Chapter 32

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Ross's Pov.
It's been a month since the baby has well you know passed and Laura and I are getting over it. I have been writing a bunch more songs lately. I wrote one called Repeating Days. It's my favorite out of all the ones I wrote. I showed Laura all the songs I have written and she says she likes Stay With Me. That's my music room right there👇👇. When the twins get older I will teach them different instruments.

  When the twins get older I will teach them different instruments

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Laura's Pov

"Hey Ross you wanna maybe have a date night?" I ask.

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" He says.

"Who cares. Let's shake it up a little bit. Let's have a date night." I say. He nods.

"I'm going to get Rowan and Shor." He says. I nod and he goes upstairs. Minutes later he comes down with the twins and hands me Rowan. We play with them as I try not to break down crying.

"Hey Ross." I say as my voice cracks. He looks up. He notices I am about to cry and he comes over to me.

"Yeah baby what's up?" He asks with concern in his eyes.

"I-I" I cut myself off by crying silently. He lifts my head up with his finger.

"Ross everytime I get in the shower I see these stretch marks on my stomach and it reminds me of the baby so much!" I say and let the tears flow.

"Shhhh it's okay. It's alright." He says trying to calm me down. I get up putting Rowan in her play pin and sit down on the couch.

"Ross why did the baby have to go!!?! We were doing everything right. I wasn't drinking alcohol, so what was we doing wrong??" I ask putting my head in my knees.

"Sweethart I don't know what to do. We have done everything. I don't know what to do!!!" Ross says very loudly.

"Please can we not fight? I am not in the mood." I say.

"You're never in the mood!" Ross says.

"I'm leaving." I say. "And I'm take the twins with me."

"Where are you going to go? It's not like you have family." He says. Man that hit me like a rock.

"Then I'll just go to your parents house. You can't stop me." And with that I left the house. I put Rowan and Shor in the car and I drive to Ross's parent's house. I get the twins out and head to their door. I knock and I here footsteps coming to the door.

"Oh hey Laura what are you doing here, and where's Ross?" Riker asks.

"Um. Can we please not talk about Ross. We kind of got in a fight. He said some things that didn't need to be said." I say.

"Well come on in. If you are staying the night you can go to our guest room." He says and I walk in. I set my stuff down and take my shoes off. I see Rydel and I walk up to her.

"Hey Delly." I say.

"Hey Laura what are you doing here and where is Ross?" She asks.

"We are kind of not on talking terms." I say. She nods and takes Shor out of my hand. Riker took Rowan and couple minutes ago.

"Hey Rydel where is your mom? I need to talk to her." I ask. She says that she is in the kitchen so I walk in the kitchen.

"Hey Stormie." I say.

"Hey sweetie. What are you doing here?" She asks. I tell her what happened and she nods.

"I can't believe Ross said that especially what you both are going through. I thought I raised him better." She says.

Ross's Pov.

I can't believe I said that! Why would I say that?!?! OMG I am so damn stupid! Right now I am thinking about going to mom's apologize. Yeah I am gonna go and apologize. I put my shoes on and head out the door. I drive to Mom's and I knock on the door.

"Hey is Laura here?" I say with teas in my eyes. I don't want her to leave me. She is all I have besides my family.

"Yeah she's here why did you say that?" Rydel asks me

"I was just mad. You know I say things I don't mean when I'm mad. I just want to apologize. If she doesn't accept it I don't know what I'll do." I say and sit on the patio. I put my head in my hands. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have said that.

"Ross get in here." Rydel says and pulls me in the house. Right as I walk in I spot my beautiful girl on the couch wiping her tears away. I caused those tears when I shouldn't have. I go over to her.

"Laura I'm sorry." I say. She looks up and wipes more of her teas away.

"Ross why did you say it in the first place?" She asks.

"I don't know I was just mad and I didn't mean it I swear." I say. She gets up off the couch.

"Ross you shouldn't have said what you said. That really hurt me." She says.

"I know and that is why I am saying sorry. Is it to late now to say sorry?" I say smiling because of the song that Justin Bieber wrote. She giggled.

"I guess not." She says smiling intertwining our hands. I smile and give her a small kiss and pull away. She smiles and hugs me real tight. I hug her back even tighter as I pick her up.

"Ross put me down." She says. I chuckle and put her down. She pulls away and smiles at me. My hands are still around my waist. She puts her hand on my cheek and says not to do it again and I just nod.

"AWEE!" We hear and we turn around to see Rydel with her phone taking a video.

"Stop Rydel." I say. She frowns and walks away. I chuckle and put my head up against Laura's. She giggles and I have realized that I don't need anything else just her and the twins.

"Ross!" She says knocking me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I ask.

"I love you." She says

"I love you too." I say and Laura gets her stuff while I get the twins and we head home.

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