Part 25

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"Okay." I drive her home as she sings along to whatever is on the radio. She sounds really amazing.

"You're an amazing singer."

"Oh shut up I know I suck."

"No you're good." I walk her to her door.

"So uh I'll text you later."

"Okay." I kiss her.

Angel's POV

I drag him inside and pull him into my room. He lays me down onto the bed and kisses my neck.

"Um do you have anything cause I didn't bring any..." He asks. I get up and open up my music box where I hid a spare. I get pulled back into bed and he starts undressing me. After a while we just lay in bed together. "So I was thinking, we kind of started this a bit early so maybe this could be the last time we have sex for a few weeks. At least till we know each other better."

"I'm perfectly fine with that." I kiss him.

"Sorry it's just I want us to have a good relationship instead of it being mostly sex." I put my hand on his cheek.

"Hey you don't have to explain. I understand." I kiss him.

"We should get dressed before your sister walks in." We laugh. I get up and toss his clothes at him. He wraps his arms around me.

"Thought we were stopping for a few weeks."

"What's so wrong with me wrapping my arms around you?"

"While we're naked?" I giggle.

"Fine let's get dressed." We get dressed and go out to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"I see you two finally got out of your room." Lili laughs.

"Lili why aren't you at your appointment yet?"

"I just got home."

"How'd it go?"


"Find out the sex yet?"

"Next appointment. I'll leave you two alone." Lili walks to her room.

"So do you want to go out this weekend?"


"Okay I'll text you when I get home." He kisses me then leaves. A few months pass by of me and Alec being together and having a fun time. We break our own rule a few times but we don't really care. It wasn't till Luke tried to become friends with me we started fighting.

"You still like him don't you?"

"No I don't!"

"Just tell me the truth!"

"I only like you!"

"Then why were you two flirting?"

"You think me trying to get away from him is flirting?"

"I saw you two!"

"He tried to hug me and I tried to push him away! Can we please stop fighting, I hate when we do."

"Okay. But just please don't let that happen again."

"Alec after that happened I came right to you and told you what happened. Why don't you trust me?"

"I guess it's because a lot of girls have tried to use me to get back at Luke."

"Alex I'm not like that. I really like you."

"Okay. Sorry it's just I worry because I like you too and I don't want to lose you."

"You won't."

"These have been the best few months in my life."

"It's the same for me."

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