Part 19

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"What's wrong?" Luke asks when he sees her.

"Is Alison home?"

"She's on her way home, come in." We walk inside and sit on his couch. "What happened?"

"You can tell him. I'm going to use your bathroom Luke." Lili gets up and walks to the bathroom.

"Michael has been trying to get with me for a while and I got tired of it so I called Lili while he was trying to. I'm just glad she isn't pushing me away."

"So what's happening with Michael?"

"He has an hour to move out or we're calling the police."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I start to feel awkward.


"Sorry if this is awkward."

"It's just because of our past."

"Can I ask you something? You can say no if you want to."


"Can we kiss once? I've always wondered how it would be..." When he finishes saying that he hides in a blanket that was next to him. I've been wondering also...

"Umm sure..." He gets out of the blanket.


"Yeah." He puts his hand behind my head and pulls me into a kiss. I shouldn't be feeling anything but it feels like fireworks. He pulls away.


"Yeah." I look at the ground trying to hide the fact I'm blushing.

"Hey guys." Lili walks back to us.

"Hey Lili. Luke do you have ice cream and popcorn?"

"Chocolate brownie good for you guys? We have like four tubs of it." He gets up knowing what I mean.

"Yes please." He walks to the kitchen. "Where are the movies?"

"Under the TV." I look under the TV and pull out the girly movies. A few movies pass and we hear a knock on the door. Luke answers it. "Michael leave." Luke says.

"I got kicked out." Michael says.

"Yeah I know. For trying to sleep with your fucking fiancée's sister."

"Why are you pissed you always cheat on girls."

"I haven't done anything with anyone since a few weeks after Lili left me. Alison broke up with me for Ashton and I decided to get my life together."

"The girl at the park?"

"She was Alison's sister. We were planning her birthday party."

"Sure." Michael storms away. Luke closes the door and sees Lili curled up in my arms.

"Come on Lili let's get you to bed." Luke helps her up and takes her to his room. "If you need anything I'll be cleaning up the living room with Angel." He walks back to me.

"Thanks for letting us stay for a while."

"No problem. If you guys ever need to again feel free too."

"Okay." He sits next to me.

"Sorry if things are awkward again because of the kiss."

"It's okay, but is it true of what you said? About not doing anything with anyone since Lili left?"

"A few weeks after when Alison left me is when I decided I should stop being a fuckboy fucking every girl in sight."



"Just when I found out about Alison I thought it would take you years to realize you need to stop. Probably around your third child with a random girl." We laugh.

"No but I thought if I do keep up the way I was I would have that many children maybe more. I already have one and I want to take care of him instead of teaching him to be a douchebag."

"Good." I put my head on his shoulder.

"Are you tired?"

"A little bit."

"We do have another bed if you want to sleep."

"I'm good for a while."

"Want to watch a few movies?"



"Oh hell yes." He puts a movie in and every jump scare I hide in his chest and every blood and gore he hides in my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I never told you." He says as the credits role.

"Told me what?"

"About Alison."

"Yeah I wish you told me earlier. Hell I wish you told me."

"I'm really sorry about that. I was an idiot with how I treated girls back then."

"I liked how you treated me besides the cheating."

"Even though I treated you like shit?"

"You didn't treat me like shit. Only thing you did wrong was cheat on Alison."

"Yeah I'm really sorry about that. If it helps at all you were one of the few girls I actually liked seeing."

"It helps a little."

"Can we um... Kiss again? Sorry I just want to make sure I felt what I felt during the kiss."

"Me too." He pulls me close and kisses me. It feels like fireworks again. I kiss him back putting my arms around his neck. He pulls away.

"I was right. Kissing you is amazing." I blush and hide in his shoulder. "Did you not feel the same way?"

"No I do."

"Then what's wrong?"

"This is wrong. I still like you even though you cheated on me. Hell I was the one that you cheated with on Alison."

"Oh come on you know you kissed at least one guy while we were together."

"I didn't."

"You didn't? I always thought you at least kissed one guy."

"I didn't kiss anyone while we were together. Besides my mom on the cheek."

"Oh. Well sorry for thinking you did."



"I'm sorry but I have to do this." I kiss him and he kisses me back. He lies me down on the ground and his hands explore my body. "Are you sure you're not with anyone right now? If you are and you don't tell me I don't think I could forgive you again."

"I told you Alison broke up with me and I haven't seen a girl since." I flip us over and kiss his neck while I sit on his waist. "Angel unless you want to do something we should stop. I know you are still a virgin and completely understand if you want to wait for the right guy-"

"Why don't you show me the spare room?" I take off my shirt. We get up and walk to the spare room. He takes off his shirt and pants while I take off mine. He lies me on the bed kissing my neck. He fumbles through the nightstand and finds a condom. He puts the condom on and slides himself into me. I squeal from the pain.

"Sorry are you okay?"


"We can stop if it's too much."

"No I want you to be my first." He starts thrusting gently while kissing me. He slowly picks up speed and I start moaning. He kisses me to muffle my moans. It isn't long till we cum. He lies next to me and keeps kissing me.  

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