Part 16

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"Well what about right now." He kisses me.

"Love we already brought the condoms to my place." He pulls one out of his back pocket. "Someones prepared." I kiss him and he sits on the bed.

"Well gorgeous why don't you sit on my lap." I sit on his lap and kiss him. I kiss down to his neck and suck on his neck. He underdresses me and himself then I sit back on his lap and start teasing him. I take the condom from him and lick his cock. "Fuck." He moans. I suck on it a little bit and then put the condom on. I sit on his cock and move my hips. He flips us over and starts thrusting. I start moaning as he thrusts faster and faster. I kiss him and he lifts me up and pins me against the wall. He starts thrusting and kissing my neck. We both cum and lay on the bed for a bit. "Do you think you can walk?"

"Yeah." I laugh.


"Just thought how much more this is probably going to happen now."

"Good thing or a bad thing?"

"A bit of both. My pussy gets sore from after one fuck a day already. You're way too big for me."

"I guess that means that you'll never get used to it and get tired of it."

"Oh I'd never get tired of you." I kiss him.

"Well good. Now," He picks me up and walks me out to the car, "let's go princess." We drive to our new house and he carries me in.

"I thought that was for a married couple type of thing." He puts me down inside.

"Who knows maybe in a few months I'll be asking."

"Oh really? Well then I'll be waiting." He kisses me.

"And I'll be waiting for the right moment."

"Well then if you want it to be a surprise me don't take me on a fancy dinner. That makes it kind of obvious."

"I'll take note of that. Now let's unpack these boxes to make the place looked moved in."

"Okay." I kiss him and we unpack everything. "We have to make more keys before Angel gets here tomorrow."

"Will do sweetheart." He kisses me and we drive around finding a key place. We make three copies and head back home. When we get inside he starts tickling me.

"No!" I break out laughing. From me squirming everywhere he accidently touches my boobs. "Bad touch!" I yell while laughing.

"What are you five?" He keeps tickling me.


"Ew I've had sex with a five year old." He backs away.

"And you loved it." He kisses me.

"Oh god if our neighbors hear us we could get arrested."

"For what? Saying we had sex? We're over age."

"Yeah." He kisses me.

"I'm sore from everything today I don't think I could do another round."

"It's okay beautiful." He picks me up and puts me on our bed. He kisses me and wraps his arm around me. It isn't long till we fall asleep. We wake up to a knock on my bedroom door.

"You two are adorable together." Angel says. "Don't worry I won't take this boyfriend from you hopefully."

"You're more into the rich type Angel. Really feel like dating a waiter?"

"Ew." Angel walks out of the room.

"Sorry love but that's the only way from her pretending to be me and sleeping with you."

"It's okay sweetheart." He kisses me. We walk out to the living room and see Angel sitting on the couch.

"So Angel, need help getting stuff out of your car?"

"Yes actually your boyfriend can help. You can sit down."

"Angel I know you've taken all of Lili's boyfriends from her but you're not taking me." Michael says.

"Feisty I like it."

"Michael can you go buy us some coffee, Angel likes the same thing I get but with salt." Michael leaves. Me and Angel start unloading her car and unpacking things into her new room.

"So do you like this guy?"

"Angel I love him. Please don't try to take him away or trick him or anything."

"How long have you been seeing each other?"

"Almost two months since we first met and went on a date but a few weeks since we've been official."

"Well that's cute. Now where does Luke live so I can meet this Alison?" I laugh.

"Of course." Michael walks through the door. "Michael Angel wants to meet Alison. Think you can text one of them to see if we could come over. Don't say we're bringing Angel unless you're texting Alison and you tell her to keep it quiet about that."

"Will do." He winks at me.

"Oh this revenge is going to be sweet." I say.

"Why would you need revenge?" I sigh and tell her everything. "Oh hell yeah we're getting revenge. We're getting changed. I have some sexy clothes to wear. And don't worry Michael you two will go out afterwards my treat." She tosses me an outfit to wear and I put it on while she changes. We do each other's makeup and hair. She has hers up and mine is down. We walk out and Michael sees us. He's wearing a suit. I've never seen him in a suit.

"Holy shit you look hot Lili." He walks up to me and kisses me.

"How did you know it was me? We covered the differences with makeup."

"Your cheekbones are fuller, your hands are smaller, and you have two eyes that are different shades. Angels are the same shade." I hug him.

"No one has ever told us apart." Angel says. "You found an amazing guy Lili. Don't worry I promise I won't take him from you." I quickly hug Angel.

"Thank you."

"No problem now let's make the asshole jealous!"

"Michael who did you text?"

"Alison. Luke has no clue you two are coming. Levi is out with Amy so you two can cuss all you want."

"Who is Levi and Amy?" Angel asks.

"Levi is Luke's and Alison's son and Amy is his mom."

"Oh well then let's go." We hurry to his place and knock on the door while Michael stays in the car. I didn't want him to but he said it would be worse on him if it was just the two of us. Alison answers the door and giggles.

"Come in." She whispers. "He's in his room." We walk to the living room. "Luke we have visitors!" She yells. Luke walks down the hall in his pj's and sees us.

"Who is Angel and who is Lili." We smirk.

"God you found the right boyfriend this time Lili. Finally found someone who can tell us apart." Angel hugs me. "Even our dumbass ex can't tell us apart."

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