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<Alex's POV>

I wake up in a hospital bed, bright light streaming through the window. I sit up, blinking, putting my right hand over my eyes and frowning as I feel something on it, preventing me from bending it. I glance at it and see a brace, along with an IV. Oh, right. My left arm is in a blue cast that comes to my mid bicep, immobilizing my elbow and wrist. I move my shoulder, and end up whacking myself in the face accidentally with the cast. 

"Ow," I groan, and I rub my eyes and look around. I see Tuukka passed out in the chair right next to me, curled on the cushion like a cat. I shove his shoulder, and he jerks awake. 

"Good morning," he groans, stretching. 

"Morning." I smile at him, and he grins as he stands up. 

"How're you doing?" He asks. 

"Eh. I've been better. I just want to go home at this point," I shrug. 

"I bet, but it'll probably be a while. I think you're going to be here until mid afternoon." Tuukka smiles at me, and I groan. 

"Not fair. You can leave," I complain. 

"But I'm not going to." 

"Yeah, you are. You have practice, and you're a goalie for Finland," I frown, trying to cross my arms but then just giving up. 

"Fine, I'll call Mel. But it's on you if you can't function after that," he warns, taking out his iPhone. 

"Hey, I like Mel. Don't diss my friends." 

"I wouldn't dream of it." 

Tuukka leans down and kisses the tip of my nose before calling Torey. "Hey Torey. Yeah, she's okay. Can Mel come babysit her while I go to practice?... Uh huh. Okay, see you then." 

Tuukka hangs up the phone and looks at me. "Well, you're going to get your wish. Torey said Mel was on her way over. And expect presents and big energy," he warns. I laugh at Tuukka, and my stomach growls. 

"I'm hungry. Can you please get me breakfast?" I ask, giving him puppy eyes. 

"Of course. I'll go grab breakfast for you," Tuukka says, and he walks to the door. 

"Thank you," I smile. Tuukka smiles in return as he closes the door. I rub my cast with my right hand, glad I'll be able to skate at Sochi, but also wishing I could take it off. A knock on my door startles me. 

"Come in," I call out, expecting it to be the doctor, and the door opens. I see a woman with short brown hair a few shades darker than mine, and blue eyes, and then 3 other people. 

"Mom!" I yell, reaching for her from the bed. 

"Alex! Oh, Alex, I haven't seen you in so long," my mom hugs me back, and I break apart, tears swimming in my eyes. 

"Brady!" I embrace my brother who's two years younger than me. 

"Hey, sis. How's hockey going?" 

"It's going good. I'm leaning for Sochi in three weeks." I say, smiling widely at my brother. 

"Cate!" I exclaim as my little sister who's five years younger than me hugs me, along with my brother and her twin, Dean. 


I hug my siblings tightly, and tears slip from my eyes. 

"I missed you guys so much," I confess, wiping my eyes. 

"We missed you too," everyone choruses back. 

"I have so much to tell you! But first I-" 

I get cut off by the door swinging open again, and Tuukka walks in with a tray of food, humming, and then stops. 

Bleeding Black and Gold (Bruins- Tuukka Rask)Where stories live. Discover now