Chapter 29

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Laura's Pov
The baby started kicking a few days ago and now the baby is killing me!! I haven't told Ross yet because he is just gonna freak. Shor is taking a nap while Ross is feeding Rowan. I get up from the bed and go downstairs. As I am walking downstairs I hear Rowan giggle and Ross chuckling. Shor is sitting next to Rowan giggling with Rowan.

"Hey guys." I say.

"MOMMY!!!" Rowan and Shor scream.

"Rowan Shor please do not scream it might hurt mommy's ears." Ross says. I smile and walk up to him. I kiss his cheek and go into the kitchen. I fix me a sandwich and go sit next to Ross.

" Ross when did you get Shor? I thought he was taking a nap." I ask him.

" I went on ahead and got him so you didn't have to. I swear I have the cutest family in the world!!" He exclaims.

"Agreed. Anyways, what do you guys want to do today?" I ask.

" I figured we would just lay around all day." Ross says.

" That's fine with me." I say. I take my plate into the kitchen and wash it. I walk back into the living room where my babes are.

" Hey Ross I am going to take a shower." I say. He nods and sets Rowan and Shor in the floor.

Ross's POV.

I set Rowan and Shor in the floor and I go into the bathroom Laura is in. I peek in the shower to see her washing her stomach. I see bruises all over her stomach.

" Hey Laura its me Ross. Why are those bruises all over your stomach??" I ask her.

" I-I. Ross the baby has been kicking really hard and it hurts!" She exclaims with tears in her eyes.

" Shhhh, it will be alright." I say as I get in the tub with clothes on hugging her. She cries into my chest as I pet her head.

" R-Ross what I-if something b-bad h-happened t-to t-the b-baby?" She asks still crying.

"Nothing will happen to the baby. I promise." I say. I get her out and out clothes on her. I feel so bad for Laura. She is in pain and I can't help her. I will try to keep her as calm as possible.

"Laura sweetie calm down it will keep the baby from kicking you so hard." I say she and takes a deep breath. She screams in pain.

"ROSS TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!" She screams. I grab the kids and there car seats and we drop the kids off at mom's house and go to the hospital as fast as we can.

"Ross I see hand prints!!! THAT ISNT NATURAL!!" She says. I grab her hand.

"Shhhh baby." I say. She squeezes my hand very tight and she cringes in pain.

"Come on!" I say. I help her out of the car and she is screaming in pain.

"Someone help my wife is in very bad pain!!!" I say. Women rush to Laura and take her away. I am worried sick. We have been here for the past hour. I walk up to the desk.

"Excuse me in when Can I see Laura Lynch?" I ask.

" You can see her right now just be easy. Room R52." She says. I nod and head to that room.

"Laura! Are you okay?! Have they told you anything?!?" I ask.

" Ross calm down they haven't told me anything. There is something wrong with the baby though. They must don't know what it is." She says in tears. I tear up and hug her. She cringes in pain. I pull away.

"Baby are you okay?" I day. She screams in pain. Nurses rush in and push me out. I am scared to death. I call mom.

" M-Mom C-can you c-come t-to the h-hospital please?" I ask.

"Of course baby I will be there immediately." She says.

"Can you bring Riker?" I ask.

"Of course see you in a bit." She says and hangs up. 10 minutes later Mom and Riker burst in the door.

"Mom they haven't got any news on Laura yet. The last time I seen her was like half an hour ago and she was screaming in pain." I say in rushes up and hugs me. I hug back and start crying.

"I don't want my baby in pain!" I sob. My mom rubs my head Al the way down to my back.

" Shhhh Ross it will be okay. I promise." She says. I pull away and kiss her cheek. I run up and hug Riker and he hugs me back. O cry into his shoulder until the doctor comes out.

"Laura Lynch?" He says.

"Yes anything on her?" My mom asks.

"The baby Laura was carrying has passed away due to The pain Laura was caused. Laura is in room R52." He says. I run to Laura and hug her. She hugs back even tighter. I get in the bed with her and she snuggles up to me. We cry and cry and cry. Mom and Riker walk in and tear up.

"Laura welterweight is you baby bump?" I ask choking back tears.

" They took the baby out. The baby was to big for it to go away." She says.

"Our baby is gone!" I exclaim and I burst into tears.

"Mom can you watch Rowan and Shor for a couple of hours while me and Laura try to get this situated?" I ask. She nods.

"Riker can we tell Laura what we have been working on for the baby? I was hoping you could come home with us so we can show her." I ask.

" Of course I will Ross." He says. I sigh Laura out and Riker drives us home since me and Laura aren't in a good condition to drive. We got to the house and I carry Laura out of the car and into the house. I run upstairs into one of our guest rooms. Riker is behind us.

"You ready Laur?" I ask. She nods. Riker opens the door and Laura gasps. She breaks down crying and hugs me and Riker.

" I wish our baby didn't die." She says in tears. I tear up too and we drive Riker home. We will pick up the twins tomorrow.

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