was wearing on our date. I didn't change because I didn't want today to be over. I was too happy after everything that happened that I didn't want it to end." I put my hand on his cheek. "I had an amazing day with you." A few tears fall down my cheeks. He kisses my hand that is on his cheek.

"I did too." He pulls me into a hug. "I did too." He starts crying.

"Oh come on you believe her not me?" Alex asks.

"Well since her outfit is the exact same way I saw it last I know nothing happened. And since I did run over here because I heard yelling I believe Lili. Now how do I explain this to our mother? Come on Lili you can sleep with me tonight." I grab some pj's (on top) He puts his arm around my waist and we walk to his room. "I'm sorry my brother is an asshole."

"Could've been worse, you could've believed his lies."

"Well since I could see that your bra is inside out from earlier I know he was lying."

"Oh god I didn't notice." I hide my face with my hands.

"Don't hide your beautiful face." He pulls my hands away. "I'm sorry that happened."

"It's okay." I kiss him. He kisses me back deeply. We sit on the bed and keep kissing. "Luke I don't think I could do another round today."

"Getting sore?"


"Sorry sweetie."

"It's okay, besides I loved it." I kiss him.

"I loved it too." He kisses me. "We should go to sleep before you say or do anything that turns me on."

"Okay." He lies down and opens his arms for me to lie on his chest. I get on the bed and lie on his chest.

"I know it's really early to say this but I think I love you."

"Luke its way too early for me to say that."

"Sorry, just forget I've ever said anything."

"Luke I've just been hurt by every guy I've fell for."

"I hope you learn I'll never hurt you." He pulls me closer and kisses my forehead. "Maybe wear out your pussy from fucking so much but I'd never break your heart." I laugh.

"Well good." I start to fall asleep on his chest.

"I really do love you though." He whispers. I snuggle up closer into his chest.

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