Chapter 4

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Ross's Pov
I am going to Laura's house for dinner, and I can't get my hair to fix like I want it so I call mom.

Ross- MOM

Stormie- WHAT


Stormie- COMING (comes upstairs) Sweethart you have got it all wrong.(fixes it like he has it on the Heart made up on you EP.)

Ross- Thanks Mom (kisses her cheek)

Stormie- Awh Your welcome baby.(leaves the room)

Ross- Ok time to go to Laura's house.(leaves and gets to Laura's house.

When Ross gets there he knocks.


???-Oh hey Ross c mon in.

Ross- Thanks Laura. Here. These are for you (hand her a bouquet of flowers)

Laura- Awh Ross that is so sweet of you! (kisses his cheek )MOM ROSS IS HERE.

Ellen- OK COMING.(comes downstairs) Hello Ross

Ross- Hi Ellen. Good to see you again.

Ellen- Well y'all go sit on the couch while I cook.

Laura- ( takes Ross's hand and leads him to the living room) Ross why are you nervous?

Ross- What are you talking about?

Laura- Your sweating.

Ross- Oh that. Ok I am nervous.

Laura- I dont know what you are so nervous about. My mom already loves you.

Ross- Your right thanks Laur.

Laur-(hugs him) You're welcome.

Ross-(hugs back) What is this for?

Laura- I don't know. I guess I just needed a hug from the right person.


Ross and Laura walk into the kitchen to find Broccoli and Chicken Casserole

Ross-(takes a bite) Wow Ellen this is amazing!!

Ellen- Awh thanks Ross. You're so sweet.

Ross- You're welcome.

Ellen- So Ross what do you like??

Ross- I love music, dancing, and of course Laura.

Laur- Well I love you too.

Ellen- Well Ross since you love music can you play any instruments?

Ross- Yes ma'am. I play guitar, bass, drums, and piano.

Ellen- Well maybe after dinner you can go into our music room, and check out our instruments.

Ross- Cool.
After they eat they go down to the music room.

Ross- WOAH.. This place is AWESOME!

Ellen- Glad you like it.

Ross- Do you guys play instruments?

Laur- I do. I take after my d-dad.

Ross-(sees Laura upset) Im sorry Laura.

Ellen- I will leave you two alone.(leaves)

Ross- I really am sorry.

Laura- It is not your fault. It is that drunk driver's fault that tok my dad's life.

Ross-(hugs her so she will calm down)

Laur- (hugs back)

Ross- Well I guess I better go.

Laura- ok if you have too.

Ross-Bye Laura I love you.

Laur- I love you too.

So how did you like it? If you dont mind please share this bokk I want more people to read. Shout out to TheRauraShipper for reading. BYE MY LITTLE R5ERS♥♥♥

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