Bleeding Black and Gold (Bruins- Tuukka Rask)

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"I raise my flags, don my clothes, it's a revolution I suppose. We're painted red to fit right in" -Radioactive by Imagine Dragons.

Those lyrics swirl through my mind as I spin my black and yellow rally towel over my head. I scream with the crowd and pump my fist as my idol blocks a shot from Ovechkin. His glove snaps up across the net, catching the puck easily, gracefully. I cheer with the rest of Boston before touching the 40 on the arm of my Bruins jersey. That's right, my idol is Tuukka Rask.

My name is Alexandria Leighton, but everyone calls me Alex. I'm 24 (I'll be 25 in a month!) and I play for Team USA East. This is the Women's team that will go to the Olympics in 2014. I'm one of the goalies on the team. My friends Amy, Kate, and I decided to buy season tickets to the Bruins, so every home game we go to the Garden and watch the Bruins play. When we do go, we get dressed up in our gear, so to speak. I have a #40 sweatshirt and jersey, Amy has a #37 sweatshirt with jersey, and Kate has a #63 sweatshirt and jersey. Our seats are pretty good; just above center ice. It took us years of saving to get these tickets, so we go to every game we can. The three of us have made signs, decorated our faces, screamed, jumped up on our seats, and done everything we could to get the Bruins to notice us. At one game, Kate got a wave from Marchand and just about passed out in her seat. One game that we went to though, was different, even though we didn't know it at the time.

Tuukka pops up from his butterfly and hands the puck to the ref for the faceoff. He looks out at the crowd, and I swing my rally towel above my head and scream. His gaze passes over the crowd, and I saw his eyes for a split second before he faced the circle. There's only 1:17 left in the game, and the Bruins are leading 1-0. The ref drops the puck and Bergeron wins the faceoff, causing Amy to grin. He passes to Chara and bolts up the ice. Chara passes to Mc Quaid, who passes to Marchand. He passes to Bergeron, who shoots, but Holtby saves it. Ovechkin has the puck now and sprints toward our end with 26 seconds left in the game. By the time he and the rest of his team get down to our end, there's 7 seconds left. Ovechkin fires one last shot at Rask, who bounces it off his blocker as the whistle blows. The Garden erupts in cheers, Amy, Kate, and I among them. The Bruins congratulate Rask and I'm screaming and waving my towel. Then they line up and shake hands, and people start to leave. The 3 of us grab our stuff and head for the door.

"Did you see Bergy win that last faceoff?" Amy bubbles, pulling her long blonde hair out of a bun and redoing it.

"And Marchy get that last pass?" Kate grins, twisting her red hair around her finger.

"And Tuukka make those last couple saves?" I giggle with them, tossing my long brown ponytail back over my shoulder. Amy's phone goes off, and Kate checks hers. I reach into the pocket of my jeans for mine but it's not there. Panicked, I check my other pockets. Then I remember that I put it on the floor so it wouldn't fall put of my pocket. I curse under my breath before saying, "Guys, I left my phone in the chairs. I'm going to go back and get it."

"Okay. Do you want us to wait?" Kate asks.

I shake my head. "Nah, go ahead, I'll meet you at the apartment."

"Okay, if you're sure," Amy says.

"I'll be fine. See you at home!"

I smile before sprinting back into the seats. No one is in here anymore; all the fans left and the cleanup doesn't come until later. I run back to our seats and check under mine. Not there. I sigh, exasperated, before checking the seats to my right. Not there either. Then I check under Kate and Amy's seats. I see my white iPhone with Bruins case under Kate's chair. Sighing, I stoop and pick it up. I run out of the seats, checking my messages and calls as I go. Jen called, she's my trainer for Team USA. I'm sprinting along the hallway, going through who called me when I run into someone.

"Ooof!" I say as I stumble.

"I'm so sor-"

the word dies on my lips as my gaze travels up to the face of the person who I ran into. It's a face I would know anywhere. I ran into the starting goaltender of the Boston Bruins, my idol- Tuukka Rask.

Bleeding Black and Gold (Bruins- Tuukka Rask)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant