Part 23

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"I know I'm saying this in a slightly drunken state but you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on."

"Slightly?" I giggle.

"Well I don't know how beautiful you really are so I can't tell how bad it is."

"I would ask you to come over to my place but I live with my sister."

"Ah and I live with my brother."

"Then how about we trade numbers, and record ourselves playing 20 questions one shot each time you stutter."

"Done this before?"

"Well it'll tell us if we're worth getting into bed with each other."

"Well then let's see." He winks and we walk over to the bar. We spend the whole night questioning each other and drinking. "You want to go get a hotel room for the night? I promise I'm not a serial killer."

"Okay." I bite my lip while we call a taxi. When I wake up I see our clothes everywhere and remember bits and pieces of it. I look over at the guy next to me and he's handsome. Probably the best looking guy I've ever seen. I mean you can cut cheese from his jaw line. I get up knowing it was probably a one night stand and start putting on clothes. I get pulled back into bed.

"Where you going beautiful?"

"I didn't know if this was a one night stand or not."

"Same here but I do remember taking a video and I want to watch it with you."

"Okay." We watch the full video of our drunk asses playing 20 questions which was way more then 20 questions.

"I can't believe you said that."

"Ugh I'm so embarrassed." I cover my face.

"Don't be, I mean listen to me." He laughs and pulls me onto his lap.

"Oh my god."

"So um... was this just a one night stand?"

"Uh I don't know, do you want it to be?"

"Not really. I mean I don't even remember us having sex but since I'm butt naked and there is a condom near the trash I know we did. Plus I want to ask you out."

"Oh really? Then why don't you do it?"

"Maybe I wanted to see your reaction." He kisses me.

"Then ask me and you can."

"Well then, do you want to go out on a date. Maybe tonight if you can?"

"Sure. And what time?"

"Hmmm, 6pm? I'll pick you up."

"Okay." I kiss him.

"Uh I don't have another so you might want to get off of me."

"Oh okay." I quickly get off of him and finish getting dressed.

"So shall I walk you home?" I giggle.

"Maybe you can get dressed first."

"Okay." He stands up exposing his boner.



"Um nothing." I toss him his boxers.

"Sorry to ask this but I apparently forgot to ask during the 20 questions, how many guys have you uh been with." He says while getting dressed.

"Two." I say quickly looking at the ground.

"Inc-including me?" I nod slowly. "Wow, would have thought someone as beautiful as you would have been with a lot."

"What about you?"

"Do I have to answer?"

"Can't count?"

"No I can clearly count it."

"Then tell me."

"One." He sighs.

"Wait what?"

"You were my first."

"I'm sorry it probably wasn't what you wanted it to be like."

"It's not like I can even remember it."

"Well maybe if the date goes well tonight." I bite my lip.

"I rather it not be in a hotel again, so maybe I can kick my brother out and I make a fancy dinner and we just stay at mine?"

"Uh sure." I start to feel nervous.

"Whats wrong?"


"Tell me."

"It's just your name sounds familiar and the fact you live with your brother makes me think of something..."


"Is your brothers name Luke?"

"Yeah... Why?"


"Wait. Angel?"

"Oh god."

"I'm so sorry. I should just go."

"I'm sorry that I was your first. You should have had someone better."

"Sorry but was my brother your first?" I slightly nod. "Sorry your first time should have been with someone that's not a douchebag." I laugh. "But hey my first is a model."

"Oh my god." I break out laughing.

"So um if you don't mind I'd still like to go on that date."

"Um you sure?"

"Yeah, I mean it will be awkward because of Luke but he can go fuck himself."

"Sure. As long as its not to just hurt Luke."

"I didn't even know you knew Luke when I first asked you out."

"Okay. Can you still walk me home?"

"Of course." He smiles and we walk out of the hotel holding hands running into Luke and some girl. "Fuck. Um hi Luke."

"What the hell are you doing with Angel?" Luke practically yells so I hide behind Alex.  

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