Part 20

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"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Still liking me after everything and being able to forgive me."

"We all make mistakes."

"What was yours?"

"Hurting Lili so much."


"Yeah, we should get dressed just in case she needs us."

"Yeah." We get dressed and Luke helps me walk to the living room. When we sit down Lili walks out of Luke's bedroom wiping her eyes.

"Thanks for letting me sleep here Luke." Lili says.

"No problem."

"And you totally lied about not having sex, your sisters bedroom smells like sex when I walked passed it." I look at Luke.

"Alison brought Ashton over yesterday and must have forgotten to open a window."

"Ah. Well Angel we should get home and make sure Michael didn't take our stuff instead of just his."

"Um sure." I pat my pockets for my phone. "Why don't you head to the car I have to find my phone."

"Okay." Lili leaves. I take my phone from under the couch and kiss Luke. He kisses me back. "I forgot my jacket-Oh." She leaves again.

"Shit I better go." I get up.

"Wait what are we?"

"I have no clue."

"Well do you want to go on a date tomorrow night?"

"Um sure." I smile.

"Okay I'll pick you up at 6." He kisses me and I leave.

"So you and Luke." Lili says.

"Lili I'm sorry it just happened today. We're going on a date tomorrow night."

"So I'm guessing his sister's room was you two?"


"I have a question."

"What is it?"

"How many guys have you been with?"

"A lot less than you."

"But I've only been with three-Wait was that your first time?"


"God with him?"


"Sorry it's just I thought you lost it a while ago with one of my ex's."

"Well I didn't."

"But with him? I thought you hated him."

"I don't. I just didn't forgive him at the time."

"Well um let's get home and I'll get you something to drink so you can rest." She drives us home and I lay on the couch. "Here." She hands me water and Advil.

"You need it. You just had 7 inches for your first time." I take the pill and drink.

"Thanks. So I never asked, what was your first time like? Was it romantic?"

"The complete opposite."

"Guy's name?"

"Rather not say."

"So what happened?"

"He assumed it wasn't my first time and yeah."

"So how did you walk after that?"

"He thought he was huge and that was why I couldn't walk like at all. I couldn't even stand up straight. He helped me walk home. That was the day we were supposed to go to the beach but I told mom I took some Advil or what I thought was Advil and was too tired to move."

"And it ended up being sleeping pills because she can never sleep at night."

"I might need some of those now."

"Do you want to switch rooms for a few days?"

"Can we actually find a new house?"

"Yeah. There are a lot of memories I don't like here either."

"Well we can start looking when you get back from your date."

"You know what. I'm canceling on Luke. He can wait and if he doesn't he isn't worth a date. We're finding a new house."

"Thank you Angel but you don't have too."

"Lili, you're more important than any guy. So grab your laptop and let's stay up all night looking." We do the exact same thing. We emailed a few houses and got immediate responses. We have at least five houses to look at the rest of the week. We fall asleep and wake up to her alarm ringing.

"We forgot to check if he took anything that's ours."

"Let's go then." We walk around the house. After a while I hear crying. I run to Lili and see her holding a pregnancy test. "Oh no." I hold her. "Come on. We're not waiting I'm driving you to the doctors right now."

"I was going to tell him I was late yesterday and everything happened."

"I'm sorry Lili." I help her up and call Luke. "Luke we need help." It doesn't take long till I hear a knock on the door. "It's open."

"What's wrong?"

"We need you to drive us to the doctors."

"Which doctor?"

"Do you want me to tell him?" Lili nods. "She just took a pregnancy test and it was positive."

"Shit lets go." He picks up Lili and we walk to his car. Me and Lili sit in the backseat so I can hold her and we drive to the doctors. We walk into the doctors and Luke talks to the check in lady. We wait till she is called on. After a while after the tests we find out she is pregnant. She just sits there in shock. The doctor asks questions on if we need to schedule an abortion and stuff like that. Lili just sits there so I tell the doctor we need to think about it. I help Lili up and we walk back to Luke. I nod at him and he looks down. We drive back home and put Lili to bed.

"Lili I'll be back in a few hours. I'm going to get some more food." Me and Luke leave the house. "Drive me to wherever the hell Michael is."

"But it's not safe for you."

"Luke he got my fucking sister pregnant."

"Okay but I'm talking to him with you."

"No you're going to wait in the car."

"No I'm not." He puts his hand on my cheek. "I already lost you once I don't need to lose you forever."

"Fine but you're staying silent."

"Okay." We drive to Calums and knock on the door.

"Hey Angel or is this Lili?" Calum asks.

"Is Michael here?" I ask.

"Yeah. Michael come here!" He yells for Michael.

"What do you want Angel?"

"You got my sister pregnant."


"You got my fucking sister pregnant!"

"Oh my god."

"Feel like an asshole yet?"

"Look whatever he did you don't need to yell at him like that." Calum tries to defend him.

"Let's see he tried to get me to sleep with him over a million times."

"He probably thought you were Lili."

"He's the only shithead that can tell us apart."

"Oh." Calum walks away. 

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