Part 14

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"I thought the same thing waking up in your arms."

"So why are you sitting on top of me?"

"Why not?" She smirks.

"Well you're kind of giving me a boner."

"Okay." She gets off of me and sits next to me. "Sorry forgot I was naked."

"It's okay. I have a question."

"What is it?"

"You want to go out on a date tonight?"

"Am I hearing this right? I thought the sex was after the date."

"I'm asking you if you want to go out tonight."

"Of course." She smiles and kisses me.

"Why don't you put some clothes on so I can drive you back to your hotel so you can get ready."

"Okay." We get dresses and I drive her to her hotel. I drive over to Luke's so I can talk to him. I knock on the door.

"Hey Michael, come in." Alison says. "How's Lili?"

"Great, she got the house and I'm taking her out on another date."

"So what did you come over here for?"

"Is Luke home?"

"Yeah he's in his room with Levi."

"You might need to bring Levi out of the house for a little bit. There is going to be a lot of cursing and yelling." Alison hurries to Luke's room and grabs Levi.

"Okay, you may start now." I walk to Luke's room.

"How idiotic are you?"

"Excuse you?"

"You kiss her then you watch me having sex with her?"

"I'm sorry but I don't think that's any of your business."

"And me and Lili having sex is none of your business so why were you watching us!"

"Because I thought it was funny how she seemed to like being with me more."

"Are you sure because I never heard those moans coming from your house."

"What did you really come here for?"

"To tell you to stop bugging Lili."

"You can't stop me."

"Look Luke if you are any kind of a friend you would stop."

"She's not only yours. She could be seeing other guys. I mean you two are only dating right? Then you probably aren't the only one fucking her."

"Well because she called me when she was scared to be alone in her hotel room I'm pretty sure I'm the most important guy in her life." I walk out and go to my place.

Lili's POV

I hear a knock on the door. "If its Luke leave me alone!"

"It's me." Alison says through the door. I open the door not realizing I was in my underwear. She covers Levi's eyes. "Not even cute underwear. I'll help you pick out stuff for tonight." She walks in and closes the door behind her.

"How did you know?"

"Michael said he was going to yell at Luke about some stuff and he also told me you got the house and that you two are going out tonight."


"You think he's going to make it official tonight?"

"I hope so."

"Okay so not that kind of underwear. Any other kinds you have?" I show her my underwear and clothes. She picks out an outfit. I change in the bathroom and she does my hair and makeup. Next thing I know I hear someone knock on the door. Alison answers it. "Hey Michael."

"Hey sorry she came over and helped me get ready."

"It's okay and you look beautiful as always."

"Thank you." We walk to his car. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." We keep driving. "Close your eyes." I close my eyes. "No peeking."

"I'll try." He pulls up in come place and helps me out of the car. He covers my eyes with his hands and we walk inside some random restaurant. He pulls away his hands and it's a beautiful fancy restaurant. "Oh my god."


"A little bit." I hug him and kiss him.

"Do you two have a reservation?" A man asks.

"Yes under Clifford." The man scuffles.

"I thought someone put that as a joke. Well since there is wine prepared I will need to see ID's." We hand him out ID cards. "It's actually your last name. Well Mr. Clifford your table is this way."

"I didn't know your last name was Clifford."

"You never asked." We follow the guy to a beautiful candle lit table.

"Michael you shouldn't have."

"I wanted to treat you." He pulls out a seat for me. I sit down and he sits across from me.

"Thank you Michael for everything."

"It's no problem Lili." He holds my hand. "I really love you and I want you to be treated like a queen."

"I love you too so much."

"Now I know the I love you's were supposed to become after this but I really don't want you seeing other guys so I was hoping we could be official."

"Of course." I walk over to him and kiss him. "Can you move your chair closer? I want to kiss you more but you're too far away." He moves closer and puts me on his lap.

"What do you want for Christmas this year pretty lady?"

"Oh god no." I scramble off of his lap laughing.


"Santa is such a turn off."

"Well what are your turn ons?" I bite my lip.

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

"Well biting your lip for one." He coughs and I laugh. "Kisses on the neck, messing with my hair, I probably have a few more but I don't know yet." He takes a drink of water.

"Well mine are also lip biting, kisses on the neck, playing with my hair, and the guy taking control." He coughs practically choking on his water.

"Okay." We spend the next two hours telling each other corny jokes and me teasing him.

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