Chapter 15

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Above is Rowan and Shor together.

Remember they a couple of months old now, and there birthday is April 23 2016.

Laura's POV

Right now I am giving Shor a bath. He absolutely loves his baths unlike Rowan. That is why Ross gives Rowan a bath.

L- Ross!!!

R- Rowan hates me!!

L-(laughs) Come give Rowan a bath it is her turn.

R- No. Why do I have to give her a bath! She hates me!! (Goes upstairs )

L- Because I said so.

R- Whatever.(gives Rowan a bath)

L- Are you mad??

R- No. Having 2 kids is hard.

L- I know . Just remember we are in this together.

R- Thanks Laur.(kisses her)

L-(giggles kissing him)

R-(pulls away ) I love you Laur.

L- I love you too Rossy.

Rowan-(smiles) Ahhh gaaaa baaa whaaa.


Ross's Pov
Rowan actually smiled for the first time which seems like forever. Laura is so good with kids. Is it to early to have 2 kids? I mean we are only 20. Eh who cares. I have the 3 people that mean the most to me. My 3 babies. ( sighs in love) I couldn't have anything better than this life right now.

Right now Laura is getting Rowan out of the bath while I am holding Shor. He is just the sweetest baby. Shor tries to talk even though he cant he just giggles making noises. EWW. SHOR JUST THREW UP ON ME. I wipe Shor's spit up off of me. I lay him down on my bed, and I take my shirt off. I out it in the washer and wash it. I go back to Shor and play with him. Laura comes in and she asks me why I had my shirt off. I told her that Shor had thrown up on me and I had to wash my shirt.

We both lay Rowan and Shor down in there crib, and me and Laur lay down snuggling like we needed each others warmth. After a couoke of hours of sleep Shor started crying, so I got up and heated him up a bottle and fed it to him. After I fed him, He went to sleep right away.

Laura's POV
I woke up to Rowan crying so I went kver there and fed her. After that I put her back in her crib, and checked the time. It was 6:00 AM. I only woke up once. Ross must have gotten Shor, because I heard Ross get up last night. I look over at Ross and he is just sleeping so cutely. I wouldn't live without Ross, Shor, and Rowan. Everyone says it must suck Having 2 kids at 20, but I think it is the best in the world.

Ross is waking up. I lok over at him and he is staring at me smiling. Man that is so cute. I get up off the bed and walk into the kitchen to cook breakfast. Ross comes in and helps me until Rowan and Shor wake up. Ross goes and gets them and brings them in here. After I cook everything, I set the table with the food and Me and Ross eat. After we eat we get ready and we go to Ross's parents house. We hang with them all day. Then we go home cuz it is like 8:30. We dont give Rosan and Shor a bath because we know it will piss them off so we just leave it alone. After we out them down for bed, me and Ross get in bed and snuggle till we are out like a light.

I remember That i dint do long Povs so I made them super long today. Bye my little R5ers

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