Um, Tyler Seguin?

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My face lights up and I bound down the stairs after him. When we reach the bottom, he turns left, and then right, and then left again and opens the third door. Tuukka holds the door.

"Ladies first," he says, letting me past.

"Thank you," I say as I step into the huge locker room. I turn around and my mouth drops open.

"Something wrong?" Tuukka asks me as he walks to his stall, his eyebrows drawn slightly together. I look at his stall, filled with his equipment, and my mouth drops open even further.

"Alex?" Tuukka says, walking towards me.

I shake my head, clearing my thoughts. "I- I'm in the locker room of the Boston Bruins!" I exclaim.

Tuukka smiles. "You had me worried there for a second," he sighs, laughing.

"Can I take pictures?" I ask eagerly.

Tuukka shakes his head. "No, sorry. You're technically not even supposed to be in here, but no one else is here."

As if on cue, the locker room door opens and two guys walk in.

"Hey Tuukks!" They call to Tuukka before noticing me.

"Um, Tuukka, who is this?" The one on the left asks.

"Brad, Tyler, this is Alex. She ran into me in the hallway, and I'm giving her a ride home," Tuukka explains. Tyler elbows Brad and smirks.

"Always the gentleman, Tuukks," Tyler says, smirking, as he walks up to me. "I'm Tyler Seguin. Like you don't know. If you want a real hockey player, I'm available," he says and winks.

I raise my eyebrows. "Wow, arrogant and overconfident much?" I say coolly back, showing him the 40 on my jersey. Tyler's face falls and he gives Tuukka an annoyed look. Brad rolls his eyes and grabs Tyler's shoulder, pulling him back as he steps forward, holding out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Brad Marchand. Don't mind Tyler, he hits on everyone and is a little obnoxious."

"A little?" Tuukka breaks in, coming to stand near us. "Brad, it's more like a lot!"

I wonder what he does that makes him so annoying. I'll ask Tuukka later though. In the meantime, I laugh and shake Brad's hand.

"Nice to meet you Brad. I'm Alex."

Tyler rolls his eyes and makes an exasperated/annoyed sound. I stifle a laugh at Tyler. Tyler pulls Brad back and starts talking to him, obviously annoyed.

"You ready to go?" Tuukka asks.

I nod. "I'm ready, lets go." We start to walk out of the locker room and Tuukka calls to Brad and Tyler, "See you guys tomorrow!"

"Bye Tuukka! Nice to meet you Alex!" Brad yells.

I turn around and walk backwards a few steps as I wave and call back, "Nice to meet you too Brad!"

Before I turn around, I see Tyler sulking behind Brad, his arms crossed. Tuukka holds the door for me again.

"Thank you!" I chirp to him.

He grins. "Someone's in a good mood. Maybe we should meet Marchy more often" he teases. I roll my eyes and fall into step next to him.

"C'mon. My car's parked in the garage."

I follow Tuukka through the Garden and into a garage. "It's for players, coaches, trainers, et cetera." He explains to me.

"So pretty much any Bruin or those affiliated with the Bruins?" I ask.

Tuukka smiles. "That's a good way to put it. Ah, here we are!" He says.

The lights blink on an Audi parked next to us. My eyes widen as I take it in.

"This is yours? You, like, drive it around?"

Tuukka laughs as he opens the passengers side door. "Yes, it's my car. Yes, I do drive it around. And here you go."

I slide into the seat, and Tuukka closes the door behind me. The interior of the car is modern and plush. The drivers side door opens and Tuukka slides in, shutting the door behind him. He pulls his keys out and inserts them into the ignition. He turns the keys and the car purrs to life.

Tuukka looks at me. "Ready?"

I look back at him from the corner of my eye. "Sure."

He twists in his seat and backs out of the parking space. We drive through the garage and merge into the traffic of Boston. I look out at the people walking and driving along, not even caring.

"Are these windows tinted?" I ask.

Tuukka nods. "Yes. No one can see you in here."

Satisfied, I sit back in my seat and enjoy the smooth ride. Then I remember that I wanted to ask Tuukka something.

"Tuukka?" I ask.

"Yeah, Alex?" He says, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Is Tyler always that annoying, or does he do that to girls?"

Tuukka laughs. "Actually, he's usually even more annoying, believe it or not! And if he sees a pretty girl, he acts like that. Most girls don't shut him down like you did, though. That's why he was annoyed."

I laugh. "Okay, two things. 1, I don't know how someone could be even more annoying than that and 2, I'm not pretty, so I don't know why he was acting like that!"

Tuukka smiles. "Tyler's kind of stuck-up and he's really random, and to answer your question about why he acted like that if you're not pretty, Tyler thinks any girl who is within 5 years of his age and is a Bruins fan is worth hitting on," he says with a roll of his eyes.

"He's ridiculous," I decide with a smile.

Tuukka grins. "Oh yeah. But he's a good player, so it kind of evens out."

We drive in silence for a while before he asks, "Are we close to your neighborhood?"

I look around and see that we're a couple streets over.

"Um yeah. Turn at the next left, and my house is the third one up."

"All righty then."

Within minutes, I'm back at my house. "Thanks for the ride Tuukka," I say shyly.

"You're very welcome, Alex," he smiles.

"I'll be at your next home game," I say, and then blush. He probably doesn't care.

"I'll see you there." Is his only response, and it comes with a brilliant grin.

I smile and close the door and walk up to my house, conscious of the fact that Tuukka still hasn't driven away. I let myself in and I hear him pull away. I don't hear Amy or Kate, so I rub my face with my hands and let out a quiet sigh after I close the door. I can't believe I just met Tuukka Rask. And then I went in the Bruins locker room, and met Tyler Seguin and Brad Marchand, and then Tuukka drove me home!

"I'm hallucinating," I mutter to myself as I head upstairs to take a warm shower. "That never happened."


Author's Note

Thanks for 30+ reads!

This story is not a main work, but I will try and put in a new chapter at least once a month!

Bleed black and gold my goalies,


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