Olympics, Part 3

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The next morning, I'm sitting in the living room watching a replay of our game from the other day when there's a knock on the door. 

"I got it," Brianne calls from the kitchen, walking over to the door. I smile at her before turning my attention back to the TV. 

"I don't think you should be here right now," I overhear, and Brianne's tone is cool. 

"Please, I have to talk to her. She's here, right?" A person asks, and I slowly twist on the couch to look at the door. Standing there, arguing with Brianne, is Tuukka. 

My breath catches in a gasp in my throat, and he looks up at that slight sound, his eyes fixing on mine. I break the eye contact by looking down. 

"May I please speak to Alex?" Tuukka asks, his tone impatient. 

"It's up to her. Alex, do you want to?" Brianne asks me. I shake my head no. 

"Bye now." 

Brianne closes the door in Tuukka's face, and runs over to the couch. "Are you okay?" She asks insistently, her fingers tilting my head up. 

"I'm fine, I just didn't want to talk to him," I say honestly, and Brianne relaxes.

Around an hour later, I stand up. 

"I'm gonna go see if I can find Patrick," I say, grabbing a USA sweatshirt. 

"Okay. Have fun!" Brianne calls after me. I pull the sweatshirt on and leave the building, and I decide to walk through the park on my way over to Patrick's. It's a nice day in Sochi, and I take a deep breath, pausing in the middle of the park by some trees and bushes. Suddenly, a hand claps across my mouth and another grabs my waist. 

"Let me go!" I try and yell, but the hand across my mouth muffles the noise. I thrash, trying to get free, but the arms hold me tight. I get dragged into the brush, behind trees, and I throw an elbow into the person holding me, hearing them grunt. The hands release me, and I almost fall, but quickly catch myself. 

"What the heck?" I yell, turning around to see my attacker. 

"Could you hurt me any more?" Tuukka frowns, rubbing his ribs from where I elbowed him. 

"Yes," I reply venomously. I take a step toward him, and his hands come up. 

"Truce, truce! I just want to talk!" I stop short, my hands clenched, watching Tuukka warily. 

"Fine. You have two minutes," I say sharply to him. 

"I'll take that. Look, Alex, I made a huge mistake. Noora was my childhood friend, and I hadn't seen her in a long, long time. I guess I got stupid, and made a mistake. I never should have chosen her over you, and I don't think I ever will. She may be my old friend, but I didn't account for how she's changed. You haven't. I don't want Noora, I want you Alex. I'm sorry I made a mistake, I'm sorry I was stupid. Please, please, please say you'll forgive me." 

Tuukka looks heartbroken, and I want to break down into tears and cry and tell him it's okay and I forgive him. But I don't. Instead, I set my jaw and tilt my chin up. 

"How do I know you're saying what you mean? I bet you gave this whole speech to Noora," I say icily, and then turn to stalk off before he can see the tears glistening in my eyes. Tuukka beats me to it, and grabs my arm, locking me in place. 

"I didn't. I wouldn't. Alex, please. Please believe me," he begs, his eyes starting to look glassy. 

"I can't Tuukka. I thought I knew you, but you gave me reason to doubt that." 

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