Olympics, Part 2

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I wake up to bright light streaming through the shades of the windows, and I rub my eyes as I sit up. Brianne isn't in her bed. I look around, and see that it's 10:30. 

"Shoot!" I exclaim, tossing the covers back and running over to my dresser and grabbing clothes, since my sports clothes are all at the area with my gear. I run into the bathroom, change, brush my teeth, and clean my face, not even putting on mascara and then running into the kitchen. 

"You ready to go?" Molly asks. 

"Yeah, let me grab a sweatshirt," I say, panting slightly. I pull on the first sweatshirt I touch and then follow Jessie, Brianne, and Molly out the door. 

"Where are we going, again?" I ask. 

"Out to breakfast. Come on, it's just a little place down the street in the Village," Jessie says. We reach the little breakfast place quickly, and it's cute and quaint. A couple other Olympians are sitting there, chatting idly and sipping coffee. We find a table, and sit down at it. 

"What kind of food do they serve? I'm starving," I say, perusing the menu. 

"They supposedly make really good omelettes," Molly tells me over her menu. 

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom, but if we need to take our order, I would like water and a veggie omelette, please," I say, standing up. 

"Will do," Brianne smiles at me. I smile back and then leave to find the bathroom. While I'm coming back, I trip over a piece of carpet and stumble into someone waiting for their food. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, straightening myself back up as the person turns around. 

"No problem," the person smiles at me, and my heart skips a beat in my chest as I realize I fell on Patrick Kane. Oh, God

"Hey, you're Alexandria Leighton, right? Great game yesterday," he fixes me with a brilliant smile, and it's all I can do to not fall over, but heat floods my cheeks anyway. 

"Uh, yeah, that's me. Thank you. I've seen you play. You play great too," I say, mentally kicking myself for how lame that sounded. 

"Well, thank you. Glad to see there's no hard feelings." Patrick Kane smiles, and my eyebrows draw together. 

"Pardon me?" I ask, baffled. 

"You're wearing a Bruins shirt. Glad to see there's no bad blood between us- yet." He gives me a grin, and I smile back. 

"Your team earned it. I hate to say it, but it's true. I'd rather lose to you guys than see the Penguins win," I make a sour face at the thought. Patrick Kane laughs. 

"Not a Pens fan?" He asks with a small smirk. 

"Not really. Crosby isn't my favorite," I frown, shaking my head. 

"Just between you and me, I'm glad your team beat the Penguins. Crosby isn't my favorite either," he confesses in a whisper. I laugh at him, and he smiles. 

"Yeah, I'm glad we beat them too. T-" I cut myself off, not wanting to mention Tuukka. 

"Your team was really strong last year, and this year too. How many shutouts does Tuukka have? Three?" Patrick asks me, and I can't help but wince a little as I hear Tuukka's name. 

"Five," I mutter to him. 

"What's wrong? Are you upset he isn't doing super well here?" Patrick Kane asks, his brows drawing together. 

"No. Well, yes, but that's not why I'm upset," I frown. 

"Then why are you upset?" I open and close my mouth a few times, trying to decide what to say. 

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