Part 9

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"Lili amazing news! They want you for the magazine! As soon as I showed them a few pictures from the shoot they immediately said yes! Don't worry I made sure they didn't say yes because they thought you were your sister, they never even heard of your sister!"

"Wow that's great thank you for taking such amazing photos then!"

"No problem girl! Look if you're staying here then we could do some more photo shoots and you could get in more magazines! They absolutely love you! They want you to be their top model for the magazine!"

"I'd have to see if it's possible for me to stay here but if I can I say hell yes!"

"Good and those tattoos you have made the lingerie work so much."

"Thank you."

"They have a punk rock magazine in the next month's issue and were hoping you could take a few pictures."

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I could stay for another month."

"Okay! Well I'll call you in a few days to set a date."

"Okay bye!" I sit on my bed. I'm the cover of a magazine. I need to tell someone. I quickly dial my phone.



"I miss you! Where are you?"

"That's not important guess what?"


"I just got the cover for a magazine!"

"Oh my god!"

"Yeah I'm sorry for calling so late but I just got the call that I made it and wanted to talk to you."

"I have a question."


"Are you in Ohio with Luke?"

"I'm in Ohio and bumped into Luke once."

"Oh okay. I thought you were seeing him or something."

"No but turns out he was cheating on you with a girl named Alison he has been dating for two years."

"Oh well thanks for telling me. I'm going to go, congrats on the magazine." She hangs up. She deserved to know. They dated for a year. I fall asleep thinking about Angel and the magazine. I wake up to a knock on my door. I get up and answer it. When I see Luke standing there I slam the door in his face.

"Lili please can we talk?"

"Fuck off Luke."

"Lili please."

"Whatever you want to say you can say through the door."

"Fine look yes I've been seeing Alison for two years. Yes I cheated on you and your sister but I'm sorry. I was going to break up with Alison next week when she was supposed to come back but she came back early. I never meant for any of this to happen. I really do love you."

"Sure you do. Just leave me alone Luke."


"No don't even say my name. Leave me alone now!"

"Okay and I hope you get the magazine cover." He leaves and I start crying. Why the fuck does my life have to be like this. I should just go back to Oregon but this magazine is a really good opportunity. I have to stay. After a few days I finally decide I should get out of the hotel room. I think its time I treat myself right. I can't stay hung up on a guy I didn't even date for a week. I decide I should actually look good today and get changed quickly do my makeup. I call a taxi and go to the mall. I go to my favorite stores and buy cute clothes. I start to think maybe I should buy a car if I'm going to be staying here and try to apply for apartments or houses. I might be staying here for a while so I might want to get comfortable. Okay I guess I'm staying here. I go to the food court and get a slice of pizza.

"I didn't know models ate pizza." Alison walks up. "Don't worry Luke isn't here. He's with Alex somewhere."

"Oh well most don't but fuck it."

"So are you going back to Oregon?"

"I don't think so. Don't worry not because of Luke. I got the magazine cover and they want me to do a few more months of shoots."

"That's nice, so are you staying in a hotel?"

"I'm thinking of buying a house."

"That sounds like a good idea although you'd have to get used to seeing Luke around town."

"I think I'm already used to it." I point to Luke talking to Alex across the food court. "Well anyway I'm going to go buy a car."

"That sounds fun do you think I could come? I think the brothers want to talk alone."

"As long as you're okay with a taxi driving us there."

"Of course. I'm going to tell the douchebags I'm going to hang out with you."

"Isn't that weird though? His girlfriend hanging out with the girl he cheated on you with?"

"I guess I'm used to him cheating on me. And you seem really nice so I want to get to know you."

"Okay." She walks over to talk to Luke and Alex.

Alison's POV

"Hey guys."

"Why were you talking to Lili?" Alex asks.

"She's nice and doesn't deserve to be singled out because she trusted the wrong guy." Luke glares at me. "Look I'm going with her to buy a car."

"So she's staying here?" Luke asks.

"She got the cover and the magazine wants to do more shoots with her so she might even buy a house if the magazine gets serious."

"Oh well have fun then." He tries to kiss me but I step back.

"Really? In front of your ex? Have some decency." I walk back to Lili. "Let's go." We head to the front and wait for a taxi.

"I saw you didn't kiss him when he tried to."

"He's just trying to make you jealous. Don't worry about him, you'll have a hotter guy that'll treat you right in no time."

"Why are you still dating him if he cheats on you?"

"You really want to know?"

"If you don't mind telling me."

"I have a kid. He's one now."

"Where is he?"

"He's at Luke's right now. Amy is taking care of him."

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