Chapter 8

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(A:N Ok the picture at the top is what they looked like on there date. This is the picture of the very LAST episode of Austin and Ally)

They finally graduated.

Ross is over at Laura's house(laura has her own house) at they are just hanging out.

L- Hey Ross

R- Yeah baby

L- Do you think it is time to move in together?

R- Do you want to?

L- Yeah it is kind of stressing for you and me to call each other and tell the other we are coming over. So yes I want to move in together.

R- Ok let me get my stuff out of my house and into yours. Bye baby.

L- Bye baby.

Ross goes and gets his stuff and comes back.

R- ( knocks on the door)

L- (opens the door)Oh hey Ross. C'mon in.

R- Thanks Laur where do I need to put my stuff.

L- Just take it up to my room. While you take your stuff up to our room, I am gonna go take a shower

R- Ok

After a few minutes Laura comes out and sees Ross on their bed sleeping.

L-(giggles quietly)

R-(jolts ip) Wha?

L- ( bursts into laughter)

R- Oh hey Laur.

L- You were sleeping and it was funny but yet so cute.
R- Thanks Laura You are cute too.

L- ( gets in the bed and snuggles up to him)

R- You going to bed already?

L- Yeah Im pretty tired.

R - Ok (kissss her temple) I am going to sleep too.

L- Love you Rossy.

R- Love you too Laur.

Ross and Laura lay in each other through out the night until.....

L-(jolts up in tears)

R- (hears her and sits up) Laura baby whats wrong.

L- I had a nightmare that I did not like.

R- What was it about?

L- You left me and I dont want you to leave me.

R- Baby I am not gonna leave you.

L- Ok.

R- Hey baby can I ask you something simce we are up.

L- Sure

R-(stands up and pulls her up.) Ok Laura I have known you for a while now, and I already know that I love you. Now I know that I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I know that I want to have a family with you and grow with you and I want to be through what ever you have been through. I want to go through the rest of my life with you.

L-(in tears)

R- ( kneels down) Laura Marano will you do the honor marry me??


What do you guys think she is going to say?? Bye guys Ill be updating all night. Well be alrught cuz even if we change we'll always be the same ALL NIGHT.

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