Wrapping It Up

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who read this thank you very much!

*One Week Later*

<Tuukka's POV>

The duck parade is almost over, and the Stanley Cup glitters in what seems like heavenly light as Z hoists it over his head for the end of the tour. The crowd screams their approval as our now-retired captain lifts it for his last time. Bergy, our new captain, looks over at me, and nods as the duck boats come to a stop. I nod back at him, and he gives me a thumbs up and smile before I walk to the back of the boat and let the ladder down.

My actions are being broadcast on TV, recorded on camera, as I hold out my hand for Alex to come up. She thinks she's giving a little speech as an Olympic medalist, but that's just a cover. I walk her to the top of the boat, where Z and Bergy have stepped down from, and she gives a slightly nervous smile as she waves at the crowd, who starts to chant. Alex looks around for a microphone, and I clip one onto her shirt. Bergy clips one on my shirt when she turns to face the crowd, and Alex begins.

"Hello Boston," she begins, and the crowd cheers.

"Thank you," she smiles at the applause dies down.

"Anyway, I want to congratulate these men who have given this city an extraordinary honor, especially in light of the one year marking of the Boston bombing. They are truly remarkable, and deserve yet another round of applause."

Alex and the crowd clap, and she prepares to continue before I step in.

"Oh, Alex," I chuckle, and my voice is broadcast like hers.

"Tuukka?" She asks, confused.

It's time.

The guys all flash me grins and thumbs ups as I get down on one knee in front of her, pulling the little velvet box out of my pocket. Her hands fly to her face as she realizes what I'm doing.

"Alexandria Melissa Leighton, I love you. I have loved you since the very first week we met, just six months ago. I loved you at Sochi, at Finland, through playoffs, and I love you now. I will love you until my death- every moment, every second, with every single bit of my being. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

The crowd goes silent as they wait for her response.

Alex's eyes glisten with tears as she chokes, "Yes. Yes, yes, yes!"

I stand up, and she kisses me while the crowd cheers. Tears blur my vision as I slide the ring on her left ring finger, promising our love with a ring that glitters in the bright sunlight of June. I slide arm around her waist as the entire city cheers.

*Two Months Later*

<Alex's POV>

"Are you ready?" Mel asks, looking me seriously in the eyes.

"Ready," I nod, and she grabs my hands and pulls me into the bride's room at the church I grew up in.


Within two hours, my hair is done, my nails are touched up, my makeup is done, my dress is on, and it's almost show time. My mom and Cate come in, my mom wearing a simple black and white dress, Cate wearing the dark blue of my bridesmaids. Cate, Brianne, Molly, and Jessie are my bridesmaids, with Mel being my maid of honor. I didn't really have a say in her being my maid of honor, but I don't mind.

"Oh, Alex, you look lovely," my mom sighs, dabbing at her eyes.

"You look hot," Cate grins, and I grin back at her.

"We brought you something old," my mom says, revealing my first communion veil with a flourish. It's got beautiful Swavorski crystals on the edge embroidered in the pattern of flowers.

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