Hopeful Happiness

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"Tuukka!" I shout, and I jump on him, wrapping my arms around his neck while my legs tighten on his waist. The tears flow again, and I'm crying into his shoulder, his neck, and he hugs me tight, so tight it should hurt but it doesn't. 

"I missed you," I sob. 

"I haven't been gone long," Tuukka says, rubbing my back. 

"But it was the longest time of my life," I cry. 

"Come on, let's get you inside." Tuukka tries to put me down, but I refuse to let go. He sighs, and just walks into my house, and sits on the couch. 

"My wallet's out there," I sniff, and Mel picks it up. 

"Thanks. Can you put it on the counter?" I ask her. She puts it on the counter and hands me a box of tissues. 

"Thanks Mel. I don't know what I'd do without you." 

I shift so that I'm not right on Tuukka anymore, but still really close to him, and noisily blow my nose. 

"Sorry," I crack a smile at Torey and Mel before looking at Tuukka. 

"Are you up to date on the story?" I ask him as I sit on his lap. 

"Yeah, Torey told me on the way over. I knew I had to come over soon anyway, because there was no way in hell I was letting that man prevent me from seeing you." 

"Thank you," I tell him, and I hug him again, this time resting my head against his chest. I shift so that my back is to him, but his arms are still around me. We stay like that for a while, until the pizza comes. Mel grabs it and pays for it. 

"All right, who wants pizza?" Torey asks, toting the boxes. 

We divide the pizza and eat it quietly, watching the game.

"Red Wings win!" Torey says excitedly. 

"Do you know Datsyuk personally or...?" I ask him quizzically. 

No. I wish I did, though," Torey says wistfully. 

"I'm tired. Can we please go now?" Mel asks Torey. 

"Yeah, sure. See you guys tomorrow?" Torey asks, standing up with Mel. 

"Yeah. Thanks so much to both of you," I tell them. 

"Bye!" They wave as they step outside, and it's just Tuukka and me left in my house. 

"I suppose you have to go too," I sigh, sitting down on my couch. 

"Not if you don't want me to. I have a change of clothes in my car- which you still have." He pokes me in my stomach, and I giggle. 

"Then I'd really like you to stay." 

"I'd be glad to." 

I hug Tuukka, leaning into him and enjoying the feeling of his arms coming around me. We stay like that for a while on my couch, staying in each other's presence.


"Alex, come on!" Tuukka knocks on my bathroom door. 

"You wash your face!" I yell at him. 

"I already did!" 

"Well you don't have to follow a strict routine!" 

"You've been in there for a while; just hurry up, will you?" 

"Fine, I'm coming!"

I finish washing my face, and quickly but efficiently brush my teeth. I toss my hair up in a messy bun, throw my clothes in the hamper, and then open the bathroom door. Hands wrap around my waist again, and suddenly I'm face-to-face with Tuukka. 

Bleeding Black and Gold (Bruins- Tuukka Rask)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora