Happy (Late) Valentine's Day

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"Tuukka, I'm tired," I yawn as we walk off the plane at Logan International Airport, finally back home in Boston. 

"You should be. But hey, we're back home," Tuukka grins. 

"Yeah. It's good to be back," I smile, adjusting my messenger bag on my shoulder as we walk down to baggage claim. People's eyes follow us as we stroll though the airport, our hands linked. When we reach the baggage claim, I spot my bag right away. I dart through the crowd and grab it off the belt, and then turn around to find Tuukka, only to see he's right behind me. 

"I have mine. Where's yours?" I ask him, setting my suitcase down and extending the handle. 

"Right here," he smiles, sliding a black suitcase with the Finnish flag on it off the belt. 

"Come on, I want to go home," I sigh, and take his hand, pulling him outside. Mel promised she would pick us up, and I pull out my phone as we reach the pickup area outside. I turn off airplane mode, and I dial Mel. 

"Mel, where are you?" I ask her, letting go of my suitcase with one hand and holding it over my other ear so I can hear her better. 

"I'm almost there. I'll be there in five minutes, I promise. Where are you and Tuukka?" She asks. 

"All the way at the end. See you then." I hang up my phone, and look at it in my hand. 

"I'm glad I can use it now," I murmur. 

"Hm?" Tuukka asks, not looking up from his phone, his Bruins baseball cap backward on his head. 

"My phone. I'm glad I can use it," I say louder. 

 "Yeah, same." Tuukka still doesn't look up. 

"Oops, I dropped my phone in the puddle and it's broken." I say, trying to see if I can get a reaction from Tuukka. No response. 

"My suitcase got stolen!" Nothing. 

"I just twisted my ankle and need to be taken to MGH pronto!" Not a blink. 

I pretend my phone goes off and hold it up to my ear. "Hello? No, I will not go see you. No. Hang on." 

I put my hand over the bottom of my phone and look at Tuukka. "Tuukka, it's my abusive ex-boyfriend and my dad. They're trying to kidnap me. What do I do?" I ask nervously. 

"What?" Tuukka looks at me, surprised. 

"Gotcha," I smirk, sliding my phone in my pocket. 

"What?" Tuukka seems baffled. 

"Never mind. I tried to play a joke on you, but it didn't work," I sigh. A car pulls up to the curb and beeps its horn twice before a girl with curly blonde hair steps out. 

"Mel!" I yell, and run over and hug her. 

"There's my silver medalist! Oh my God, did you have fun?" She yells back. 

"It was amazing; I had so much fun!" 

"That's great! Oh, I'm so glad you're back!" 

"Me too," I smile as we start putting my and Tuukka's luggage in the trunk. 

"Okay, you'll never guess who I met!" I exclaim once we're in the car, Mel and I in the front, Tuukka in the back. I hear Tuukka make a small exasperated noise, and I grin. 

"No! Who?" 

"Patrick Kane," I grin.

"No way! You're lying!!"


"Seriously?" Mel asks, grinning widely. 

"Yes, I really met him! He said he'd text me when he landed at O'Hare," I grin. 

Bleeding Black and Gold (Bruins- Tuukka Rask)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora