Chapter 13

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( btw Raura is already married)

Ross's Pov
        Laura is now 9 months pregnant. Rowan and Shor can come anytime now. Laura's stomache is huge, and she doesnt walk she waddles, but hey nothing is better than being a penguin.

L- ROSS!!!!

R- ( runs upstairs ) You alright??

L- ( shakes her head) N-no. My water broke.

R-(goes beside her and holds her waste and hands) Cmon lets go.

L- ( cringes in pain) Can we go any faster??

R- You know what you getting home birth.  Go back upstairs into our room and I'll call a doctor.

L- ( goes upstairs)

A few minutes later.

L- Where in the hell is that doctor.

R- Laura calm do-


R - Y-Yes ma'am.(gets a txt) Ok the doctor's here. Be right back.(comes back with a doctor)

Doc- Natural??


Doc- 1.....2.......3 PUSH

L-(pushes as hard as she can and screams)

I dont feel like writing this.

After birth.

L- Ross! Look at Rowan she is so cute.

R- Look at our little baby boy.

L - Awh. Ross did you tell your family I was giving birth.

R-(cringes) Um (laughs nervously) No.

L- Ross!

R- Ill call em

            Call Convo.

R- Hey

Stormie- Hey Ross whats up?

R- Come to my house imidiately. I want y'all  to meet some people.

Stormie- We on our way.

R- Bye

            End of Call convo

R- Ok they are in there way.

L- Good. I can't wait for them to meet Shor and Rowan.

R- ( hears a car door slam) Be right back.(goes down stairs )

Down stairs

R- Ok guys be real quiet.

Fam- Got it.

R-(leads them upstairs)


L- ( hears them)

R- ( opens the door) Guys look.

Everyone looks at Rowan and Shor.

Stormie- OMSTARS!!!


R- Mom!

Stormie- I am so sorry.

L- your alright. Ross can you take Shor and Rowan?  I'm tired.

R- Of course.(takes shor and rowan)

L-(falls asleep)

R-(whispers) Do you guys want to hold Rowan or Shor?

Stormie-(whispers) Can I hold Rowan?

R- Sure (hands her Rpwan) Be real careful.

Storm- I know how to do this.

R- Ok.

Mark- Can I hold Shor?

R- Of course.(hands him to mark)

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