Changing it Up

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I wake up with a start to somone screaming at me.


Amy screams at me, Kate looking over her shoulder.

"Wha-?" I blink, disoriented. "Amy, what?" I ask, sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes.

Amy shoves my phone under my nose, and blinking on the screen is a text from Tuukka. "Explain this!" She snaps.

Anger bubbles inside me, and I throw off the bed sheets. "I have two things. One, what is the problem with that; and two, why did you go through my stuff?!" I yell at her.

"I don't know, maybe because you didn't come back until like 12:30!" Amy screams at me.

I open my mouth to yell back, but I'm cut off by Kate.

"Would you both just stop it! Amy, chill out! It doesn't matter right now. Alex, you should've been home earlier last night and not galavanting around with Bruins players," Kate frowns at me.

"I was not galavanting around with Bruins players!" I defend myself.

"Oh really? Your text from Tuukka says otherwise!" Amy sneers.

"You're just jealous because I know a Bruin and you don't," I accuse her.

Amy flushes. "No! No I'm not!"

"Alex, you have to think about us," Kate says quietly.

I lose it. "Think about you two? Are you being serious? The only thing on my mind until I ran into, literally ran into Tuukka was getting home! He brought me home! I wanted to come home! You two never appreciate anything! I'm trying to work hard to go to Sochi in February but you two aren't having it! I get griped at for every single thing I do and I can't stand it!"

As I was yelling, I got changed into normal clothes, as well as getting my suitcase out and throwing my clothes in it.

"What are you doing?" Kate asks, her eyes wide and partially brimming with tears.

"Leaving. I'm going."

"Where are you going? You won't have a home," Amy says with a smirk.

"Hm, you're right, but unlike you two, I actually know Bruins and am getting a salary from the Blades."

I zip my suitcase shut and then grab my backpack and fill it up with other items from my room. I stomp downstairs, grab my things from the kitchen and middle floor and then walk to the door.

"Alex don't go," Kate begs, tears running in streaks down her face.

"Too little too late," I snap, throwing shoes in my bag and pulling on a pair of boots and a coat.

"Oh, and just so you both know, neither of you will be going to Sochi. You're both getting cut."

I enjoy the shocked expressions on their faces before continuing.

"Oh, and along with Tuukka, I also met Brad and Tyler. Bye now."

I slam the door behind me and walk out onto the street to the corner. It's only when I'm there do I let my composure slip and tears to leak from my eyes. I take my phone out of my jeans pocket and dial a number. The phone rings a few times.

"Come on, pick up," I mutter, shivering a little.

"Hello?" The person on the other side sounds startled as they answer the phone.

"Hey Tuukka, it's Alex. I could use a favor..."


Author's Note

This is really short, sorry! I'll update later, as long as I have time!
Wow this story is gaining momentum.... Thanks to everyone who read this!
Bleed black and gold my goalies,


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