Chapter 26

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Ross's Pov
I wake up to Rowan screaming my name.

" DADDA DADDAA" she screams more. I run in there and I see her standing up jumping around.

" What's my baby girl doing up so early." I say picking her up. She shrugs and starts squealing.

" Shh mommy and Bubba are still asleep." I say.

" Shhh" she says with her finger over her mouth.

" You wanna go downstairs while mommy and Bubba is still sleeping?" I ask. She nods her head and cuddles up to me. She grabs my nose and squeezes it.

" Ow! Rowan! That hurt!" I say. She teared up and started crying.

" Rowan. I'm sorry just don't do that again. That hurt." I say and she nods. I dry her tears and hug her. I hear another voice call my name.

" DADDA DADDAA!" I hear. I put Rowan in her play pin and go get Shor. I bring him back down stairs. Once he sees Rowan he squeals and tries to get out of my grip. I hold on to him tight.

" WOWAN!!" He says while squealing.

" SHOWA" She squeals when she sees him. I am glad they love each other.I pick up Rowan and sit down with both of them. I start tickling the twins and they are giggling there heads off.

Laura's Pov.

I wake up with no one beside me so I go downstairs and I see Ross tickling the twins. I take a picture.

" Good Morning." I say. Ross looks up. He smiles and gets up putting the twins in the play pin. He walks over to me and pecks my lips. He goes back to the couch crosses his legs and turns on the T.V. I see he turned it on Spongebob and he starts singing along. I laugh and go sit beside him. He puts his arm around me until I jump up and run to the bathroom. He runs to me and holds my hair back. I stand back up and brush my teeth. This is gonna be a long 9 months. I walk back in the living room and sit where I was as Ross sits in the recliner.

" Ross I am gonna get ready and go to the grocery store." I say.

" How about we go as a family." He says.

" Yay!" I say and go get ready with Rowan. I put on a yellow tank top with a white rim around the neck. I put on a pair of denim shorts and NY yellow converse. I put a yellow sun dress on Rowan and put on a pair of her flats. I came back down after I put my hair in a pony tail. We see Ross giving Shot a little tickle fight. I laughed and I took Shor while Ross went to out clothes on. He walked down with a plain yellow T-shirt and a pair of denim jeans and his yellow converse. Just like I was wearing. I took Shor upstairs and and changed him into exactly what Ross was wearing. We were all matching which I thought was hilarious. We got in the car and we turned on the radio. We were surprised because we heard " Here Comes Forever" on the radio. Ross started singing along while holding my hand. I giggled. We got there, we got out and gotten the twins and put them in the buggy. We went in the grocery section and got all we needed payed and went home.

Ross's Pov.

When we were in the store, people were checking Laura out. It mE me so mad but I hid my temper. Laura climbed to my arm and that told me that she loved me. When we got home, we put the grocery's away and we sat on the couch with the twins. While I tickled Shor Laura was play peek-a-boo with Rowan. Laura went and took a nap after a couple of hours. I put the twins down for a nap and I went in there with Laura to see her fast asleep. Man, my life couldn't get any better. I later down beside Laura and rapped my arms around her . I seen her smile and snuggle up to me. Then darkness took over.

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